Old Dog IV
The Wrecking Crews
July 10, 2000:
This is the third image of four. All four different with few ”words” but many and deep images. The first two had little interaction with THE MASTER and with the ”others” seen. The last two revolve as much around the characters as the images.
This third vision began far differently. It started with a steam whistle in the background. It felt like I was awaking from a ”nap”. I was sitting on the ground leaning against a ”alice pack”/ ”rucksack”. A white plastic hard-hat had been covering my face and had fallen down onto my chest. It seemed midday and I stretched a little when someone gave a gentle nudge with a heavy work boot to my ribs. I looked up into THE MASTER’S FACE and got to my feet with the idea ”breaktime” was over. I was standing on a nice grassy piece of land with a gentle slope.
I quickly caught up with HIM as HE neared the base of the hill and noticed we had ”stepped into” a heavy shadow. I looked up to see what was causing the shadow and saw this massive building that gave me cold hills on my goose bumps. It was huge…and I felt the wrongness of it immediately. I have seen the SEARS TOWER in Chicago many times. It’s height and ”loftiness” always left me impressed. But this left me a deep sense of loathing. I seemed to stare up a long time wondering what was wrong with it and got no where. It took a single line from THE MASTER to return my attention to HIM. “THERE IS A JOB TO DO.”, was all HE said as he walked toward the building.
We came to what I took was a “MAIN ENTRANCE” with large ornate doors made of dark and heavy wood inlaid with stained glass. HE handed me a large stencil and I noticed I had a can of spray paint in my leg pocket. Never noticed I was wearing a heavy pair of work jeans with tool belt and ”stuff”. THE MASTER had a heavy chain and padlock with which HE secured the doors. I placed the stencil against the door and sprayed the paint. IT WAS BRIGHT RED….and said THIS PROPERTY CONDEMNED BY ORDER OF THE KING. HE immediately made a right turn and went around the corner of the building.
Once again it was another ”MAIN ENTRANCE”, but modern smoked glass and steel. Again HE padlocked the doors and I painted. And here I went from door to door spraying the stenciled declaration and making sure all the doors were marked. Again we turned a corner and had another door and another facade to the same building. That crazy building had one corner after another, one facade after another. Nothing “four square” here I thought as I scurried to keep up to THE KING who seemed to be in a hurry….on a time schedule. (that is a ”feeling” I had/ discerned)
But eventually we turned a last corner and came to what was that first door chained and painted. I noticed heavy wires coming under the door. There were three sets of seven wires that came out and onto three large heavy spools with a heavy bar through their center holes. Without a pause…without a word HE stooped down and picked up the bar on HIS SIDE and I copied HIS ACTION and we started to walk away from the BUILDING and up the hill were I had been ”resting”.
When we got to the place my alice pack had waited HE stopped. Putting the spools down HE casually pulled out THE ROD OF IRON as if it were a broomstick and handed it to me. Turning over one spool HE sat down and cut the first set of seven wires and handed me the wire cutters/ strippers. With remarkable ease I cut the other two sets and sat down on a spool. I watched as HE took out a control board of some kind and set it up in front of HIM. As I watched I separated and stripped the insulation from the first wire. With a grim and determined look on HIS FACE He attached the wire to the “board”.
I guess that was when I noticed the first ”set” of voices. About half way down the hill was a group of people following a man in an expensive suit. He was talking to the ‘crowd’ and every now and then the volume of his voice would increase and I would pick up a word or two. As I tried to listen another group sort of arrived, and then another. I thought, this is ”getting interesting….when I heard a quiet “YO….DOG” as I saw HIS HAND outstretched awaiting another wire. I mumbled “sorry” and HE looked me in the eye. “IT’S OKAY DOG, IT’S ALMOST OVER” and went back to the board.
