Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings

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The Lord gave me a number and he told me to post it on the website.  He did not reveal to me what it means.  This is how I received the number.  God was speaking to my wife and me when he told her to grab a pen and paper.  God spoke 7 numbers.  After he had finished, he told me that the seven numbers were actually one large number.  He told me to write down the date and post it.  Here it is.

Prophecy 3-19-2003


[Site curator’s note 2/7/2023: It was later revealed that this number is the number of babies killed in the USA in the year 2003. I don’t know how God calculated the number. Likely includes infanticide. It is much higher than the official CDC(?) abortion total for the year. That said, God knows the actual count which he shared with me in March 2003 more than 9 months before the year even finished.]

Up Next: The Lord’s Perfect English