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I Am Being Sent Part 2: The spirit of Science

January 19, 2025

I received the call a few days ago to deliver this word today. The title was given to me by the Holy Spirit. This may be part of a series of articles that the Holy Spirit will have me write which are about what is hindering the Remnant Bride or Man-Child from the Third Day “greater works” revival that is being ushered-in in this current age. There will be at least one more article published soon in this “series” and maybe more after that.

As the Holy Spirit revealed to me, the outpouring of His Glory could already have been much greater, but our actions, and our unsound doctrines are holding it back. Nothing can prevent it from coming to pass as it is written in the Bible, but the pace of its arrival is not fixed from our point of view. If we press-in more diligently, and if we repent more wholeheartedly, we can shorten the timetable by years!

It may be helpful to already understand the revelation of the Third Day. This word implies that the reader has a basic understanding of the current times and seasons. We are literally living in the end times spoken about in the Bible in Daniel, Matthew and the book of Revelations. We are living in the age of the beginning of birth pains as written in Matthew 24. We are standing guard over our little sister (Song of Songs 8). The Man-Child of Revelations 12 has been birthed. If what I have written is not familiar to you, it would be helpful for you to go read The Seven Thunders by Bob Neumann and The Third Day Church by Bill Burns.

You don’t have to pause reading this to read those other revelation words right now if you are not up to speed, but I do recommend that you go back and read them. I testify that both of these works are the inspired revelation word of the Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on Jesus and test them and the Lord will confirm it to you as well. The key point to understand is that we are living in the age that proceeds the return of Jesus Christ to reign on Earth. Whether we have years, decades, or longer, I do not know. For the purpose of understanding this article, one must understand that God is raising up a remnant of his people that will walk in holiness and obedience to the Holy Spirit. They will lead a revival accompanied by great signs and wonders. This is the age when the Body of Christ will perform the greater works that Jesus prophesied in John 14:12. This is the age of the end days outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will be greater than the outpouring in the book of Acts.

Prophetically, the Lord speaks to me of this age through Haggai 2:6-9 (KJV)

For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;
And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.
The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.

Once again, nothing will stop this from coming to pass, but the Holy Spirit has warned me about a potential failure of knowledge transfer between generations that will cause a few years long delay. The Holy Spirit explained to me that he wants to bring, to the Apostles and elders, a younger generation of leaders that he is raising up to learn from them, but if these leaders do not examine themselves and their doctrines and repent, the Holy Spirit will not lead the new generation to be mentored by them and will instead teach them directly. This might sound like an upgrade, but in fact what it means is that wisdom that could have been imparted, such as lessens learned from past mistakes through decades of service, will fail to be passed on. The new generation will have to learn first-hand by perhaps making some of the same mistakes instead of avoiding the same obstacles and pitfalls that prior generations had to overcome. They will get to where they need to be, but it will not occur as quickly. Our doctrines, beliefs and practices must be aligned with the perfect will of the Holy Spirit if we are to participate in the Third Day move of God. Those of us who are older will have walked in the Second Day Church and may have vestiges of beliefs and doctrines that do not align with Scripture and His good and pleasing and perfect will. The Holy Spirit will cause the younger generation to separate from the older leaders if the older leaders still cling to false doctrines. On the positive side, errors are not passed along. On the negative, knowledge is lost and will have to be relearned.

The first of these false doctrines that the Lord called me to speak against is the belief that there are limits to God’s power to heal, or limits to His will to heal the sick in these last days. This is the day of great revival not ever seen before, not even on the Day of Pentecost. Is it a day of Greater Works. It’s the day of the outpouring of resurrection power which is the raising of the dead and the healing of all afflictions and diseases, without exceptions, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The spirit of Science

For the past 3 years, I have participated in a spiritual war against an ancient enemy the Lord has called the spirit of Science. I know it is ancient because the fortresses and cities we attacked look ancient. We have laid them waste with Consuming Fire and tore them down using spiritual weapons of warfare made mighty through God.

Our modern concept of science is a relatively recent belief system, but its roots are ancient. The spirit of science is a deceiving religious spirit that uses knowledge of science to suppress our faith and deceive the world. At a young age, we learn its basic concepts without even realizing it. It pervades modern culture. We tend to perceive reality in scientific materialist terms and not in spiritual terms. It creates a foundation for our philosophies and basic worldview that is in opposition the word of God.

