Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1996 07 20.1
There is, in this world, a large percentage of people, who simply put their trust in the Lord God of heaven and of earth. BUT, as they serve Me, they do not TRULY SERVE ME!! They serve, rather, their own flesh! They serve their own desires. They serve the ways of the world!!
When it comes to a commitment to Me, I desire a people who will serve the Lord God of Israel with their whole heart, with their whole mind, and with their whole desire. Their whole heart must be turned to Me, and not to the things of this earth.
Those people have sought finances, and NOT SOUGHT THE GOD OF FINANCES!! They sought Me only for the blessings, and not the desire to serve Me, to serve the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. SUCH PEOPLE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO MY KINGDOM, but they shall be thrown out, for I said, not all who say Lord Lord, will enter into My kingdom. And so it shall be. Not all shall enter in. But those who serve Me, those who desire ME, they shall enter in, says the Lord God.