By this time there were many groups all with their own “leaders”. A few were close to where we were and all sort of ignored us. Those that did notice had ”ugly” looks for us just sitting there. There were some real ”characters in this freely flowing mob scene. One was a guy with a gold painted hard hat and a balpeen hammer in hand. He slurred his words and kept shouting about ”tearin’ down the idols”. There was a group of ”elderly” women dressed in white robes/ togas…flowers and leaves in their hair. They were barefoot and chanting something about “she shall over come”….I was puzzled when I heard THE KING say….”the mother goddess Sophia, dog” and I turned back to HIM realizing I had more wires to strip. HE gave me a soft smile that warmed my spirit and pointed to the side. Here was a tag team of a guy/ gal in flowing ”ecclesiastical robes”….they had pry bars in their hands. Beyond them was a group of people with long plastic ”horns” like you sometimes saw at ball games. When the organist played the mandatory ”notes”and everyone yelled “charge”.
We were down to the last few wires when the noise level suddenly escalated and the guy with the gold hard hat charged the building. Like lemmings all went down and ”surrounded the building”. There were groups with tambourines and banners, sledge hammers and crowbars. It seemed our ”new age” matrons were carrying smoking something or other and I thought of “burning sage”. What I got was a “YUP” from THE MASTER and watched as HE took the last wire. Just then I noticed one ”leader” had broken the padlock and had pushed some of his people in. A different leader rushed for the door only to have it apparently locked from with in. It was then the absurdity hit me.
All these ”religious” types were going to tear down BABYLON. But in reality they wanted “IN”…. I noticed that when some one made progress at making a hole or breaking a window. As often as not someone tried to get into the building THE KING CONDEMNED.
I looked back to MY MASTER, THE KING sitting in common work clothes, watching me watch them. It was then I noticed the ”shadow” had now come up the hill and we were sitting now in the shadow of this monstrosity of a building. A parody of HIS CHURCH. HE reached behind HIM and picked up a ‘bullhorn” and tossed it to me. I stood up and pushed the ‘on’ button and took one step toward the BUILDING and all THE WRECKING CREWS FEVERISHLY doing what was right in their own eyes. I stooped down and picked up THE ROD OF IRON and leaned it on my left shoulder. I looked back at HIM and HE simply said…”GET IT DONE DOG”….. I watched HIM look down at THE CONTROL BOARD.
I faced the setting sun and the BUILDING and shouted through the bullhorn “”FIRE IN THE HOLE””…….and I saw the building shake and everyone around the building stop and stare back at us. “ONCE MORE, DOG” HE SAID and again I shouted “”FIRE IN THE HOLE””…. again the BUILDING shook, but now most of those assembled around the thing went back to their work. If anything, more feverishly than before. Now I turned back to HIM and I could see tears running down HIS FACE. And I remembered the verse “JESUS WEPT” and I felt tears running down my face and HE quietly said…”AGAIN”…. “FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!” The echo continued unnaturally long, it seemed a few people actually stopped their actions and looked again toward us…but no one moved.
I watched as with firm precision THE LAMB OF GOD flipped three groups of seven switches. The first seven explosions actually sounded like one longish one followed by seven fast explosions, then seven more. I watched as the whole ”thing” sort of shimmered and begin to fall into itself. It was then the weirdness I sensed showed itself. The “summit/ top” of the building was far wider/ larger than the base. All who were around the building were covered by uncountable tons of debris. And I noticed the dust in the air. There was no wind or breeze so it was slowly settling straight down.
I turned back to THE KING and HE had HIS BACK to me. In front of HIM stood a “fence” of WHITE LINEN. It was the ”outer” wall to the TABERNACLE. we came to the opening and looked to the space the TABERNACLE would be raised. “I TOLD YOU TO GET SILVER”, HE stated simply. And I stared into THE INNER COURT from THE OUTER COURT. HIS LAST WORDS WERE A REPEAT OF AN OLDER IMAGE….one from PALM SUNDAY….”SO GO PAINT YOUR FACE AND GET THE JOB DONE”….. that is where it ended.