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Giving. A Message to the Remnant
(Note: this is another message given in parts on the Joshua Ministries Apostolic and Prophetic Roundtable. I have posted it here in obedience.)
Hi every one. I was off reading random messages posted in different forums. I don’t get all of the messages in my inbox, so I miss a lot of stuff. I know lately that I have been posting a lot. For those of you with slow internet connections and a full inbox, sorry!
I just want to say to those who are new to forum that I am God’s work-study program. There is a reason why he chooses to use me even though I still have much to learn. It is to illustrate that we all have to undergo a learning process. Mature ministers of the Gospel started somewhere.
Anyways, I’ll try to be brief. I feel the Holy Spirit laughing. Something tells me this won’t be brief. I’m numbering this one so I don’t have to worry about segues. If I have to make polished transitions from one related topic from another, I’ll take twice as long!
1. God has been teaching me about giving this week. If you’re like me, you probably know a lot about this topic. I mean, there are some ministries that are dedicated solely to teaching about it. I’m talking about those television programs that teach about giving and receiving material blessings and little else. They teach certain truths, but teach mostly satanic lies. God has laid his hand on me and is making me write about this. As you read you will se that it is the Lord Jesus Christ that supernaturally arranged the events in my life this past week to shape this message.
2. It started with this prophecy. I am not an experienced “prophet.” I have only been receiving prophetic words this way for just over a month. Before that, for about two years, I would usually only receive one or two words at a time, between lots of speaking in tongues. God has spoken to me in other ways for years before that (vision, dreams, leadings in the Spirit, etc.) God took me along slowly according to the measure of my faith. Here is the word:
February 3, 2003
Pay xxxx dollars, xxxx dollars to xxxxxxxxxxx, and pay xxxxxx dollars to yyyyyyyyy, but take xxxx and give it to zzzzzzz. Give it to my son zzzzzz. Son, I love qqqqqqq. My son. My son. Make the sacrifice and give him xxxx dollars. Don’t worry about your finances. (Prophetic laughter) Don’t you know that I can take a spec of dust and turn it into a mountain of gold? So why worry about your needs. (laughter) Pay son. Pay. Pay. Pay. Peace son.
The night before God had given me single words. One of them was the amount in dollars that I was to give to two of the people he mentioned, but he just gave me the number and I didn’t know what it meant. Another word I remember was “take.” The next day, he gave me the full word that he started to birth the night before.
The four people he told me to give to have internet based ministries. None of them charge, but they depend, in part or in whole, on offerings. Now, God has a great sense of humor. He said, “Make the sacrifice,” but in all honesty, there was really little sacrifice on my part. God is very funny. The amount really wasn’t very much. My bills came up shorter than estimated this month. My electricity bill was low because they had overestimated the last time, and I was receiving credit on my deposit from my cell phone provider. All in all, if you do all the math, I would end up making a “sacrifice” of 25 dollars over my expected budget. Oh and, some people always see God as very serious, but if you allow Him to draw closer to you, you will be richly rewarded.
The Holy Spirit has always directed my giving as he wills, but this prophecy was the first time in my life that he ever told me in words to give and pay exacts amounts to people that He named. He was building a message. (You’re receiving the first draft. :-])
3. Next word.
February 5, 2003
My son. Pay attention. Pay attention. When you set up your site, many will write to you asking for money. Many will write. Son, don’t even write back. Don’t write back unless I tell you, and I will tell you in a supernatural way. My son. My son. Listen. (listen a few more times). Listen my son. Listen my son. (listen a few more times). Peace son. Peace.
As you can see from this prophecy, I will eventually have a website set up to post the words that God have given me. God has warned me ahead of time about the con artists that will try to play on my sympathies. This is an important word because many of you are called to ministry, and may face the same situation. Pray as to the kind of leading God gives you on this issue.