The enemy has created a false dichotomy between scientific knowledge and spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is the written word of God, the Bible, and the revelation word of God as revealed continually by the Holy Spirit. Scientific knowledge is based upon observation and experimentation, and formulating hypotheses based upon logical inferences—but these hypotheses once formulated must be tested via experimentation. It’s purview therefore is limited to only the measurable physical world. At the cutting edge of physics, scientific knowledge is becoming more metaphysical, in my opinion, but in a general way, what we can measure and observe scientifically and the hypotheses that science tries to disprove through testing, create, as an unintended byproduct, a materialist world view. This is the world view the enemy tries to exploit to suppress the faith of believers and cause doctrinal errors.

Science itself is not evil. I believe that the current explosion and growth of scientific knowledge is a sign that we are living in the latter days. When the angel told Daniel in Daniel 12:4 that many in this age would go here and there to increase in knowledge, it refers to both spiritual knowledge—including the unsealing of end times revelation–but also an increase of all forms of knowledge and understanding. It’s is therefore also a reference to the knowledge explosion of the current information age. As it is written:

Daniel 1:17 (KJV)

17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

1 Kings 4:29-34 (KJV)

29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.
30 And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt.
31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about.
32 And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five.
33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes.
34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.

God blessed Daniel and his 3 friends with knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom. I believe that this included spiritual wisdom, but also knowledge that we would categorize today as history and science and so forth. In addition, when the Bible describes the wisdom of Solomon, it includes knowledge of trees, plants, and animals which would today be considered scientific knowledge.

I personally believe that all true knowledge will ultimately point to the Cross. I believe that understanding creation glorifies God and confirms his Word. For example, I think it’s a positive thing when science tells us that the resurrection of the dead after 4 days (Lazarus), or even 3 days (Jesus) is impossible. It’s confirmation that the Resurrection was an impossible act in the natural. We can only conclude that it was supernatural. The natural impossibility of it only glorifies God. The dichotomy that exists in people’s minds between scientific and spiritual knowledge, meaning believing in one means opposing the other, is completely false. It is a pitfall created by the organized efforts of deceiving spirits. It is a doctrine of demons.

One can believe in scientific principles and still be a believer. Though I will not go as far as to say that we must always treat science and spiritual knowledge as two separate domains of knowledge at all times, I will say that it’s important to understand that even science does not claim to be the arbiter of truth. Scientific theories may eventually be disproven as new facts are discovered. This happens time and time again with each new paradigm bringing scientific knowledge closer and closer to the truth. But its theories are only a best-known approximation or model of the truth and are by nature subject to change based upon new evidence. The Word of God, on the other hand, is absolute truth that will never change or pass away (what changes is our interpretation as we learn more and more and cast down vain imaginations). It is the answer key to the meaning of life and the underlying meaning of everything. The Word was revealed to us in a supernatural way through the Scriptures and through the revelation word of the Holy Spirit that guides us every day into all Truth.

I know that there are those that spend a considerable amount of time trying to reconcile the Bible with scientific theories. I’ve not been called to focus on that. There is too much more important spiritual knowledge that I have to learn and teach to worry about how to reconcile every scientific belief to Spiritual truth. In fact, I believe that it’s a mistake to focus too much on trying to reconcile science and Scripture. It’s a rabbit hole that can be a big distraction from spiritual growth. There may be some that are called to look into these things. We are one body and many parts after all, but most of us are called to focus elsewhere and to sort of compartmentalize scientific and spiritual knowledge, as a mental exercise, into separate domains. In addition, science and Scripture are not equal. The Spirit testifies that the Bible is truth. Reality itself is also supernatural, not natural, and a system of knowledge and understanding that deals only with natural law and phenomenon is ultimately limited in its purview and cannot explain the supernatural. You cannot extrapolate metaphysical truth from a set of physical laws. The spiritual truths of God’s word must always take precedence in our belief systems and must always be the foundation of how we interpret the world around us. We cannot bring every thought captive to obedience to Jesus Christ unless we do so.

