Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1997 08 07.1

1997 08 08.1

For this is the ways of the Lord: that the people who call themselves by My name, who call themselves by My name, do not turn away after the things of this earth: for they will pass away and be no more. All things of this earth shall pass away!

Now for those who seek after these things (of the earth) they shall find out that this earthly prosperity will pass and they will be left with little to help them in the coming judgments of God.

So therefore, stand, and be counted worthy of the prosperity of God, that is, the prosperity of the Spirit, which will protect them in the days to come.

Note, says the Lord, that the prosperity of the Spirit is not the prosperity of this earth!

Up Next: 1997 08 29.1