Old Dog I

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7 Moves

Bob Neumann

YES, LORD there are times where I can only sit and ponder at what is swirling around me. To see the culmination in “present knowledge” of the world being conformed for the “END TIME GAMBIT” just as IT WAS WRITTEN. And then to be still as the MOST HIGH breathes upon and into me “revelation knowledge”. As one mirrors the other I still have that remarkable sense of wonderment and still look upward and ask “why?”. ABBA never seems to tire of hearing my “why LORD” ‘s. you would think maybe I would have outgrown it by now. When I first called upon HIS NAME I had so many “whys”…. And too many ‘whines’ too. And HE put up with it all to a point. Now my ‘whines’ are much fewer…but I still fall too often.

But why seems always on my mind. There was a time where every day something would push a button and I had to ask. In my ‘youth’ I ran an emotional gauntlet, as I would hear things spoken/taught that I could not accept.

Sometimes it was a simple lack of knowledge…and sometimes it was discernment simply lacking foundation or focus. To “know” something is wrong without seeing the error is frustrating. The expected outcome was to go to the one who always knows, ABBA. And if I did not seek ABBA I would find myself reacting out of my emotions. anger, fear, confusion. In other words ‘offended’. Every time I heard the WORD twisted to manipulate the sheep…everyt ime I heard the WORD corrupted and defiled to sell an idea…every time I saw HIS SHEEP USED, ABUSED, and REFUSED I wanted to react in like manner. But that was not ABBA’S WAY. Vengeance is HIS ALONE… so I learned to stand watch. So I learned HIS WORD AND HIS WILL. And HE taught me to respond, not to react. To respond to the needs of HIS SHEEP when and as HE directs. To respond through THE WORD and THE GIFTS. To intercede before HIM. To STAND and to WALK.

Fear of the LORD…. Kneel in silence before HIM and ego shrivels. Stand before HIM to give answer to HIS complaint…. Yes you are obviously ‘dead’…. But HE listens and instructs…HE chastens because HE understands us far beyond our comprehension…and this brings WISDOM by which discernment is honed and tempered in HIS FIRE. Do I still get offended…not really, “dead” men can’t be offended…can’t have an agenda…can’t have preferences as we think of them…can’t have any human emotion… but I have never cried and grieved like I do now…I have never laughed and rejoiced as I do now…nor have I seethed with anger as I do now…. Because it is HIS HEART I feel beating and HIS thoughts that run through my mind. Yet I still don’t like to wait…still feel lost and frustrated and vulnerable and powerless and alone at times…. But it just makes me run faster to HIS ARMS…

So strangely, at least at the time, on the first Sunday in January as my pastor preached his “STATE OF THE CHURCH” address ABBA and I began to remanis about all those cute ‘sayings’ man has come up with as their pet slogan for the year. I remember the banners I’ve seen and the tapes I’ve heard pushing religious sound bites…. The battles won in 91… much to do in 92… more of thee in 93… the open door in 94…. Barely alive in 95… in a fix in 96… and I realized that the laughter was not as humorous as it began…when GOD laughs, in the psalms… it is to mock the enemy…our idea of HOLY LAUGHTER is not the same as what I have heard in the field of battle where the TRUTH about “the joy of the LORD is my strength” gains a whole new meaning. The churches’ worldly ways do not bring ABBA any joy whatsoever…I used to wonder and ask why all the time until HE TAUGHT me the meaning of the doctrines JESUS spoke of in Rev 2-3. So I wait and abide until HIS TIME.

The next Sunday pastor continued his message and I got one to…. not a cute jingo…but a pattern, an outline for the year ahead. Or the last battle…take your pick…

So I listened and obeyed…as usual it means to write it down…now I have heard and read many words concerning what will be. All seem right in one aspect or another… let me rephrase this…after you ignore all the crap and crud that is unscriptural, new agey, self-promoting, irritates the MOST HOLY SPIRIT, and gives you the kreepy krawleys in the discernment nook in your spirit…it is all of GOD but needs to fit into the puzzle somewheres…and none of us got it all or know it all…yet…but soon….

So I wrote down what at first glance could have been a beginning to somebody’s seven-part sermon…. But a lot of the brethren have seen seven parts/pieces/waves/moves/etc. and I know HE LIKES TO KEEP THINGS IN SEVENS…. So instead of asking why I asked what…. And I got a lot more than I was looking for…but now I know it is not yet all…. Let me explain… HE said it is not what the church plans or expects to do that in this next year…I get the impression that not to many actually took the time to ask HIM HIS OPINION…. But it isn’t anything new I regret… [LORD, for what we are about to receive may we be truly grateful]

In Psalm 98 it states:

3 let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy.

