Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 01 02.1

1998 01 02.2

Thus says the Lord, here Me, know Me. Be quiet in your spirit and listen to Me, says the Lord.

For as I have put My Holy Spirit within you, so will I use that to direct you. In the coming years and the times to come, you’ll have to listen to My Spirit, obey it, listen to it.

Be quiet before Me and I shall show you what to do. For in the coming days that is what will set you apart from those who walk not in the Spirit, but rather in the flesh and call themselves by My Name. Because you will put Me first in your life, you’ll spend time, quiet time, in prayer before Me, and I shall teach you things, and I shall show you what to do in your lives.

And so you shall be called out from among them, and you shall be like unto the Spirit of the living God, for you shall listen to the word in you, and you shall walk and you shall talk as I direct you, and should be a shining light unto the world, and they shall know that you are not one of them, for you shall be different, says the Lord.

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