Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 10 27.1

1998 10 31.1

For look not unto the church to find the organizational system that I have planned––look unto the book of Acts. For you’ll see a church, in the book of Acts, and throughout many of the books of the Bible, how I have designed it to run, designed it to run.

And you’ll see the church system crumble and fall, says the Lord, crumble and fall. It shall not stand what is to come. I shall bring a wind into the church that shall change the direction of the people from an organization of man unto an organization of the Lord. Nothing, but nothing, but nothing, but nothing shall stop it! It shall move ahead

Those that line up with Me, shall stand with Me. Those that line up with the world shall stand with the world. There will be no in between.

Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden for I shall give you rest. This is the commandments of the Lord.

And I shall create a church that shall reach out to the unsaved. It shall not be built in a building which rarely reaches out to anyone outside, who evangelizes its own self, who hold special meetings and bring in other churches, BUT THEY DON’T BRING IN THE SINNERS!!

I shall bring in a church to this world that shall reach out and touch the unsaved! It shall bring revival. It shall bring new birth. It shall bring ALL the glory of God back where it belongs among My people.

For My people have sought the things of God by way of the ways of man. It cannot happen this way! You must leave the things of man behind, turn unto the things of the Lord, and go forward with the Lord and the ways that I have outlined in My scripture.

Look not unto the things of man and the ways of the church. For the church has learned it from the ways of man. There is no difference between the world and the church in many ways. They have so aligned themselves with the world that it is difficult to see a difference.

But what I shall bring about, says the Lord, shall be a strong revival, but through a new move of God to destroy the works of man among My people!

Up Next: 1998 11 14.1