Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 01 05.1

1998 01 10.1

For thus saith the Lord, hear this strong word of the Lord in the reality that you need to understand.

You are beginning to enter the age where storms shall take a stronger toll on your life ways, more than they have ever before. As you enter this age, do not fear this. Do not fear what you see on the news.

Note, I am with My people, even unto the ends of the world. Note the word of which I am saying, I am with you even unto the ends of this age.

You shall see a great number of more vicious storms than there have ever been seen before. Note this, and store it up in your heart. This is part of the end times. But My people are protected if they walk in My ways, and will walk with Me to the end of the age.

You shall note this: these things shall not go away, but rather are a sign of things yet to come. For in years to come there shall be even greater storms, more vicious, and more stronger than what you see now, or what you shall see in the next two years. There shall be greater storms than ever before. This is yet more of the end times.

Do not be disheartened, and do not be dismayed for these things must be, says the Lord.

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