Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1997 10 22.1

1997 10 25.1

For thus saith the Lord, the King of Kings.

Here is a time and a place for you to listen and prepare yourself for what is to come. For the world is headed into a place of judgment and disaster. No, not tomorrow or the next day, but it shall soon come. Little bit at a time, then a little bit more, and a little bit more.

And as it steps forward, piece by piece, you shall begin to say, “No, this is all of the disaster, all of the wrath, all of the judgment, that can possibly come in this world.” Yet more shall occur.

Indeed, as this world goes forward this time of wrath and judgment shall not end. My people, who are called by My Name, who seek My face: they shall walk through, not with the riches of this world––no they shall not have that––they shall have the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, every need and every desire met that is holy and righteous before Him.

For thus saith the Lord, I am that I am, and I cannot fail, I cannot seek the will of man; I seek the will of God. Let the things of this earth fall. They are not important to Me, says the Lord.

For rather in this time of judgment I will raise up a church, like you have never seen a church in your life. I will raise up a church that stands strong, that stands strong, not in the earth in the buildings and in the places that man builds. But rather in this earth, I shall raise up a church out in the open where all can see it. And they shall rise and they shall say, “Yes, I am a christian. Yes, I serve the Lord. Yes, I serve Jesus. Yes, I am the King of Kings servant. I will go where He says go, and I will do what He says do. And I will have a church that is single-heartedly devoted to My will and My cause.

And I will raise up in this time mountains, and people, and things that you cannot begin to understand now. For you will not understand the great changes that will occur in this earth. But as they occur, know this: that I will not depart from you, no, not left nor right––I am with you even unto the ends of the earth, says the Lord. Never shall I betray My people. Rather as these judgments go, and as this wrath comes on this earth––let it be, let it be––do not seek to have it held back, do not seek to hold it back. For it is in this time that My power shall go forth like never before. And it is in this time that My peace shall come like never, never before.

And I shall go forth, says the Lord, and My people shall be strengthened by My hand. And miracle upon miracle, which you have never even heard in your lifetime, shall occur as a regular thing in this time and in this age.

For this is the time of the power of the living God, and you are to [unfortunately some words were lost here].

There is one more thing, says the Lord. Those who have played the religious game, shall not walk the religious walk. There will not be a time for them to say, “I can make it through and look good to the earth.”

There’s time for My people, says the Lord, there’s time for My people to stand up and realize there is a separation between this earth and My kingdom. You will not be able to walk, in those days, and say, “I am a christian,” and look like the world. Though you would not, you will have to choose! There will be such a division, like there has never been a division between those who follow Me and those who do not.

Up Next: 1997 10 26.1