4. Next words.
February 6, 2003
(I felt the anointing to prophesy. I was praying in tongues when I had a vision. I was holding one hand out with the palm facing up to the air when I had a vision of a large gold bar in my hand.)
My son. My son. This is what you are seeing. You are seeing the material wealth that I am going to give to you. You have seen it. (I started wondering if it was literal or symbolic–the gold bar, I mean) (Laughter) Dan, Dan. Dan. (Laughter) Of course it’s just a symbol! My son. You crack me up sometimes. (Laughter) My son. (laughter) ABBA! My son. My son.
For many years. For many years the enemy had gripped your mind, to affect your thinking, to affect your mind. For they knew. They knew that you were chosen by me. They new. They new. The trouble you had, the trouble you had before. The trouble you had concentrating. The trouble you had with your school work. They knew. They knew. Write this date down. Write this date down. Write this date down.
I am restoring onto you. I am restoring onto you my son, the capacity, the capacity that I intended for you. Do you feel that sensation in your head? Do you feel that sensation? That is my power. I am restoring your mind onto you in fullness. In fullness. In fullness.
Brothers and sisters, I write this to you so that you may share my joy. For many years of my childhood, I had difficulty with studying. Things worsened in Junior High and High school. I ended up dropping out of high school months before my friends were to graduate because I was ashamed of being held back. I was so ashamed that I quit the school play, and I didn’t go to the prom. Every time I would try to study, I would have difficulty reading and focusing. I would experience intense headaches, tiredness and back pain. I would be overcome with fear, stress, anxiety, and sometimes even near panic. Jesus freed me of the demons that were afflicting me years ago, but he revealed to me yesterday that there were some lasting aftereffects that were healed by Him. If you know a child with behavioral or attention problems, the answer is Jesus Christ. My parents wasted a lot of money on psychologists and none of them could help me. Only Jesus could. JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!
(I would elaborate but it is almost 4:30 in the morning and this took longer than I thought!)
Brothers and sisters, look in faith to the imperishable reward that awaits us in heaven. Nevertheless, I will not disobey God in this matter and hold back the word that he has given me to share. Selah.
In Christ,
Praise the Lord! The reason why you might notice a little trepidation on my part in giving the message is because I am very concerned that people will read it and think that “godliness is a means of financial gain.” Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all other things will be added to you. Seek Jesus first.
Please everyone. Remember the book of Acts and the life of Paul. Remember the book of Hebrews. Remember the heroes of the faith who looked forward to the fulfillment of their promises in heaven. I know that God prospers, but I also know that many of those he chooses to bless have first passed through the fire. They were first tested through times of need. I know many great heroes of the faith who have fallen asleep, and like Lazarus of the parable, received their good things in Heaven. I know many princes who are on foot, while the slaves ride on horseback.
I live in Puerto Rico where the economy is not as strong as the US. The unemployment rate is high, and average family income is 10,000 US dollars a year. That’s 1/4 the US national average. It is still much better than much of the world, but there are many poor. I know an Evangelist who was once a drug gang leader. He used to run several drug points in New York before Jesus miraculously saved his life from a suicide attempt and called him. He was illiterate. The last I heard of him he was still very poor, but lived a life filled with testimonies of Christ’s miraculous provision. For example, God would send him to preach somewhere, and his beat up old car would be out of gas. He would go to the gas station and the attendant would suddenly be impressed not to charge him! His tire blew, and he went in faith to get the tire fixed, and without asking for a break, the tire guy told him that he felt not to charge him. This is a man who knows God in a very personal and close way. While others have their good things, he has the privilege of receiving constant miracles of provision from the Lord. How I wish he was a millionaire!
