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Vision of the Preacher in Times Square
Dear Readers,
I woke up this morning to receive a tremendous vision. When I was telling my wife about the vision, God spoke and said “call it ‘Preacher in Times Square.'” At work, I forgot that God had given the vision a title, and I was thinking of possible titles for the vision. I’m glad I remembered and wrote down his instructions. Here it is:
4-16-2003 Preacher in Times Square
In the first part of the vision I could see a man standing at a podium. He was giving a speech to a large crowd. There were two muscular and dark demons standing behind him, one on each side. They had their arms crossed over their chest. They had extremely powerful looking chests and arms. In my spirit, but not audibly, I could hear the mans speech. He said, “We shall endure. We shall prevail. We shall overcome.” When he spoke these words, the crowd erupted with cheers and celebration. Even the demons looked at each other and smiled.
In the next part of the vision I saw a man with whitish-gray hair, and gray suit standing in the street crying. I knew in my spirit that I was looking at Times Square in NY, and God confirmed that when He gave me the title. He was holding a Bible above his head in his right hand. He was preaching to the people that were walking by. He said, “Repent. Repent. Repent,” and he said it with tears. Most of the people appeared to ignore him and walked by. Some people got angry and threw rocks at him. I’m not talking about little pebbles, but fist sized rocks at full speed. The preacher would not stop preaching repentance. He kept the Bible raised over his head with his right hand. He never lowered the Bible lower than his head. When the people threw rocks, he covered his face with his left arm as best as he could. Despite his wounds he would not stop preaching. No one appeared to listen to him.
My attention was drawn to a young woman who walked by the preacher. She did not appear to pay attention, but in my spirit, I could sense that his message was touching her. She walked home to her high rise apartment. By the time she entered her apartment, she was in tears. She went into her bedroom and shut the door. She fell down on her knees and started crying to Jesus, repenting of her sins. All of a sudden, the room was filled with white light. The walls and the floor started to turn red. The woman was covered in red as well, which I know symbolized the Blood of Christ.
The scene changed and I could see the apartment building where she lived. Four angels descended from the sky and landed on the roof of her building. I could see a tremendous light coming from her apartment! The scene pulled back even farther and I could see the entire skyline of Manhattan. In the sky, there were a multitude of angels all cheering and celebrating because of this one woman who turned to Jesus and repented of her sins! In my spirit I could hear their worship and celebration as a deafening roar that filled the heavens!
I was taken back to the scene in Times Square when the woman walked by the crying preacher. This time I could see something that was hidden from me before. There was an army of angels standing behind the preacher in neat rows. One angel had a clip board. He was checking off a list of names and he was directing the other angels to minister to people on the street. One of the angels was pointed towards the woman who walked by. He stepped off the line and glided to the woman’s side. I saw the preachers words change form and appear as arrows or darts of light. The angel somehow maneuvered the light arrow to hit the woman in her heart. Then I saw the angel blow into the woman’s ear.
This time I saw the angel accompany the woman back to her apartment ministering to her. Her apartment was filled with smoke which I know symbolized the presence of the Holy Spirit. When the woman repented on her knees, I saw another angel writing her name in a book. Another angel came and stamped something in red on her forehead. I could see Jesus in the room with her, though she could not see him. When the angel finished writing something in a book, he flew upwards. The other angels were alerted that a soul was saved, and they celebrated and worshipped just as I had seen earlier. Glory to Jesus!
Prophecy 4-16-2003
My faithful ones. Don’t grow weary of doing well. You may not see the fruit of your labors, but I want you to know that I am at work. I have not sent you in vain, but my word will accomplish its purpose. Don’t grow weary. Don’t grow weary. I love you. I love you. Peace.