Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 08 12.2

1998 08 20.1

For you see in this time of great redemption by the Blood of the Lamb, there is judgment, and shall be judgment.

But look to yourselves, not by your own fleshly eye, but by the spiritual eye, to do this: spend time in My Word, and spend time in prayer, and spend time allowing Me to take My Spirit and show you what needs to be changed. As you spend this time with Me in prayer, in fasting, and in time, in spiritual time, in strong spiritual time alone with Me, says the Lord; as you do these things, you will see that I will show you what needs to be done to grow closer to Me. And as you grow closer to Me, you’ll grow stronger in Me. As you grow stronger, you’ll see more things that need to be changed. And as you change more things, you’ll grow much closer to Me. And on it goes, till I bring you into an era of spiritual revelation you did not even know could exist on this planet. Yet I shall do it. And many shall walk in it.

Understand this time, and be part of this time. For this is the end times. And I am bringing about a move of My people by bringing them into a close relationship with Me, that they will stand, that they will stand and know that God is God, and He upholds them under all circumstances.

For great judgment is coming. And as it comes, you must be want to stand on the Word. For if you put your faith in the things of man, you shall fall. But if you stand on the Word of God, and on the righteousness that He has provided to the Blood of Jesus, then you shall go on. And the things of the world may fall around you, but you shall go on. It shall not affect you. For you are standing on the Rock Christ Jesus, and not on the world.

Up Next: 1998 09 02.1