Old Dog IV

Back to: Untitled July 10, 2001


Bob Neumann


(For several months I have been in the proverbial place of “new beginnings”. Not because I was ‘growing and glowing” in THE LORD. But because THE LORD “opened” a door and pushed me through. This may be interpreted humorously or irreverent by some. In a way it is both. yet there are those that will dig up offense in things so their “anger” may rise up and be directed. In the last 100 days I have learned some hard TRUTHS…the hard way. Some came from dreams and some from visions. Many were the purest of all….one term RHEMA. In my spirit I would “hear” a phrase…or just a single word…and I would literally be forced to study. And when I began to “comprehend” then ABBA poured in. Below is the first of maybe lessons.)

Let those who have ears to hear, listen to HIS VOICE….and not my ramblings.

Let those who have eyes to see, perceive HIS WILL……and not my illustrations.

Let those who have hearts to understand, discern HIS PURPOSE….and they will understand why I do what must be done.

Several times I have had similar images of “free falling”. The first time I was in black armor attacking a CITY OF DARKNESS.

When fully armored and empowered by the will and the presence of AN OMNIPOTENT GOD….there is neither time nor place to worry or second guess.

In late May I had a “mini-vision”. I already knew and had done much to accomplish the move from Miami, Florida to North Carolina. the problem was simple. we had quit our jobs, had “sold” our home with closing set for June 14-15. It was only three weeks away and we had no actual location to where our “relocation” terminated. many religious and spiritual types will either moan or sigh and talk about “walking in faith”. personally, at the time everything in “me” was screaming…”do something…. this is crazy….YO ABBA!!!


If you think I am being funny….please forget it. At the time I was frightened….worn down and worn out.

The attacks against me, my wife, my kids was without stop. Each day things were “worse” to my natural eyes. Our funds were dwindling rapidly. And my prayers were not being answered.

Then one day after pounding my head on doors that would not open, I sat down frustrated and in tears. Nothing was working. If anything everywhere I went things just got worse.

I came to the point I did not know what else to do…I had prayed and prayed.

I gave up.

I repented of everything I could think of. Everything I could imagine.

I even repented of all the lies and suggestions the enemy threw in my face and mocked me with. and nothing happened…and another day passed….and another….

I had an approaching “dead line” and I was sitting dead and useless.

Psalm 130….fitted well….

And then I had a strange little vision. I was sitting in a hallway with papers in hand. This was familiar because I had spent several days and many hours doing just that trying to clear old building permits. Then I heard the word “NEXT” and stood up and walked to where the door was. Instead of a “door” I saw THE MASTER…Y’SHUA…JESUS. HE HANDED ME A BIG “PARCEL” AND LOOKED AT THE WALL BEFORE US. ON THE WALL WAS A SET OF TWO LIGHTS. THE RED ONE BURNED BRIGHTLY. SUDDENLY IT WENT OUT AND A GREEN LIGHT WAS LIT. SUDDENLY AN OPEN DOOR WAS BEFORE ME AND THE AREA WAS FILLED BY THE THUNDEROUS SOUND OF RUSHING WIND AND I FELT THE WIND PULLING AT ME. I FELT HIS HAND ON MY BACK AND AS I FELT HIM SHOVE ME OUT THE DOOR HE SAID THE FIRST OF THREE “WORDS”…..”GO!!!”.

The next thing I knew I was falling in empty space. IT WAS HERE I HEARD HIS LAST TWO WORDS…..”HAVE FUNNNNNN”.

And this is when the vision ended…..

I had an answer to all my feverish prayers…..frantic, desperate supplications….

“GO!!!! HAVE FUN!!”……..

Not what I was expecting….

The parcel HE handed me was a PARACHUTE…. But I have never seen or used one before…. So what good was it…???

This was more than a step or leap of faith.

What it meant was when the time came I would have what I needed, and I would figure it out in time.

Otherwise I would be a “ROMAN CANDLE”….look it up and find out what it means. Many Christian types out there are ”roman candles”….either meaning.

After this vision I got still and proceeded to wait…. and got a “WORD”….


And yes, I had to look it up….so do you…now….

When I did I understood different levels….that if I would just let GOD, HE WOULD SUPPLY AND GUIDE ME….

But….I had to jump through the open door….no matter how long…how far…how hard the fall.

Selah, children

old dog

Up Next: The Storm Has Come