I know another man who was once a transvestite homosexual prostitute drug addict.. God saved him because a poor church was willing to evangelize in the streets of his poor crime ridden neighborhood (one of the worst neighborhoods in Puerto Rico). When I first met him in 1995, he had been 16 years saved and serving God. He was an Evangelist. He was still very poor. He had a wife and four children, three step children and one biological one. God would send him to preach in the same streets where he once prostituted himself to feed his drug habit. His life was experiencing so many set backs. People were telling him that it was not God’s will for him to evangelize there because if it was, he would be blessed. One day in church during a prayer service, he started speaking in tongues. Three people in the church simultaneously interpreted the tongues, the Pastor, the Co-Pastor, and one other brother that had the gift of interpretation of tongues. Tongues with interpretation is the same as prophecy. Here is the message (paraphrased from a 7 year old memory):
“It is my will for you to preach there… Satan has asked for you…” The message was much longer, but I don’t remember most of it. Can you imagine that a man of God who has known little material comfort in his entire life, who walked in poverty, but in the richness of God’s presence, would then be targeted by Satan for additional tempting? God was telling him to be strong in the trials that were to come. This is another example of a bond servant of Christ who I wish were the next Bill Gates.
You may wonder why Evangelists could be so poor. Well, the churches in the “circuit” they traveled are anointed and poor, not to mention the streets that they preached in.. Many of the richer churches and big ministries choose people with college degrees and formal training (their loss). The poor little churches with little to offer are the ones that they are sent to. I know that the second man I mention received the promise of financial prosperity from God. I haven’t heard an update on these two men for the past few years, but they are just two examples of many.
The Pastor of the last church I attended served much of her adult life as a missionary to even poorer countries in South America. She was old and legally blind and lived modestly off her social security. Most of the Church members were very, very poor, as the church was located in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Puerto Rico (a neighborhood that was inhabited by squatters for generations until the government decided to give them the land). I tell you the truth, I wish they were all rich (but they are rich in faith), but when I see the magnificence of their heavenly mansions, I won’t complain.
God bless everyone.
Hi everyone!
God wanted me to share a word about giving. Yesterday, the Holy Spirit brought to my attention that there was a brother of Christ of mine that was in need. He is working to set up a website and a communications network for the Body of Christ. God told me to write a message about giving. It is more of a testimony than a teaching. It is not designed to cover everything. Once when I posted a word in obedience to God, I asked God whether or not I should elaborate on the word to help others work through possible misunderstandings. God said, “Let them read the word [Bible], and pray to me.” So, this is in no way a complete account of giving. The whole story is found in the Bible. Start with the Blood of Jesus. Open up anywhere and start reading. And pray to God.
A while back God told me to give to people who were blessing me through their work on the internet. I had never given to them before. He did more than tell me to give. He told me to “pay.” These people gave freely, but God still wanted me to pay them, for “the laborer deserves his wages.” God then told me to “make the sacrifice. Don’t you know that I can take a spec of dust and turn it into a mountain of gold?”
I did not make the connection at the time, but the Holy Spirit later showed me the meaning of this word. The spec of dust symbolizes the perishable. It is the substance from which we were formed. The almost microscopic flakes of our skin form the dust that dust mites feed off of. Dust is the symbol or our perishable flesh. Gold is the symbol of the imperishable. So it was more than about receiving a big return on investment, or about how God can miraculously provide by transforming things. It is about receiving something eternal. Treasures in heaven. Eternal life.
I know that I am saved by Grace. I am saved by my faith in the Grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. This faith was imparted to me by God himself, so in all things he sustains me and keeps me. I also know that my salvation can be lost if I don’t continue to walk in the faith that first saved me. God does not want us to be deceived about this. I am quoting the notes that my wife took down yesterday as God was speaking to us about the word that he wanted me to bring.
“My people must be free with their giving. You must also tell them that I am angry. I am angry. I am angry. Faith without works is dead. A man who turns his back on his own family has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (Both their natural family and their spiritual family)
Read Job 31. When Job defends himself before his friends he talks a lot about his giving.
