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Believe, Repent, and Receive the Holy Spirit

Prophecy   March 4th, 2003

I am Jesus.  I was crucified when I was without sin, and I was made a sacrifice for the sins of the world, and my Blood was shed for the remission of all sin.  On the third day, I was raised to life.  I laid down my life, and raised it up again.  Those who believe in me will not perish, but will live forever at my side.  Listen to what I say.  Your sins have been forgiven already.  Every single sin you’ve ever committed has been forgiven, and do not listen to the devil, for I will remove the desire to sin from you, by the power of my Spirit, and you will not have to serve me on your own strength.  Remember that.  Remember that.  I love you.  The more you need, the more I give.  I meet your need and then some.  So peace to you.  Peace to you.  I love you very much.  Peace.

Hi.  My name is God.  I am God the Father, I am Jesus, and I am the Holy Spirit, and I love you very much.  I, the Father, love you so much that I sent my only begotten Son to die for your sins, to die for your sins on the Cross.  I sent him to be the all time blood sacrifice for your sins.  All of your sins have been forgiven by his Blood.  All you must do is accept him.  Accept him as your Lord.  Believe in Him. Believe that He is Lord.

I am about to ask you a yes or no question.  Do you believe that Jesus is Lord? Do you believe that Jesus is Lord?…  Thank you.  Thank you. 

I am Jesus.  I was born onto Mary.  I am the Alpha and the Omega.  I paid the price for your sins with the shedding of my precious Blood.  With my precious blood I paid the price for your sins.  There is no more death if you believe that I am Lord, so confess that I am Lord and you will be saved, and know that all of your sins are forgiven, and you will not die, you will not suffer the second death, but you will live with me forever.

For those of you who say yes, I want you to read my word, to learn my ways so that you may walk in my love, and I want you to repent of your sins as I teach you right and wrong.  I want you to walk with me and grow with me.  I have not left you alone, but I have sent the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, to be with you, to guide you into all truth.

I am the Holy Spirit.  I am your Guide, your Counselor, your Comforter.  I am Almighty God, the Lord of all.  I am and always will be the same.  I want you to know that I am here to baptize you with the fullness of my power, with the fullness of my power.  You cannot stand on your own, but I will help you to stand.  I will help you to stand.  I have been sent to transform you, to shape you to be like Jesus.  Remember this.  You are not alone.  I will help you.  So, read the word.  Read the word.  You must be baptized by water and the Spirit.

Raise up your hands now and say “thank you Jesus.”  Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit just like on the day of Pentecost.  I have spoken.  So be it.  So be it. 

Listen to my son, Dan.  Listen to him for I have sent him, and he is my mouth, and he speaks my words.  I have called him to shine a light for a time, but soon he will withdraw back into my secret place until I sent him forth again.  I love you all so much that I send my faithful ones to you, to teach you of my love.  I am a personal God, and if you call out to me, I will answer you and speak to you as well, and heal you of all your afflictions, and heal your broken heart, and free you of all your vices and addictions.  I will transform your life.  And if you look to me faithfully, you will begin to see me transform your entire family because I am so loving that I want your whole family to be saved.  Remember this.  Remember this.  It is in my word.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Those of you who have turned to me, you do not know how happy I am, and how much I rejoice.  Bless you.  Bless you.  Peace.

For those or you who say “Yes,” and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that I have raised him from the dead, you are born again.  You are saved.  Just as I raised Him from the dead, just as Jesus was born again, so you too have been raised from death.  Remember that, for lying voices will come and tell you that you are not saved, but your sins have been covered by his precious shed Blood, and now I see you as holy, and pure, and sanctified.  You must remember that you must stop sinning now, and you must walk in holiness.  You belong to me now, and you will see many miracles.  If you do not know a fellowship of believers with which to share, know that I will miraculously lead you to those that I have appointed to be your spiritual fathers and mothers.  I love you all.  I love you all so much, and I am with you.

You must learn this lesson, that you must have faith.  For the enemy always comes to try to lie, to try to tell you that you are not saved, but know that you will live forever.  Do not have doubt, do not have doubt.  Do not have any fear or worry, but look to me.  Take up the Cross and follow Jesus every single day and deny yourself and you will be rewarded forever.  Bless you.  Bless you.  Bless you.  I am rejoicing.  I am rejoicing.  I am rejoicing.  Peace.

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