Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
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My Visions, Dreams and Prophecies of Thomas S Gibson and Raymond Aguilera
[Site Curator’s note 2/8/2023: I feel to add a little bit of background to this. In 2003, I was called by the Holy Spirit to direct others to read the prophecies of other prophets. I did as I was told. I don’t recall when I first discovered Ray Aguilera’s and Thomas S Gibson’s prophecies, but I believe it was in the summer of 2000. I had a hard time accepting these words as true. One day, in the early morning hours of May 13, 2001, my wife suddenly said to me that she felt in the Spirit that America is going to be judged. She was unaware of the prophecies of judgment against America that I had read from these prophets. All of a sudden, the Spirit of the Lord filled us with His glory and power. I knew that what my wife had spoken was true. However, I continued to pray and test everything. The Lord testified to HIS WORDS as spoken by these prophets in dreams and visions. I shared them at the Lord’s command. As you test the prophetic words on this website, you may receive similar revelations about the prophetic words and the humble servants that delivered them.
I received a powerful vision and prophecy in 2003 called The Vision of Jesus and Two Prophets. That revelation teaches how to test the prophetic word according to the command in scriptures. I recommend reading that word as well in order to understand this revelation–shared in 2003–better.]
I have been asked by God to include this revelation on my prophecies page. The first part is an excerpt from a draft of the book that God commanded me to write, and the rest is a dream and it’s interpretation that I received in February.
Thomas S Gibson
God is leading me to share a vision I had of Thomas S Gibson. I knew from before that God wanted me to shine a light on him, I just didn’t know how. I hate to sound like a broken record, but this leading from the Holy Spirit did trouble me. I guess it was contrary to my worthless theology. Yeah well, God has humbled me many times by making me write things that conflict with my erroneous beliefs. I’m on a work-study program. What I learn today, I pass immediately onto you, the reader.
Two or three months ago, I had a vision of Thomas S Gibson. He was on his knees in what looked like prayer. He had little coverings over his eyes, the kind that people in tanning booths use to cover their eyes. There was a purple light shining on him, and his face was contorted with intense grief. He was clenching at the hair growing on the sides of his head. Now at this point, I didn’t like the vision. I didn’t understand it at all. I had the same vision for perhaps two days or more (I can’t remember exactly). I prayed for understanding.
Eventually, God gave me a continuation of the vision. It was just like before, but this time he was beating his breast like the tax collector in the parable of the tax collector and the Pharisee. He was still on his knees, and he still had the eye coverings over his eyes. The purple light was still shining on him, but he refused to look at it.
Finally I received the conclusion of the vision. Suddenly the eye coverings blew off. A great light shot out of his eyes. His body was thrown backwards onto the ground, and a great beam of light shaped like a cone was shooting up into the sky from his eyes. I noticed that the purple light that was shining on him was produced from a neon light bulb. The purple neon light was still shining, but it was drowned out by the pure white light coming forth. Eventually, I saw the neon light break under the power of the light coming forth from his eyes.
This is the interpretation of the vision. The neon light represents the artificial light of the idols created by the men of this world. It is the false light. This is why the color was purple, and he was wearing the eye coverings that people wear in tanning booths to protect his eyes from being damaged by this light. The fact that the artificial light was ultraviolet represents an attempt to imitate the true light of the Sun (Son). He was in grief and suffering because he was resisting this light and he refused to look at it. The light that shone forth from his eyes represents the true light, which is Christ
To further clarify His will, God gave me the following Word to share with the Body of Christ. This occurred about 3 hours ago. First I was prophesying, but I kept saying the word “pay” over and over again. My wife and I prayed about the meaning and I thought about Thomas S Gibson, and how God was touching me to shine a light on him. The presence of God filled the room and God spoke through my lips.
Prophecy January 20, 2003. Pay. My son. Pay him back. Pay him back. Pay him back because the words that I gave him to speak have formed you and shaped you. The words that I gave him to speak have strengthened you and helped you. So, I want you to say to my people that I have set him above them that they may listen to the words that I give to him.
I cut and paste the following from his website:
God’s call of my life as a teacher is to teach concerning:
1. The need to return to a first century, Book of Acts, type of church
2. The need to submit to the Holy Spirit in all that we do
(Note: I do not have a personal relationship with him. He is not privy to the book that I am writing, and as of January 20, 2003, he has not expressed any opinion either positive or negative of its content. The words of this book have not received his endorsement. Over the course of 2 ½ years, I have written him 5 emails that I can remember. The first email was written to test him on a matter of doctrine (my lame attempt to discover if he was false or true). The second was a response to his reply. The third was to report a typo on one of the hyperlinks on his links page.. The fourth was to share a confirming testimony or two, and the fifth was to say thanks as the Lord led me. I did not receive replies to the last two emails.)
Ray Aquilera
After the end of the progression of Thomas S Gibson visions, I had a vision that started out being about Thomas S Gibson, but changed to Ray Aguilera ( Only Ray Aguilera peeked and removed his eye covering. He looked around and quickly put it back on. He was thrown back, and instead of light shooting out like a cone from his eyes, he became like a being of light.
I once called Ray Aguilera a Prophet of Doom. This was back during the time when I was first reading the prophecies on his site and Thomas S Gibson’s. It’s really hard to swallow at first. I guess I was ambivalent about them. On one hand, I knew in my heart that the words were true. On the other, there were so many others preaching only “peace and safety” that it was hard to believe. God was patient with me. God purposely held back confirmation of the prophecies (Gibson’s and Aguilera’s) until I had studied them. Let me know if one of the prophecies given to Ray Aguilera falls to the ground (I don’t expect to be getting too many emails or letters any time soon).