Job 31:16-32 (ESV)
[16]”If I have withheld anything that the poor desired,
or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail,
[17] or have eaten my morsel alone,
and the fatherless has not eaten of it
[18] (for from my youth the fatherless grew up with me as with a father,
and from my mother’s womb I guided the widow),
[19] if I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing,
or the needy without covering,
[20] if his body has not blessed me,
and if he was not warmed with the fleece of my sheep,
[21] if I have raised my hand against the fatherless,
because I saw my help in the gate,
[22] then let my shoulder blade fall from my shoulder,
and let my arm be broken from its socket.
[23] For I was in terror of calamity from God,
and I could not have faced his majesty.
[24] “If I have made gold my trust
or called fine gold my confidence,
[25] if I have rejoiced because my wealth was abundant
or because my hand had found much,
[26] if I have looked at the sun when it shone,
or the moon moving in splendor,
[27] and my heart has been secretly enticed,
and my mouth has kissed my hand,
[28] this also would be an iniquity to be punished by the judges,
for I would have been false to God above.
[29] “If I have rejoiced at the ruin of him who hated me,
or exulted when evil overtook him
[30] (I have not let my mouth sin
by asking for his life with a curse),
[31] if the men of my tent have not said,
‘Who is there that has not been filled with his meat?’
[32] ( the sojourner has not lodged in the street;
I have opened my doors to the traveler),
Read Isaiah 58 on the true fast. There is a duality to this word. It teaches us how we should pray when we are fasting and why we should fast, but first it speaks of the true fast of God which is to actually help others and give to them:
Isaiah 58:5-12 (ESV)
[5} Is such the fast that I choose,
a day for a person to humble himself?
Is it to bow down his head like a reed,
and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him?
Will you call this a fast,
and a day acceptable to the Lord?
[6] “Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of wickedness,
to undo the straps of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
[7] Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover him,
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
[8] Then shall your light break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up speedily;
your righteousness shall go before you;
the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
[9] Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’
If you take away the yoke from your midst,
the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,
[10] if you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.
[11] And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water,
whose waters do not fail.
[12] And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of streets to dwell in.
Prophecy 3-13-2003
I am. I am. Read the word. Read the Bible and seek me. I never change. I want to tell you something. Dan does not want to talk about this, but he will share my words with you for I have trained him and I have taught him not to add or remove a single word. Listen to me. Listen to me. I am angry. I am angry with my children. I am not talking about the harlot. I am not talking about Babylon. I am speaking about the Remnant.
You must not believe that I will hear you because of your many words and your many missed meals. You must not think that it is enough to pray that I will meet someone’s financial needs. If you do this without giving, then your prayers and your fasts are an abomination to me. They will not produce a sweet fragrance, but they are a stench in my nostrils that cry out for justice. Read my word. Before you come before me to worship me and to offer me a fast, you must first examine yourself to see if you brother or sister has anything against you. For when I call you to give and you do not give, you are in debt to the person or ministry that you have withheld from. I want you to understand that it is my pleasure to use you, to help you to be like me; to teach you to give as I gave. But, to those whom I send, know that I will meet your need even if I have to come down and do it myself, and reject my bride to be, and create a new one.
For four years after I took Dan and his wife out of the Big Lie, out of the churches where the Prince of Religion reigns, I called him to give to those who hate me, but now is the time that I am calling you my people to bless those who love me, to share with those who serve me faithfully, who give freely out of love, not expecting repayment. Do not think that you are mine and that you know me just because you understand my will about giving. He who loves me obeys my commands. I love you. I love you all so much. For those of you who do my will, be strengthened and encouraged, and to the others, do not despise me or my words. I love you and I am only rescuing you from the fires of hell. Peace. Peace. Peace.
In summary, if God sends you, relax, for he will never fail you. But to others, give as the Lord leads. He wants to use you so that you may share in the blessing and partake of its fruit.
In Christ’s love,
Note: God is not just talking about giving to those who serve God, but the poor, the orphan, the widow, just like in the scripture that he had me quote.