Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1996 11 09.1

1996 11 15.1

I am the Lord your God.

I am now, and have been for some time, beginning a judgment on this earth. In this time I will slowly begin to bring about a change in the things that man has, from his heart, called gods.

This time you will know and believe that I have called this wrathful judgment of mankind to be a sign of the strength of the Will of God. This will strongly change the way you think about the ways of mankind. So therefore, note that all of the gods of this earth will begin to cause trouble to the men that worship them. For they worship the gods of this earth: nature, astronomy, evolution, and many others.

Nature shall begin to cause mankind more trouble than he can deal with. Not only with weather patterns that change continually, but storms of greater fierceness than before in the recent memory of men.

Also there will be a time of strength for the few people that will serve their God. They will, if they put their whole trust in their God, be strengthened, protected, and blessed in the midst of all this trouble.

Astronomy has always been the study of stars. But man has turned it into a study of evolution of the universe, when it should have been the study of the mighty hand of their God. So therefore, I will judge them with the very things they are in awe of. There will come various wrathful judgments from the planets, stars, and other bodies in the solar system.

If you think the atmosphere has depleted ozone now, wait till years down the road. There has been almost none compared to what will take place in the coming decades.

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