Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 05 15.1

1998 05 17.1

Listen to the word which I say, says the Lord.

There is but one God, and this God, I am. There is but one God, and He has control over all things. No judgment shall occur on those who seek My will, serve Me, and desire Me to be Lord in their lives.

Over those who use My name, over those who depend on the world for their prosperity, depend on the world for their plans, depend on the world for all their things, but use My name, on them the judgment fall. For they have not put Me Lord of their lives. They have just used My name. They are looking for a short cut to heaven. They don’t want to give up the things of the earth to serve Me. What if I called them into the ministry? What if I called them to some place they didn’t want to go? What if I called them into some foreign country? What if?

But I say, says the Lord, I am with you to the ends of the earth. I am with you no matter where I send you. For I am not with you if you rebel against Me. For if you want to be left out alone, don’t turn down where I send you, but rather go where I send you, and I will be with you, meeting your every need no matter what the circumstances around you. I am a great God. Nothing I can hold back from you who serve Me in all ways, says the Lord.

Up Next: 1998 05 24.1