Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
Mrs. Robinson Part 2: The Chemical Pregnancy and the 2024 US Presidential Election
October 26, 2024
The Chemical Pregnancy
Earlier this week, the Holy Spirit told me to send out this word before the end of the week. For future readers, the 2024 US presidential election takes place 10 days hence on November 5th, 2024.
Also, earlier this week, the 3rd child that my wife gave birth to turned 8 years old. She’s about two and half years younger than our 2nd child. When we had our 2nd child, my wife and I wanted her to have a close-in-age sibling. We both had siblings that were less than 2 years older than us. We wanted our 2nd child, who was much younger than our first, to have a sibling to play with.
We didn’t wait very long to try for our 3rd child. I don’t remember exactly when, but a few months before my 8-year-old daughter was conceived, my wife took a pregnancy test and tested positive.
My wife had a large supply of ovulation and pregnancy tests that we used to try to conceive as quickly as possible and to detect pregnancy early. The pregnancy tests could either detect a pregnancy a few days before scheduled menstruation or right when it was scheduled to begin. So, very early on, a few days after ovulation, my wife took and passed the pregnancy test. The test showed a faint, but clearly visible line indicating a positive result. We knew from research and past experience that if we waited two days and tested again, the line would be stronger as the pregnancy hormones that the test detects would be present in greater concentration. My wife retested after two days but instead of a stronger positive line, the line was weaker, even fainter than before. This was a surprise to us. We didn’t know what to think. Was it a false alarm? Could these tests show a faint line even when one is not pregnant? We figured a third test would settle it. We waited patiently for at least two days to pass before she tested again. On the 3rd test, there was no line at all. She wasn’t pregnant, and if she had been briefly pregnant, she wasn’t pregnant anymore.
I cried out to Lord and ask him if she had been pregnant and lost a child. In my spirit, I knew that was the case, and in a way that was the Lord’s answer to me, but I did not hear clear confirmation from the Lord at the time. I’ve never forgotten. Earlier this year, perhaps as recently as two months ago, I asked the Lord if my wife had conceived a child, and that if so, I wanted to see him or her. I had a vision of a boy with straight dark hair. I had a vision of the top of his head. His hair reminded me of my hair, I didn’t see the rest of him clearly, but I knew that I was looking at my son, my unborn child. He would be approx. 8 and a half years old had my wife had a normal pregnancy and had given birth full term.
My wife had what is called a chemical pregnancy which is defined as a pregnancy loss that occurs shortly after implantation. The positive test results followed by negative results was a clear indicator that she had conceived and lost a child. Chemical pregnancies are probably not uncommon, but we didn’t have the technology to detect such short pregnancies in the past. In my wife’ case, our child was so recently conceived that a few days after the first positive test, the test could no longer detect enough pregnancy hormones to produce even a faint line. It was a very short pregnancy. A few days at most. But it produced a child, a child that is not alive with us in body on earth, but that is alive in spirit in heaven.
Part of the reason why the Lord permitted my wife to miscarry a child is that He planned for me to testify about it today. The child that we lost is my son Nathaniel Samuel. The Lord told me his name years before my unborn son was conceived. I’ve asked the Lord to let me meet him. I know that if I don’t get to meet him sooner, I will see him when I enter into His rest at the appointed time.
The US Presidential Election
You may be wondering what the testimony of my wife’s chemical pregnancy has to do with the upcoming 2024 Presidential election. I think it’s very obvious. The Presidential election is essentially a decision between two presidential candidates with opposing views on the issue of abortion. One candidate appointed 3 conservative Supreme Court Justices that, upholding the constitution, overturned the satanic decision of Roe v. Wade that without legislation made abortion legal nationwide. The other candidate campaigns openly on a strongly pro-abortion rights stance. Though Trump has taken a public stance in support of the “3 exceptions” of rape, incest, and the life of the mother, he opposes abortion for other reasons. Harris clearly supports it without exception and wants congress to pass a bill codifying abortion right nationally so that she can sign it into law. This issue alone highlights the differences in character between the two candidates. Though both positions are false, one is far more correct and will save many more lives if applied.
At one of her recent political rallies, Kamala Harris told Christian Anti-Abortion hecklers that they were “at the wrong rally.” The activists yelled, “Christ is King,” “Jesus is Lord,” and “Lies, lies” among other phrases. Her response to them was a clear sign that Jesus and His followers were not welcome at her rally. If you watch the footage, the moment that she told the hecklers that they were at the wrong rally, she had been speaking about how Trump appointed 3 conservative Justices for the purpose of overturning Roe v. Wade.
8 years ago, I had received a word of the Lord that he had told me not to share until the appointed time. The message of the word was clear, only repentance could make the United States of America great again, and that there is no candidate for president that could hold back Jesus’s hand of judgement against this nation. No president could restore the fortunes of America. That word was true then, and it is true now. The word of the Lord that I received, Mrs. Robinson, was fulfilled during Trump’s first term as President. I’ll explain why.
