Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
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The Judgment of America
(This is the revelation of the judgment of America that God has given me. It is not complete because God wants me to point to the true prophets that have already blown the trumpet and warned the people. Go to my links page to find the prophecies of Ray Aguilera, Dumitru Duduman, Bob Neumann (archived at and at, and Thomas S Gibson.
This prophecy is more of a narrative of the events that God has told me to post as the revelation of his judgments for America.
On March 1st, I was taking a break at work standing in of a flag pole with the American Flag on it. I began to sing in tongues a song that I had never sung before. I sang as I was led to look at the American flag by the Holy Spirit. God later told me that I was singing a lament for the United States of America.
Later that night I had a vision of a fat missile over Florida. This missile then grew until it was over the central part of the United States. USA was written on the side of the fat missile.. I began to shrink until it became thin and fizzled into nothing. Soon there was only a small patch of scorched earth and some smoke. Then I saw a giant nuclear explosion over the entire United States. The Holy Spirit then reminded me of the prophecy of Dumitru Duduman where God revealed that the enemies of America know where are nuclear stockpiles are hidden. God led me to read the prophecies of Dumitru Duduman on Thomas S Gibson’s website and the whole time I kept seeing the giant missile over American in a vision.
Earlier that night I strained my back lifting something heavy. The next day, the Holy Spirit led my wife and I to observe Communion in our house. We read from James chapter 5, and she anointed my back with oil and we prayed for healing. God told me that I had strained my back because I did heavy lifting and I haven’t been exercising lately and that a demon then jumped on my back to try to worsen my condition. I was freed from the demon, but my back was not yet healed. It was Sunday, and I had to go to work that afternoon.
I left late for work because I felt the anointing to prophesy and God had me deliver a personal message to someone that I know. Even though I left for work late, I encountered light traffic and still arrived at my job 5 minutes early. I called my wife to tell her the good news. This is where the story takes over from my wife perspective.
She was sitting at the computer in my bedroom when her cell phone rang. The cell phone was about 4 feet away on the night stand. My daughter had just handed her a half-eaten donut. My wife was holding it in her left hand. She had just taken one nibble when the phone rang. She was sitting in a chair and when she went to get up to pick up the phone she was suddenly knocked out of the chair onto the floor! The chair also tipped over. She did not get hurt, and as she describes it, it was like she was falling into air! She picked up her cell phone and listened to me tell her to good news. After she hung up the phone, she went looking for the donut that she thought she had dropped when she fell, but she could not find it anywhere! She began to cry and worship God because she had just experienced a miracle! She searched the entire room and it had just vanished without a trace!
Later that night, I felt the anointing to prophesy. God told me to grab a piece of paper and rip it in half. He then told me to take the smaller half and rip it again. I continued to do this seven times. In actuality, God had me rip the paper 10 times because there were times when both halves of the ever diminishing piece looked about the same size. God told me to rip a piece off one of the halves until it was visibly smaller than the other. After I ripped the paper at The Lord’s Instructions, I was left with a small piece of paper that was about an inch and a half wide and a half and inch high. This is what was left from an 8 1/2 x 11 inch piece of printer paper. God told me write “BRIDE” on one side of the paper and “REMNANT” on the other.
God then told me to grab another piece of paper. He told me to write a message on it. He said, “America. America. America. America. America. America. I am coming. I am coming now as judge. This paper represents the American Apostate Church.” Then God had me trace a copy of the little piece of paper on the America paper and write “Blood Covering” and “Remnant” in the outline. Then I determined that the little piece was less than 1/128th the size of the original paper and wrote this on the paper as well (as per the Lords instructions). Please note that since I always took the smaller half and divided it, the size of the small paper is much smaller than 1/128th.
Over the next few days I kept singing this lamentation in tongues and seeing visions of war and explosions and tanks over the map of America. On Monday 3-3-03 God spoke to me an explained that the injury to my back was a prophetic sign. He told me to stand up and place one hand on my chest (the pain was radiating to my chest) and the other on my back. I placed my left hand on my chest and my right hand on my back. God then told me to switch my hands around. At the time, I thought I was going to receive a miraculous healing. God spoke:
“America must pledge their allegiance to me.”
Then God told me to bow low. My right hand was still over my heart, and my left was on my back. God said:
“America must bow before me.”
Here are the notes that my wife took down paraphrasing the prophecies that God gave to us that night.
“I told you that the song was a lamentation my son. You saw a vision of war and destruction in America and I cried and I made you place you hand on your heart and on your back. America must pledge their allegiance to me and bow before me. This wound is a sign. I struck you and wounded you so that you both would pledge you allegiance to me and bow to me. My wounds saved you. I injured you to save you. I injure, but I also heal.”
God is talking about the trials that I experienced in my life that taught me humility, submission, and obedience. He injured me, but he did it to make me holy, to strip me of my pride, to make me die to self so that I may live for him and be saved from the fires of hell. For this same reason, for the sake of the elect, God is going to judge America just as it is written in the Bible, and just as it is written by the true prophets that God has sent in this day.
America is Mystery Babylon
God told me that America, and the American Apostate Church are Mystery Babylon. God told me that the destruction of America is written in the Bible and it will come to pass, for everything in the Bible is true. Read the Book of Revelation (chapter 17 and 18). Also read the revelations given to Bob Neumann. It is available at (click on Old Dog I-IV).
America the falling star
At the end of December, 2002 I had a strange vision. I saw what looked like shooting star in the sky at night. I watched it streak across the sky it all of a sudden changed directions and started arching downward behind a building. I did not realize the supernatural nature of the experience until later. When I was re-reading the prophecies of Dumitru Duduman, God told me that the falling star I saw symbolized America just like in the vision that Dumitru Duduman was given (
I will bring America to its knees
After God had given me the sign to show me how he was going to bring America to repentance, the pain in my pack intensified.. I was walking in my bedroom when all of a sudden I felt a sharp stab of pain in my back. I fell to my knees with my elbows leaning on the bed supporting the weight of my upper body. In this position I felt no pain.
