Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
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The Eagle and the Wolf
Dear readers,
When I was working on the book at the Lord’s command, he gave me some revelations to share as individual entries on the prophecy page. God in his love permitted me to wait until I had more spare time to post them. This following is an excerpt from Chapter 3. I received it sometime around March or April.
God bless you.
The Eagle and the Wolf
I had a vision that was given to me in parts. I would receive flashes and images, sometimes out of sequence and sometimes repeated. Sometimes it was visual and sometimes it was something that I would just feel or hear in the Spirit. The Lord told me to me to put it all together and present it as the vision of The Eagle and The Wolf and to end chapter 3 with it.
There was a clean shaven shepherd walking ahead of a large flock of sheep in a wide green valley. He was dirty and weary from his travels. I particularly noticed that the hem of robe was muddy. He would wipe the sweat off his brow and plod forward leaning on his shepherds crook. He never looks back at the flock of sheep in his care.
On one edge of the valley there was a deep forest thick with trees and foliage. The other end was made by a treeless grassy hill. There was a wolf that was walking next to the edge of the forest. He was looking into the forest watching out for predators.
I also saw an eagle. The eagle was flying overhead on the other side of the herd of sheep. I knew in my spirit that the eagle was guarding the other flank. With his keen eyes and his ability to fly, he could see over the crest of the hill where the sheep in the valley could not, and he could see approaching danger for miles in the distance. The wolf on the other hand did not have the eagle’s eyesight, but his hearing and sense of smell were very acute. He did not rely on his eyes to guard at the forest edge, but listened carefully for the sound of movement in the shrubbery, and the smell of predators.
The eagle seemed to notice something of interest up ahead. He soared very high into the air to get a better look. There was something further down the valley that was capturing the eagles’ attention. The eagle was so captivated by what he saw that he stayed aloft, and did not come down to rest on his customary perch on a rock. The eagle was very proud and trusted in the strength of its wings. He soared ahead of the flock, as far as he would dare without abandoning his guard, to peer at what was up ahead.
At the same time, the wolf noticed some movement in the forest. He saw it with his eyes. There was a breeze that was blowing in the direction of the forest and it he couldn’t smell any predators. The rustle of the leaves made it difficult to hear as well.
I could see in the vision what had attracted the attention of the wolf. There was a giant dragon painted in army camouflage colors. He blended in perfectly with the forest surroundings. He was only a few feet away from the edge of the forest where the wolf stayed guard. The dragon was very stealthy and he only ventured to move forward a few inches at a time. He waited for the winds to blow just right to avoid detection.
I noticed the dragon inch towards the sheep. A low hanging branch from a tree brushed against his back exposing a bit of the dragon’s bright golden scales. The wolf could not see it from his angle, but the eagle should have noticed from his bird’s eye perspective. As it turned out, the dragon ventured too close and the wolf could smell the stench of his breath (I saw this as mist from the dragon’s nostrils). The wolf started barking loudly alerting the sheep. The dragon held still. The sheep looked. The weary shepherd looked, and they could not see any danger. The weary shepherd looked forward again and many of the sheep followed him and plodded ahead. The wolf started barking and some of the sheep scrambled for shelter in a ridge of a rock in the valley.
When the eagle heard the wolf bark he looked down and saw the glint of gold in the forest. He new something was amiss and he swooped downward. As he approached he could make out the scales on the dragons back. Suddenly, a giant bear appeared over the crest of the grassy hill on the other side of the valley. The eagle, knowing that it was responsible to stand guard on that side, changed directions and swooped down towards the bear that was charging into the sheep. The eagle did not realize how tired it had become from staying aloft all that time. He did not have the strength to fight. The bear knocked the eagle out of the air with its paw, and then grabbed it in his jaw and thrashed it about. The wolf kept barking and barking, and held off the dragon as long as he could, but he too took refuge in the rocks with the few sheep that had listened. The shepherd leaned wearily on his staff and wiped his brow. After he first looked back to see why the wolf was barking, he never looked behind him again.
For a few days around the time that I was receiving the above vision, I would speak the word soar in prophecy. Then one day, I sensed strongly in the Spirit that the Holy Spirit wanted to show me what had the eagle captivated. I did not have a vision of an eagle soaring to look ahead or anything like that. This time, the metaphor changed to soldiers battling in trench warfare against different demonic spirits. There were many trenches one after the other, and I received this vision as brief flashes or pictures in my spirit-man. One by one, a small group of soldiers took the trenches away from the demons and pressed on towards other trenches ahead of them. I sensed strongly in the Spirit, “Line upon line. Precept upon Precept.”
The soldiers reached and took the last trench. One the other side was the place in the valley that the eagle had seen with his sharp eyes. I saw a huge mound of treasures, mostly objects made out of gold and bright gems and jewelry. I looked closely at the treasure and noticed that words were written on them and that many of the gold objects were crowns. I could see in brief flashes words like “cancer,” “AIDS,” “death,” “paralysis,” and “missing limbs.” On the other side of these objects would be written “healing of,” and “resurrection from.” I noticed one in particular that said, “down syndrome.” There were many other golden objects that spoke of deliverance. I did not see anything in particular, except that I sense these words, greed, homosexuality, self-loathing, suicide, darkness, blindness, death, hate, confusion, lust, envy, tiredness. I know that there are many more treasures with different forms of deliverance. The Lord is now showing me something that looks like unlocked golden shackles, except that the shackle part is only an arch and can never close all the way. On it is written “deliverance from fear.” In the middle of the treasures there is one big crown with the word “life.” I wonder why there is only one, perhaps because all life is found in Jesus.
There were many gems. Most are colored red. They are the smallest ones that I noticed. There are a few larger blue ones. The blue ones had the letter P on it. I picked one up and it crumbled into sand in my hand. God told me that this P stands for prosperity, and some those who seek material prosperity and not Jesus, will receive the blessing of poverty (so that they may repent and become rich in faith). I picked up an identical blue gem with an identical letter P. This gem was real. God told me that the P stands for miraculous provision. Many miracles of miraculous provision are coming just like in the Bible. Finally, I noticed the little red gems. They too had the letter P on it. God told me that the P stands for the word pie. Pie is a dessert food that is not necessary for survival. Pie stands for the extras that our loving God will give to us. Pie stands for the financial prosperity above that which is would be considered basic provision that the Lord is going to give to those who hate wealth and love Him with all of their might. The ones who care not for the things of this world are the very ones that God will bless in his love. Praise Jesus!
God bless everyone.