HIS NAME IS HOLY…and it is YAH….which means as all of us know means “I AM”….but in the original HEBREW it can also mean “I BE”….since before last Yom Kippur one verse, and one verse alone runs through my being and it overrides almost everything else…..

10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I
will be exalted in the earth.

If like David we could say….

46 The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.

then we would probably in no need for what GOD is about to do. If ” we” spent as much time exalting HIS MOST HOLY NAME as we spend on church stuff HE WOULD NOT HAVE TO DO IT HIMSELF… but then is this all a big surprise to HIM?

David it seems knew more than we for he also wrote…

13 Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and >praise thy power.
5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.
9 For thou, LORD, art high above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.

Then again this may be something HE has awaited and planned for sense the foundations of the world were laid…. and HIS LAMB was slain.

In Psalm 118 we have this WORD…

16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.
17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.
18 The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.
19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD:


it will be a time of DRAWING….
it will be a time of DISCERNMENT….
it will be a time of DIRECTION….
it will be a time of DISCIPLINE….
it will be a time of DEVOTION….
it will be a time of DEPLOYMENT….
it will be a time of DESTRUCTION….

Basically these are all that will be done BY HIM, IN HIM, AND THROUGH HIM….


If we take them one at a time, which I did, each has a specific meaning, a specific timing…. That there was coming an intense drawing away from self and toward HOLINESS, OBEDIENCE, SERVICE….. That there would be an intense growth of discernment of that which was of GOD…. The knowing between the GOOD and that which is BEST…. That there was a new direction that all of us would discern to HIS PURPOSE AND HIS KINGDOM… and because of this we will seek HIS DISCIPLINE in our lives…. And it will fire a devotion for HIM that will override everything else in our lives…. And then we will be DEPLOYED, a military term for being placed in the right place ‘for the appointed time’…. And the DESTRUCTION will begin…. Remember the IN..the BY…the THROUGH….. Now that alone would have been enough, except the LORD OF HOSTS is EL GABOR….MY CAPTAIN….HE warned us of the enemy’s infiltration and subversion of HIS CHURCH in Mat 24…..4 times HE said DO NOT BE DECEIVED…. And then HE TRIED TO WARN US REPEATEDLY about doctrines of men and of demons…. And then, finally HE told JOHN of three doctrines/spirits corrupting and controlling within the “7 churches of Asia”…. which seem to be doing fine in present day America…. So HE just happened to mention what would come against HIS PEOPLE and each move taking place….

THE DRAWING will be opposed by “a spirit of Hesitation”. THE DISCERNMENT will be opposed by “a spirit of Slumber”. THE DIRECTION will be opposed by “a spirit of Self-Centeredness”. THE DISCIPLINE will be opposed by “a spirit of Complacency”. THE DEVOTION will be opposed by “a spirit of Lukewarmness”. THE DEPLOYMENT will be opposed by “a spirit of Stagnation and a spirit of Mocking”. THE DESTRUCTION will be a time of loss and a time of wrath……

This I do not yet comprehend too well, but I am learning…. And then HE gave me specific scriptures for each…. THE DRAWING is based out of HOSEA 2 and ISAIAH 5 (and Song of Solomon 1:4.) now this last verse I have added…. because three weeks later I gave a word in the ‘local’ body….

Oh my children, my children, this past year I have taken you through so much to draw you to me. You have been sifted and you have been shaken. You have been broken and torn. I have seen your tears and I have heard your cries. But children I was always with you, always for you. I walked with you in the good times and in the bad. When you noticed my presence and when you did not. But now the seasons have changed and the time to walk has passed. It is now time for you to run. All of you will run. Most of you will be running in fear, running in pain, running in doubt, running in desperation, running in panic. But you will be running to me. You will be running to me because everything else you have looked to for your strength, everything else that you trusted in, everything you placed ahead of me will cease to be. For I will bring down and destroy all that is not of me…. So you will be running to me for safety. You will be running to me for provision. You will be running to me for healing. You will be running to me for protection. You will be running to me for there is nowhere else to run and be saved…. Among you there are some who have run to me. Now they will run with me. Running through the streets proclaiming my kingdom. Running to the highways and the byways to bring in the last who will fill me banquet chamber. Running with me into the darkness to bring in the lost and forgotten, the ignored and the abused. And among you there are a few who have walked with me, those who have even ran with me. Now it is time for you to run before me. For I shall send you before me to run down the enemy. To run down the wolves who kill my sheep. To run down all that stands against me. For I will send you running …running against kings and princes, against cities and strongholds. You will run before me in my authority. You will run in my strength. You will run in my spirit. You will run in my name.

Now you have to wonder are these one at a time…or are all happening as you read this? I guess it all depends where each of us are…. in which direction we are running? Now I got a couple ideas…but maybe it is time to wait and listen a little more.

SELAH bob in Miami

Up Next: I Was A Warrior