President Donald Trump won the election and yes, he appointed 3 conservative Supreme Court Justices. Yes, he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocated the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The conservative appointments to the Supreme Court led directly to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. And yes, the USA entered a brief period of economic prosperity for the first 3 years of Trump’s presidency. That said, the aforementioned righteous acts, which were the fruit of his Presidency, did not prevent the nation from being stricken in 2020 by the Beast’s 5th blow to the Bull (see Bob’s Neumann’s vision of The Killing of the Bull) which was revealed in advance to be a pestilence from an enemy we did not expect. Trump’s leadership did not prevent the 2020 “Summer of Love,” the looting and riots and civil unrest that frightened Americans causing some to vote against Trump in the hopes that doing so would appease the angry masses and restore peace. They were hoping for unity, but there is no possible unity between good and evil. No unity, nor peace, but a sword until His wrath has passed and the remnant that is left cries out in repentance.
Trump’s righteous actions during his presidency did not delay the timing of that great blow on the nation until after Trump completed his term in office. The reason why is clear. There was no repentance of the American people to forestall God’s hand of judgment! The final year of Trump’s presidency was marked by a sharp economic downturn. His leadership did not prevent that. Though our nation was not the only one afflicted by that blow, we, America, went trillions of dollars further into debt just to prevent even worse economic destruction. That blow led directly to the conditions in 2020 that dampened enthusiasm for Trump’s 2020 reelection. Conditions in America, and the world, are far worse today than they were pre-Covid. If there were no Covid pandemic, Trump would be finishing his second term right now.
If you understand the times and seasons, you will know that we are in the season of the beginning of birth pains in Matthew 24:7. The birth pains will only increase in frequency and intensity over time. America is already in a proxy war with Russia and its allies in Ukraine. The Bear is awake. World War III, whose precursor was seen in the 2008 invasion of Georgia, is closer than ever. Henry Gruver’s vision is coming to pass.
A single President who enacts righteous policies can’t stand in the gap and change the course of this nation. National repentance is the only hope. The destruction of Babylon the Great will be fulfilled and will not be forestalled. But does that mean that every decision that this nation makes and every step that it takes is irrelevant? Absolutely not! My point, if it’s not already clear, is that Trump’s righteous actions during his Presidency did not in any way prevent the social and economic damage that the Covid pandemic caused, and that only national repentance can stop, shorten, or lessen the intensity of the upcoming shakings. The sins of this nation are too great, and the appointed time of its judgment is already underway. Few have heeded the warnings and listened. Many in this generation are more wicked than the last and their hatred of Jesus, the Israel of the God, and the Israel of the Flesh has only increased with time.
Having said that, with each blow that strikes, with each shaking, or birth pain, some will listen and repent. The extent of this repentance is unknown to me. I only know that if the repentance is swifter and stronger, the judgments will be lessened in severity and duration. I do believe that if we as a nation elect the lesser of two evils, it is a blessing for this nation as it prevents the more wicked leader from doing more harm and bringing more judgement upon the nation.
I also believe that Trump is no mere lesser of two evils, but before I get to that, I have to give a little primer on the duality between the authentic and the counterfeit and the false dichotomy of opposing counterfeit belief systems.
I taught in the past about the nature of satanic deception. Satan is a copycat. He will create a forgery of the authentic, Jesus, to deceive as many as possible. This is why there is always a counterfeit to the authentic. This tactic of deception creates a de facto duality between the authentic and the counterfeit. This is not same thing as cartesian mind-body duality. It is the duality of truth and its false replica as exemplified by the two malefactors that were crucified next to Jesus. Though similar, only one was saved by faith. One is in heaven, and the other is in hell. Despite their similar superficial appearance and identical circumstances, they represent the polar opposites of the justified and the condemned, and to be more specific, justified and condemned “believers.” I may touch upon this in a future article. I’ve covered it before, but didn’t go into detail. I had hoped others would receive the Rhema and run with it.
That aside, the counterfeit takes many forms. There are a multitude of false doctrines and belief systems. Babylon means confusion for a reason. However, there is a specific way to frame the demonic tactic that the enemy employs to deceive even the elect, if that were possible. The enemy always creates a false dichotomy between two opposing false belief systems. One will be obviously false. The other will appear true, but on closer examination, will prove false. The correct option is often “none of the above.” The purpose of this false dichotomy is to deceive the people of the Most High into supporting a cause, a doctrine, a faction, or a position that is ultimately false. The Church of Satan is obviously false, but a church that rejects the authority of the Holy Spirit is less obviously so. One has an obvious evil form, and the other has a form of godliness but denies its power. Don’t get me wrong, the illusion of choice is not just between two seemingly opposing options. There are more falsehoods than there are flavors of ice cream at Baskin Robbins. The point is that we have to be on guard not to fall for the realistic counterfeit that’s in opposition to the blatantly false one.