God said, “In the same way I will bring America to its knees.” God then explained that my continued pain and the need to continue on my knees is a sign of true repentance, and not just a momentary repentance, not just lip service.
The sign that these words are true: the healing of my back.
The next day, on 3-4-2003, I was in intense pain. I had difficulty leaning my head forward for the pain was that intense. My wife and I began to pray that morning and God spoke to us through my lips in prophecy. I don’t remember specifically what he told us, but I do remember this: God miraculously healed my back! I was prophesying when the anointing intensified. God said, “What do you feel?” I answered, “I feel no pain!”
I was completely healed! Three times later that day the enemy tried to steal my healing. I would feel pain radiating from without trying to hurt my back. This is the best way that I can describe it. The first two times I rebuked the evil spirit in the name of Jesus and it left. The third time, I just resisted in faith and believed that I was healed, and the enemy left.
The disappearing donut.
God told us that the missing donut was sign. Part of the meaning of the sign was to supernaturally confirm the message of the judgment of America that he was giving me during that time. Even so, he told us that it was a sign, and that he would reveal the meaning of the sign in His time. A few days ago God gave us the meaning of the sign of the disappearing donut. I felt the anointing to prophesy when I walked up to my wife in the Spirit and grabbed her hands. God said:
“Just as the donut disappeared from your hand, so will cancer and AIDS disappear when you lay on hands in my name. Just as the donut suddenly vanished without a trace, so will missing limbs suddenly appear! The dead will be raised, and not just with the laying on of hands, but also with the spoken word.”
I feel directed in the Spirit to remind you to Read the Bible, specifically the Gospels and the Book of Acts, to see the different ways that the Spirit of Jesus can heal the sick when his power is manifest. Even Peter’s shadow healed the sick, and Paul’s hankerchief.
The Coming Revival and final instructions from the Lord.
Prophecy 4-2-2003
Hello my people. I am your Father, I am Jesus, I am the Holy Spirit. I am almighty God, the Lord of All. I am the Kings of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. I am. I want you to understand that the judgment of America will come to pass, will come to pass because it is written in my word. It is written in the Bible. It is there. Go read my word. Go read my word my people and you will see it. You will see that I have revealed in my word the destruction of America, of Mystery Babylon, of the American Apostate Church.
I want you to know this, that you will not be confused or deceived by liars. But, I have I sent my true prophets, and I have revealed my secret to them, and they have been faithful to share my word with you. These prophets, and this is only a partial list, but I have chosen these names carefully. I have chosen them carefully. These prophets, these prophets have revealed my will and my word. They are Dumitru Duduman, Bob Neumann, Ray Aguilera, and Thomas Gibson. I want you my people to read the words of the prophecies that I have given them, to read them, for I speak through them, and I have spoken through them. I want you to seek these words out for they are my words, and they give me glory.
I am not using my servant Dan to point to men, but these men have spoken my word concerning things to come. Remember that my people. Remember that my people. My servant, and my son Dan does not seek any glory for himself, and I give him words to speak. He does not speak from his own imagination, but he speaks my truth and I choose what he should say, and he speaks it, and he does not add or remove a single word. So, listen to him and listen to my true prophets. Listen to him, and I will reveal mysteries to you. Remember that. Remember that.
Know this, a great revival is coming. It is coming for Canada, for the United States. It is coming for Puerto Rico. It is coming. It is coming, but the world, America, will not see this revival unless I first bring my judgments. You must know this and remember that for many of you I had to punish you, I had to punish you before you would repent, before you would turn to me, and the judgment will go on just as I have said, because America has not repented. America has not turned to me. Since the beginning of this war, America has grown more proud, more proud, more proud of its nation, more proud of its own name, and they say, they believe, they declare that they fight for God and country, but they only fight for country and do not fight for me. They do not fight for me.
I am using America for my purposes, but my faithful ones, my servants, my servants who use the weapons of war that are not of this earth, they are the ones that fight for me and fight for my name. So you will see certain things happen in the coming years, but know this, after I bring much destruction to America, I will the heal the land, and I will prosper it, but you must understand that I am talking about a different kind of prosperity, not a material prosperity, but a prosperity of faith, a prosperity of my anointing, of prosperity of unity and love by my Spirit, a prosperity of a harvest of souls, and you will see this come to pass for there is going to be a great revival of greater works, and greater miracles, and there will also be greater persecution and greater suffering. This will all come to pass, and you will see it. You will see it.
To those who know me, to those who know me, know that I know you, and I have marked you and I have sealed you in my blood, in the blood of Jesus. You will not have to fear any of the judgments that are coming, but rejoice with me, and worship me and praise me that I am showing my love to this great nation America, that I am going to show my love to Canada, that I am going to show my love to the world, for my chosen nations. You will see this. You will see this when you see the miracles, when you see thousands saved in a single day and the dead raised, for you must know that through my faithful ones, I will perform greater works.
Know this. Know this. Know this, that when my son Dan prophesied my words to his wife, this was also a sign that I will anoint my church, my Bride, to perform great miracles. It will not just be through Dan’s wife, but it will be through my Body, my people, my church, my Bride, in unity, with one name, which is Jesus.
I have spoken. I have spoken. Bless you all and be at peace, be at peace, and rejoice with me, rejoice with me. I am Jesus, and I am coming soon. I am coming soon! I am coming soon! And soon my faithful ones you will rest from all your suffering. Soon. Very soon, very soon. I love you all. I love you all. Go in peace my people. Peace to you all and I love you. Peace.