I’ll give some examples. I’m a fairly well-informed layperson when it comes to modern science. I’ve had an interest in it since childhood. At one time in my life, I wanted to study physics and my heroes were Einstein and Feynman and others. I know that there’s current scientific consensus that the universe is billions of years old, over 13 billion years old to be precise. In fact, recent discoveries by the James Webb telescope might mean that the universe is older than we think or that perhaps we have to refine our theories of galaxy formation. In either case, if the universe is 13 billion years old, or older, this seems on the surface to contradict the scriptures that creation took 7 days and was finished about 6,000 years ago. From my point of view, it really doesn’t matter whether it took a literal 6 days (1 day of rest) that measure 24 hours each, or if it took 6 epochs of unknown countless years from start to finish that the Bible describes metaphorically as 6 days. I tend to lean towards the latter interpretation which means that however long it took to create according to fixed earth days, it was completed about 6,000 years ago, or about 4,000 years before the birth of Jesus. But does it really matter what we believe is true scientifically as long as we believe the core underlying truth of creation in Genesis? I think it matters very little. We’ll know fully when we get to heaven if we don’t learn it in this life.

I can read articles about the discoveries of the James Webb telescope and about the age of the universe without changing my foundational understanding of reality that is grounded in God’s word. The Holy Spirit has testified to me that God created the heavens and the Earth. He confirmed that Adam and Eve walked with Him in the Garden of Eden and that he formed Adam from the Earth. He confirmed that Adam and Eve fell from grace and committed original sin. He confirmed our redemption through the atoning Blood sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and His resurrection on the Third Day. My faith is grounded in what the Spirit reveals.

How does this all tie back to the message that God wants me to bring to the world, his people, and to the leaders of His church? There is disobedience in the Church. There is a sin that needs to be left behind in the Second Day to those that seek to advance into the Third Day greater glory. It is the false belief that God will not heal all diseases and afflictions and that there is a limit to the power that He is willing to display upon the earth. It is elders condoning the murder of innocents on the altar of convenience. The Lord is calling his people and especially those he has called to high positions to stand in uncompromising faith that God is willing to heal all diseases and afflictions in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His wounds we are healed including physically healed of all ailments big and small without limit.

We cannot please God unless we believe this. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We cannot be used to teach or mentor anyone if we don’t believe this. We prove we don’t understand the basic truths of salvation and redemption if we don’t believe this. Even if we have experience and knowledge that could benefit others that we mentor, this error in doctrine is so egregious that it disqualifies us from our current service as part of the latter days remnant that will usher forth the greatest revival in history.

In the nineteenth century, scientists developed the germ theory of disease. For the first time in human history we understood that some diseases spread through microorganisms. We learned that we could spread disease from one person to another or from a cadaver to a woman giving birth if we didn’t properly wash our hands and sterilize our medical instruments. That knowledge saved lives, and saves lives to this day. Last year, the last man that lived in an iron lung passed away. He was paralyzed from the neck down due to the polio virus. The polio vaccine eradicated the virus savings millions of lives and saving many from crippling paralysis. Our knowledge and understanding of biology and disease has made us healthier and has saved many lives. The danger comes from letting that knowledge be the foundation of our belief in healing or be the focus of our attention and, forgetting the testimony and revelation of the Bible–and the revelation word of the Holy Spirit–that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus.

When I was first sent to share God’s word with the world, He preceded the prophetic call by healing me of a gum infection that caused my gums to swell so much that I could not make my teeth touch together to properly close my mouth. My wife and I prayed in tongues fervently until there was a moment of victory and the Lord prophesied, “Share my word with the world!” After that moment, I could close my mouth. My wife saw a grotesque demon floating outside of our apartment window looking in at us. I have no doubt that there was some kind of viral or bacterial infection in my mouth. We turned to God first and the Lord rewarded our faith by delivering me and healing me. Whether I understood germ theory or not had no bearing on the outcome except that it could cause an ultimately negative outcome if I focused only on my knowledge of germs, and not on the spiritual knowledge and discernment of a demon trying to make me sick and steal my health. The demon could have afflicted me further if I chose to ignore the spiritual attack and only go to the doctor for an antibiotics prescription. Maybe antibiotics could have cleared-up the infection, but without spiritual deliverance, that affliction could have come back, or could have been substituted by another in its place. It’s very important that we don’t let our guard down and that we don’t interpret sickness in only natural terms and thus allow scientific thinking to make us complacent and accept pain and illness.

