Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1996 09 14.2
This is not the time of holding back. For as you look throughout the earth, you’ll begin to see more and more and more destruction of mankind.
It will come from mankind’s sin and from mankind’s depravity. And it will bring destruction upon their own selves and their own ways. For they have walked in the ways of sin and they’ll reap the rewards of that sin, which is the destruction of their flesh. But, nevertheless, I shall do so much more. I shall bring wrath and judgment upon them in many, many ways and they’ll begin to come to a fearful time on this earth.
For as you walk in this earth and you see these things, do not, and I say again, do not be fearful of them, do not be scared of them, for I will bring you through. If you will walk in My ways, and seek Me, and follow My commandments, and seek My ways, these times will be a prosperity and a blessing to you, even though all around you, you shall see, hear, and feel destruction. Nevertheless, in your personal life, and in your personal ways, I will bring a prosperity and a blessing upon you, because I will supernaturally, and I will with the Spirit of God, protect you from those things!!
For you are My children, and you are My people, if you will follow My ways; and you will NOT be part of that destruction. BUT, you will see it. It will be around you, and you will be in the midst of it, even though you are protected from it, says the Lord God of Heaven.