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Another Terrorist Attack
Prophecy 3-28-2003 Another terrorist attack
Hello my faithful ones, my faithful ones who look to me daily, and follow me, and put me first in their lives. I am. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am. I am your Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I have heard your cries and your prayers, and I have answered them, and I will indeed bring America to repentance.
I want you to understand that America will not repent unless they see my judgments, and for your sake O faith ones, I will bring my judgments, and I will bring America to repent. I want you to know that there is going to be another attack against the United States. There will be another terrorist attack. These judgments will lead many to repent, will lead many of the Prophets and leaders to turn aside from their lies, and call for true repentance, so do not be afraid and rejoice with me, for many things will happen in the coming years, but know this: there will be a great revival like never before seen, not even on the day of pentecost. Go in peace, and I love you all, and I am with you all my faithful ones.
I’m out. Peace.