Finally, I guess it’s better to be a Prophet of Doom than a Prophet of [the people’s] Mood.
Three Prophetic Words
(I was revising parts of this chapter when God gave me this Prophecy to place here)
Prophecy January 24, 2003
I see. I see.
I see the filth.
I see the filth of the false prophets.
I see. I see it.
I see the filth of the false prophets.
They preach against the Prophets of Doom that I sent.
All the greater prophets were Prophets of Doom.
All the greater Prophets preached judgment.
All of them.
These false prophets, they use the revelation of the Third Day to turn aside from my revelations of judgment, to turn the hearts of the people away from my true Prophets, who speak the words that I give them, and not the words that they receive from lying spirits, from the filth and the lies of the devil.
These false prophets will be judged.
These false prophets will be judged.
These false prophets will be judged.
I will no longer accept this.
I will no longer accept this.
I will no longer accept this.
So be it.
I have spoken.
So be it.
God did not say that the revelation of the third day was false, just that it is being misused by false prophets. I was up working late at night when I received the prophecy. I had to run various errands in the morning. I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach. In fact, ever since I received the revelation of the end of the time of the ‘types’, I’ve had a bad stomach. I went to the bank and when I returned to the car, my wife felt a queasy feeling in her stomach. I told her how I was feeling, and the Holy Spirit moved us to pray. We prayed and rebuked the spirit of sickness in the name of Jesus. Then God spoke to me and said (from memory):
Prophecy #2 January 24, 2003
Pace yourself. I want you to pace yourself. I am healing your stomach. Don’t be anxious about anything. Don’t be afraid to speak the words that I give you. I am with you. I love you.
God touched me before not to move anxiously in the flesh to complete this book. I was loosing a lot of sleep and it was affecting my health. There was one night that I had a vision of myself sitting on the couch and watching a movie with my daughter and my wife and her brother and sister, but I plowed on with the book instead. I couldn’t use a single word of the uninspired writing that came forth that night. When God gave me the prophecy and healed my stomach, I felt touched in the Spirit to take 3 days off from working on the book. I am writing this addition after midnight which marked the end of the third day.
The following prophecy was given to me to include in this section of the book along with the first 2. It was given to me after I came home from work at 10:30PM. There was a shopper from a furniture store on our dining room table. The table is actually a cheap plastic folding table that we bought for 50 dollars. It came with 4 plastic chairs. I was looking at some furniture that I always wanted to buy when suddenly I felt very strongly in the Spirit that a big financial blessing was coming. Then God said:
Prophecy #3 January 24, 2003
Speak not only my judgments, but speak also of my great blessings in this day for those who are faithful.
I ran to the computer to write the prophecy down before I forgot. I’ve tried my best to keep the original wording.
Two Witnesses
Back to Thomas S Gibson and Ray Aguilera. Consider these two witnesses. No, I am in no way claiming that they are the two witnesses written about in the book of Revelation. They are two witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ that God has joined together for a reason. They are an example to us that God can call whoever he pleases, send whoever he pleases, and do so whenever he pleases.
Thomas S Gibson: 21 years of preparation before beginning his ministry.
Ray Aguilera: Begins his ministry immediately after being called by God.
Thomas S Gibson: Sensed from childhood that he was called for a special purpose.
Ray Aguilera: Received the revelation of his call right before he received his ministry.
No two ministries are identical and follow the same time table. All of God’s vessels are unique and created for unique purposes. No two ministers of the Gospel in any office are alike. God does not mass produce. He crafts each vessel individually in his loving hands.
Matthew 11:18-19 (KJV)
[18] For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. [19] The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.
God has told me to single out these true servants of the Lord because they have shared many revelations from the Lord. God picked them, not me. If you go to Thomas Gibson’s website you will find a collection of the writings of Bob Neumann. On my links page, you will find the link to Hand of Help ministries which contains the prophecies of the prophet Dumitru Duduman.
Raymond Aguilera Dream
A little over a month ago I had a dream about Ray Aguilera. In this dream I was visiting his house in California, but his house looked like the inside of a large school building. I was with Ray and a few others. We were walking down one of the wide hallways when in the dream I felt to prophesy. I began to speak and I prophesied in a very stilted way as we walked. I don’t remember the entire word, but part of the message to Ray was that mathematicians were going to prove with mathematical certainty that the accuracy of the prophecies beyond the realm of chance and probability. This was the prophecy that I gave to him in the dream.
As I was finishing the prophecy, he walked over and placed his hand on my forehead. He began to pray for me in fighting tongues! Afterwards, we went to a large classroom that was Ray Aguilera’s bedroom. The floors were made out of wood and there was a mattress with bedding on the floor. There was also something like a rug of spikes and nails next to the bed, and I still don’t know what the interpretation of this is.
Later that day, God gave me the interpretation of the dream. God told me that the prophecies of Ray Aguilera freed me of my doubt, and help me to grow in the gift of prophecy. His home was represented as the inside of a school because this represents the teaching (by example) aspect of his ministry. His bedroom was large because this represents the promises that God has given him. The bedroom was mostly empty and unfurnished because most of these blessings have yet to materialize.