Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1996 12 28.1
There are many of you that believe that you can escape the plan of God. That you can see ahead enough to know when to run away from the problems that can and will come.
But no! There is no way that you cannot serve Me and run away from the problems that can, shall, and are beginning to occur! There is no way out, save to serve Me, the Holy One of the Lord God of all. I am the way! There is no other way! I am the only way. Only those who serve Me truthfully in their hearts and minds will be spared the destruction that shall occur in the years ahead!
Never plan the life you have with the ideas of man. Their plans will fall through. They will not succeed in their ideals. They have a plan to overcome problems this world has, by inventing and bringing about plans, technologies, inventions, to help them. They actually believe they can solve all of the problems they have by various plans of men.
No way!! They have deceived themselves, and therefore they have left the plans of their God and turned to serve another plan not of God, but of man. Turn from these ideals that man has come to follow. Turn to the Lord your God. He it is that will protect you in all things.