Old Dog III
The Writings of Bob Neumann
This is the third of a series of files containing the prophecies/visions/dreams/ revelations/writings of Old Dog (Bob Neumann). As far as I know they are either not available on the net, or are very difficult to find, especially in a combined format.
Since I have received many of these writings from a good friend in Florida, I have undertook to place all of Bob Neumann’s writings (which I have been able to find) into several large files. I have attempted to compile these into some type of chronological order. However, many of the writings are not dated and therefore it is very difficult to be accurate in this.
These files are placed on my web page (noted below) under “Prophecies Through Other Prophets.” I believe that you find this beneficial to your spiritual growth.
Thomas S. Gibson
Questions About the Second Thunder
A Response to Julie Baxter’s Post
Are the Lights Still Burning in Goshen?
Humanism and the Moral Imperative
Memorial Day and Joel’s Armies
False and True… The Mirror of God
The Trench and the Walking Dead