Old Dog III
Bob Neumann
In the next few days and weeks there will be a number of people eager to explain the spiritual significance of the numerical 1999. Being an ardent admirer of GOD’S sense of humor I have already been ”blessed” by a couple of such posts. In essence they are declaring Year of Jubilee, or blessing, or prosperity, or harvest. Likewise they are exhorting people to ”win souls” and battle the darkness. All are nice things. But nothing real new.
I heard/ read one person speak of Christian numerology and had to laugh. Numerology is a counterfeit that employs divination. It is of the enemy and is not of
GOD. On the other hand we are told to study to show ourselves approved, and the
KEY word here is counterfeit. In HEBREW their alphabet is also their numerical system. It has 22 letters as we would define them, but there are strange rules we do not use. Even the word ”alphabet” originates in the ancient HEBREW….not the Greek. The ALEPH-BEIT to the ancient scholars was given to man by GOD.
So the ALEPH-BEIT is the means GOD transmits HIS DIRECTION to mankind. Each ‘letter’ has specific meaning and numerical value. It also is a musical note. According to our musical scale the ALEPH-BEIT is a perfect representation of three octaves, which is the normal range of a trained human singing voice.
Now many of you have heard the term Kaballah and all the occultic connotations. Yet it’s origin was purely the study of GOD’S WORD. Like all things a good beginning does not end well. In HEBREW there is a term for the study of numbers and it is called GEMATRIA. Many Christians have read the classic text by E.W. Bullinger, NUMBER IN SCRIPTURE to explain what the 9 9 9 of this year 1999 signifies. They will say that the number “9” speaks of an image of ”objective good”. tThat three nines says it will be a year of great blessing….and whatever they add from their agenda.
What you have to know is that some of these well minded people ”edited out” some of what Dr Bullinger wrote. Likewise most do not know his source of information, which was the ancient rabbinical scholars.
The ninth letter of the ALEPH-BEIT is the ”letter”….TET. And it is the # “9”. like all
Hebrew letters it is an image….TET is the symbol of the serpent. As we all know THE WORD of GOD is a TWO EDGED SWORD. All the characters of the ALEPH-BEIT has a dual meaning. It first appears in the 4th verse in Gen. 1 in the word ”tov”…..and GOD SAW IT WAS ‘GOOD’….that is where the GOOD comes from, the OBJECTIVE is the
KEY to understanding. Rabbi Michael L. Munk writes in his book THE WISDOM OF THE HEBREW ALPHABET… “Man longs for a ‘good’ life, ‘good’ health, ‘good’ business, a ‘good’ year. But what is good? Success is often ephemeral and prosperity corrupting, while set backs and adversity often set the stage for advancement and triumph. Only God knows what is truly, objectively good for man.”…page 119.
For this reason TET also symbolizes finality and judgement. Man so often does what is right in his own eyes without regard to the WILL or HEART of GOD. The WORD says that all will be judged by fire. All our works of wood, hay, and stubble will surely burn. That is ”good” from GOD’S point of view. HE knows the difference between the GOLD and the dross….we can’t. we were told ”to count it as joy” when things go bad for us. to rejoice during the trials and the troubles. Do we?
Rabbi Munk later states…”According to the MIDRASH, TET alludes to (tiet), mud, and is symbolic of physical matter from which man’s body was created and to which he will return…. Without faith people could consider certain events that befall them to be as foul and as unwanted as mud. However, in his awareness of GOD’S eternal beneficence, the righteous person trusts that ” whatever the Merciful One does, HE does for the best.” “.
Can we trust GOD for the best in the midst of trial and persecution? Through the flood and through the fire?
1999 is the year of Final Judgement. Either we will put our trust in HIM and simply obey whatever He asks of us. Or we will not, and pay the consequences. We can not say we were not warned long enough, or loud enough. It will be a year of reward for the good and faithful. It will be a year of HIS POWER and GLORY manifested. But also remember how HE manifested that POWER and GLORY in the past. Then again remember HE NEVER CHANGES…..and HIS NAME IS JEALOUS.
Go see the movie PRINCE of EGYPT…..not a bad portrayal of the events. Might remind some who forgot some of the basics….like the first commandment or two or three or……
1+ 9 + 9 + 9 = 28. 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28…….judgement must come….the fire and purification must come before THE KING establishes HIS KINGDOM out of JERUSALEM. PERFECTION FOUR SQUARE…
selah dog