Germ theory is not the biggest obstacle to our faith. It’s genetics, a more recent discovery. We are discovering more and more how certain diseases and health outcomes are linked to DNA. Gene mutations have been found to be the root cause of some diseases. Many of these conditions are considered incurable. Even if they could be ameliorated with treatment, they can’t be cured unless the DNA itself can be edited, or unless we can figure out how to change how the genes are expressed, something that we cannot currently do. Maybe one day, scientists will perfect gene editing techniques and cure many of these diseases that way, but in its current state, without divine healing, some genetic conditions are a death sentence or mean a lifetime of suffering, and disability.

I am rooting for scientist to figure out how to cure genetic diseases, and I pray that they do so soon and that there are major life-saving breakthroughs in the coming years. However, our hope should not be only in a scientific cure. If such an outcome occurs, I will rejoice, but in the meantime, Jesus healed all diseases by His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. He conquered death on the Cross. If death itself is conquered, disease doesn’t stand a chance.

This is the sound doctrine that the Lord has called me to preach. It might seem obvious to us believers, but behind closed doors there is sin in the ranks. And what is done in secret is revealed in the light. In the 21st century, we now have the technology to do a genetic screening of an unborn baby several weeks after conception. We can test for “incurable” genetic conditions and warn mothers in advance of the genetically encoded health outcomes for the child. Parents, including Christian parents, are choosing to abort babies that are found to test positive for life-altering genetic conditions. The rates of down-syndrome births are declining in the industrial world as parents choose to abort children that test positive for the mutation that causes it.

No testing is 100% accurate. I saw a testimony of someone that was either supposed to be born with an incurable genetic disease, but was born healthy, or had a child that was born healthy even though a prenatal genetic screening indicated the presence of a disease. Sometimes the test is wrong, and the result is a false positive. Or maybe they were supernaturally healed. That said, it’s irrelevant if the test is accurate or not. God does not want babies to be killed because they test positive for a genetic disease. God does not want us quietly condoning Christian parents aborting such children fearing the impact of a lifetime of suffering for not just the child, but the child’s entire family. Instead, God wants us to have faith in the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit, and faith in the victory over all disease, including every genetic condition, that Jesus won for us on the Cross of Calvary by the shedding of his precious Blood.

There is a coordinated attack of evil spirits to target Christians to quietly condone killing innocent babies diagnosed with so-called incurable genetic diseases. It’s an attack against hearts and mind—a stronghold of vain imaginations that imprisons and occupies our collective souls. Make no mistake, I testify to you that God’s will is for every single disease and affliction to be healed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ without exception. With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. It is the time to take a collective stand against the lies of the enemy. The word of God is the Truth. Truth is supernatural. In Jesus, we have authority over the natural world, and over all of the power of the enemy. We must stand in faith and victory and fulfill the great commission without caveats or compromise including the commission to heal all diseases in the name of Jesus.

I feel the anointing to prophesy.

Prophecy January 19, 2025

Over 20 years ago, I gave you 18 words that represent 18 prophecies that you would deliver to the world. This word is one of them. It is represented by the word Shake.

Will you, my elders, my leaders, not set aside your fears and repent, and believe and teach wholeheartedly that I do not change? Test me in this. Stand by my word, and you will see miracles the likes of which you have never before seen. Stand united together. Pray for one another. Do not sin or compromise my word for it would be better for you and the world to participate in this next move than to be left out. For the gold and silver are mine, and the glory of the latter house is before you. Rejoice and be glad, sword in hand, for the high places are laid waste and the strongholds crumbling. This is the Day of the Lord and my power and glory will be displayed upon the earth. Celebrate with me today as I plant my flag upon this desolate hill where once stood a mighty fortress of demonic slaughter. Join me here to bring revival to the land. And faith. And Peace, I’m out.

Zechariah 9:12 (KJV)

12 Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;

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