Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1998 05 09.1
For this will of the Lord: that there be judgment and wrath come upon this earth, is not to be dismissed lightly. Heed it and note it. For you’re just entering in to a time of wrath of this earth. Just entering in. Do not despise it. Do not turn away from it.
Do not believe in a false report. For there are many false reports that shall come and go. They shall say that these times shall not be. Oh, it shall not be that bad. Oh, there won’t be this kind of a problem. And oh, this isn’t true. And you shall hear them, from one end of the church to the other. This is a false report, they’ll say.
But I tell you this is a true prophecy. This is the word of the Lord. Never again, never again, never again, in the history of mankind, will the wrath and judgment, like is about to come.
For this is the end times, says the Lord. This wrath and this judgment shall lead into the very coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. You’re just entering into this time. And as you enter in, beware of the way to walk. For any way outside of the will of the Lord, will not be successful.
If you will walk in My ways, put yourself in My hands, says the Lord, and let Me walk will you, guide you and protect you, you will be the most blessed of this earth, you will be the most blessed of your nation. And those who walk with Me, shall be blessed going in, and shall be blessed going out.