Many forms of deception have a form of godliness. The devil disguises himself as an angel of light. We are warned in scripture not to not to trust in princes in whom there is no salvation. Trump is no savior, nor is he a saint. His purpose, whether he understands it or not, is to expose some of the sins of this nation so that those who see its sins may choose to come apart and be separate, and not partake of it any longer. His first election and presidency and his 2024 reelection campaign have exposed to the world that the United States is under uniparty control. It exposes the true nature of US media as the propaganda arm of the uniparty elite. It exposes the illusion of choice in American elections and the false dichotomy between the so-called righteous conservative party, and the so-called unrighteous liberal party as anyone that was too much of an outlier from the orthodoxy of the false dichotomy would see significant opposition from the powers that be to be nominated, and elected, and once elected, to enact an independent agenda too far out of bounds of the agenda of the controlled opposition pendulum. I don’t want to draw a false equivalency between the left and the right’s political parties. Some options are worse than others, but neither side has abated America’s decline or turned aside God’s hand of judgment by leading the people to repentance. Trump has not done that either, but he has exposed how demonic forces manipulate things behind the scenes to maintain control and steer the nation further into decline.
Years ago, and I forget which year, perhaps approx. 20 years ago, the Lord told me that it did not matter who wins the election. The demons stay the same! The rule of one candidate and political party did not result in the Prince of America packing his bags and abandoning his stronghold. Under both major political parties, America has sinned against God. We’ve brought judgment upon ourselves by shedding innocent blood in regime change wars and innocent blood in abortion clinics. We’ve destabilized governments, caused nations to collapse and are responsible for the suffering that our actions and policies have caused. We’ve also become far more decadent than ever. The current and prior inhabitants of the White House, during their tenures, did not make our nation more or less righteous than before. The trajectory of this nation is one of further moral decline and increasing immorality.
The leaders of this nation must do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Jesus. But who are the leaders of this nation? Christians are called by the Holy Spirit to obey their leaders. We build and advance Christ’s kingdom, which is a spiritual kingdom, and we obey our secular leaders who have been set above us (unless their orders are in conflict with God’s). Having said that, as an American, a citizen of a democratic republic, I and my fellow citizens are the nation’s leaders. Congress and the President are our representatives. We elect them every few years, but they are subject to and accountable to us. Unlike a medieval serf under the absolute authority of a King, we are in charge. This means that we have a measure of civic responsibility. This responsibility, at the very least, includes participating in elections and voting, or abstaining from voting as the Holy Spirit leads. In my personal case, I am not called to get involved in local politics, for example. I am called to follow the King’s instructions as he directs me to complete assigned tasks that are part of His plan to build His kingdom. This is where the bulk of my energy and attention is spent. But that responsibility to Jesus and his kingdom doesn’t exclude me from my responsibility to my nation and from all civic participation (which is in a way my responsibility before Jesus to faithfully co-lead this nation along with millions of other voting age citizens).
Tomorrow, I will fill-in my mail-in ballot and cast my vote for President Trump and his running mate Senator Vance as the Holy Spirit has personally directed me to do. The alternative is a candidate that will lead this nation into greater sin. We’re being given a choice as a nation. If Trump is elected, some purpose of God will be fulfilled that will bless this nation. I do not say that all that he would do is righteous and correct. Even King Josiah sinned when he didn’t consult God and died before his time. King David sinned and brought judgment on his household and upon Israel. I’ve covered this before in the past. Trump has no special position before the Lord that exempts him from the call to seek Jesus diligently and to follow His leading. Failing to do that, he can make decisions that cause this nation to sin. That said, God is going to use Trump to do something that will bless this nation in some way if enough Americans vote for him and get him elected.
Some have said that Trump is a type of the Persian King Cyrus who granted permission for the Jews to return from exile and for the 2nd temple to be constructed. Some see Trump as an example of how God can use someone who is not a Christian (or at least not a devout Christian) and this is why the comparison to Cyrus is made. I have not received this revelation personally in order to confirm it, nor has the Lord revealed anything to me that refutes it. But what I have seen, and what I share with you today regarding Trump is a vision of the judge Samson, God’s chosen instrument of vengeance against the Philistines. The imagery that I see is of a man facing away from me walking up a few steps towards two pillars in a temple. He is not chained in place though as I type this, I do see chains placed on him that didn’t prevent him from walking as he pleased. He places his hands on the columns, and tears them and the entire temple down. His hair was black and short. His body muscular. This is the image that the Holy Spirit gave to me regarding Trump and how He intends to use him should he get elected.
I encourage every Christian to pray and seek the Lord and ask him what you are called to do this coming election. I don’t know what your individual instructions from the Holy Spirit are. Maybe you are called to abstain as a protest against the former President’s imperfect stance on abortion, or liberal stance on social issues. Maybe it’s in judgment of his character. I certainly don’t endorse any position that he takes that’s in opposition to the will of God. I certainly don’t see him as a paragon of godly virtue and an example for Christians to follow. I see him, in the Spirit, as an instrument that God intends to use for a specific purpose; a purpose that will not be fulfilled if America chooses not to elect him, and that will be fulfilled if we do reelect him in 10 days.
The words that I have written today are written at the Lord’s command and are shared in obedience to his will.
Peace to you all.
In Christ Jesus,
Site Curator.