Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1997 06 14.1

1997 06 20.1

For if the Lord came to you this night, would you be comfortable in this? So I say, says the Lord, that I have been with you at every hour. I am with you, My people, at every hour, every day, even throughout your entire life. Do you find this comfortable?

There are so many of My people that do not live the way they know they should. They seek the things of this life, not the things of this life with Jesus. There is a very strong difference to the things of this life with Jesus, from the things of this earth. I say, do not seek the things of this earth, rather seek the things of this life that are for Jesus.

As you do this you will find that this earthly life, with its pleasures, will grow dim in your desire to have these things. Much rather you will learn from Me, to seek the things of this heaven that you are part of.

I say to you, says the Lord God of all, do you seek to be a part of the citizenship of this life and its countries, or do you seek the citizenship of the heavenly things?

Up Next: 1997 07 01.1