Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1994 11 01.1
I have been somewhat pleased that the people of this country have looked toward Me and sought Me in some ways. But I have not been pleased in the way they have sought for me. They have looked for a god that would excuse them of their sin, and their evil ways, and their evil ends that they have longed for in their hearts.
Now I will do this: I will make a statement of prophetic fact of what I shall do in the coming years to them for their evil and their righteousness. They have walked in some ways righteous. I have some people, of Me, that will walk with Me in everything that I ask! But they are few. Most of the people of this nation, the U.S., will not look to me, but they will look to a god that will support their selfishness! I will not do that!!
Now first I will look toward the future of this nation, the U.S., with a sorrowful heart that they have wholly chosen not the right path of righteousness, but the wrong path of their own device. No longer will they have the blessings that they have enjoyed in the past. A number of things will be brought on them for their evil, starting with their financial problems, earthquakes, and other disasters, of a way that is from the earth and weather. First then, they will have many of the problems that they are now beginning to experience, but more so!
Now after this there must become a way of destruction from the will of satan. He will first desire that abortion on demand be law, and it will be so. You will see this come to pass in the next few years! I do not desire this, but satan does, and the U.S. is being turned over to their own evil lusts, and therefore I will let satan have more of his way than in the past. This will cause a number of extra judgments on them, but they will not repent of this evil.
Therefore, because of the evil that is in their hearts, I will bring various destructions upon them, but I will not judge them as I will and have other nations, because of the ones who do truly serve Me in their midst. I will bring only limited destruction upon them for a short time, BUT then, if they do not repent of their evil deeds, they will be severely destroyed almost to the last of the will to fight against their enemy.
This force that will come against them is the power of the demon of Russia. This force will come upon them without any warning. It will be as though they had peace in their hands, an absolute peace, that would rule the world, BUT THEN the destruction of world war three will intervene; and as they have said, “peace, peace,” and as I have said, “when they say, ‘peace, peace,’ there will be utter destruction!!”
It is My will that they have an understanding of the holiness of God and the knowledge of the ways of God. It is not My will to punish them for their iniquity or their evil ways, but to stand and say that they know the ways of God and do fully follow them. I mean to bring about an understanding of My ways, of My desires of the Spirit, and the things which are from above not beneath. It is this that they have refused to understand or try to understand. Indeed, they have gone out of their way to avoid My ways, lest they have to repent and follow a God which will tell them what to do.
So therefore do not wait, staying on the path of destruction that the flesh will bring to you, but stay on the path of holiness that My Spirit will bless you with, if you will simply look to Jesus, the One who died for your sins, that you may be justified before Me without any wrong on your book of actions. It is simply a matter of repenting of your sins and turning around to follow the will of the Lord God of Israel!
Look now to the ways of the Spirit of God. While others may suffer in their despair because of these things going on round about; you––if you walk after the Spirit of God and not after the lusts of the flesh, which is to be selfish and want to do your thing and not My thing, says the Lord––then you can and will be blessed of God, not to be affected by any of the things which will fall on those who do not the way of the Spirit of God. It is a matter of commitment to My will, says the Lord God of Israel!