Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings

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The Prophet Who Cried Wolf

Dear readers,

When I was working on the book at the Lord’s command, he gave me some revelations to share as individual entries on the prophecy page.  God in his love permitted me to wait until I had more spare time to post them.  This following is an excerpt from Chapter 5.  I received it sometime around March or April.

God bless you.


The prophet who cried wolf

After I received the revelation of the judgment of America, the Lord gave me another revelation that helped me to understand how God could say that his judgment will come to pass because it is in the Bible and at the same time say that he is willing to relent.  Here is the vision that I had the God used to teach me about this (I received it in parts and this is just one of the versions that I received, but they all meant the same thing):

There was a boy sitting on the fence that marked the edge of a sheepfold.  He was constantly yapping his mouth and everyone just basically ignored him.  His name was Deception and Error, and Confusion.  He had other names, but I don’t remember them all.  There were many sheep grazing peacefully in the sheepfold and there was a wolf standing guard over the sheep.  The wolf sensed that a pack of ravenous wolves were approaching the sheep and he barked loudly.  The people of the town responded and the cunning wolves backed away.  No one else saw the wolves, except the wolf who barked.

As time passed this wolf grew old and passed away.  A young wolf was placed in the sheepfold to guard the sheep.  Suddenly he heard a pack of wolves approaching, and he enthusiastically barked loudly to warn the people.   The people of the town came rushing to protect the sheep, but the cunning wolves backed away and were not seen.   Time passed and this wolf passed away, and another young wolf was placed to guard the sheep.   He too sensed the wolves approaching and he barked loudly.  This time, the people of the town did not believe anything wolf because they grew to distrust all wolves.  They treated the wolf just like they treated the boy.  No one responded.  The wolves saw that the sheep were unprotected and devoured them.

In this same way, the Lord told me, when he delays his judgments the people lose their faith in the warning of the prophets until they are so hard in their hearts that the judgment does come.  Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah, but I’m sure that some of the townspeople thought that Jonah had defrauded them and began to sin again.  The judgment of Nineveh did take place.  It was delayed about a century, but it did come to pass.

Up Next: Vision of the Three Churches