Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
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Vision of the Three Churches
Dear readers,
When I was working on the book at the Lord’s command, he gave me some revelations to share as individual entries on the prophecy page. God in his love permitted me to wait until I had more spare time to post them. This following is an excerpt from Chapter 5. I received it sometime around March or April.
God bless you.
Vision of the Three Churches
I saw a church that looked like the Parthenon in shape, except that it had walls around the edges instead of columns. It was fairly large. There were armed guards at the entrance to the church. There were people hanging a new sign in top of the entrance. In the beginning I saw the sign as saying “Apostolic,” but I also recently saw “Five-Fold.”
The inside of the church was crowded with people. There were many rows of seats and a center aisle, and there was a preacher on a stage-altar. The preacher was wearing an all white suit. Behind the preacher to the left there was a man playing gentle music on a grand piano. The congregation was very quiet when the preacher began to preach.
The first thing he said was that God had relented of his judgments that were spoken of by the prophets. The people in the church did not seem very interested in this message, so the preacher changed it. He then started saying that this was the third day, and that words of judgment have passed away. Some people perked up at the word, but most of the people were uninterested. Then he started preaching against the prophets of doom who were deceiving the people with their lies. People started saying “Amen” and praising God. They liked this message. He spoke about the power of the spoken word and how speaking negative brings judgment. He rebuked the warnings of the prophets, and spoke good things for America. The crowd really liked this and started hooting and howling.
Then the preacher really stepped up his show. He started gesticulating and running back and forth stirring up the emotions of the crowd. The pianist though, refused to accompany him with music. He continued to play in a gentle way out of sync with the preachers show. The preacher looked at him angrily, but dare not say anything to oppose him.
The preacher began to praise America and say good things about America. “America. How great thou art! The greatest nation on the planet. A Christian nation!” The crowd was up out of their seats cheering and praising loudly. Suddenly the preacher spoke in tongues and I could hear in my spirit what his false tongues meant; “We love you America. We worship you America!” When he worshipped American in false tongues, the excitement and ecstasy of the crowd multiplied until the people in the Church were practically screaming. A giant American flag descended from the ceiling and unfurled. The people started worshipping the flag and America louder than ever.
I noticed that there were 4 people in the church that did not go along with the program. One of them was the pianist. The other was a man in the front of the church. He was kneeling down at the altar crying the whole time in prayer. Another is a woman in the last row. She was checking everything that the preacher said by the Bible, and she even looked at some prophecies from a prophet that I know of who shares words on the internet. There was also a man in the back of the church who sat quietly crying. I recognize that he was a real minister with a large church and television show. He did not believe the lies of the preacher, and he cried quietly to God.
Suddenly, a great fire swept through the church. Everyone inside was instantly vaporized except for the pianist, the man praying at the altar, the woman reading the Bible, and the famous preacher crying in the back. When the fire swept through the church, the sign that said Apostolic fell down and the original sign underneath was exposed. This sign said, ‘”Devil’s.”
The Second Church
The second church looked very much like the first church except that on the inside on the outer edges of the seats there were some cots lining the aisles near the wall like a makeshift triage. There was a preacher in the front who was praying at the altar. God kept telling him to warn the people and prepare them for the coming judgments. He would say, “No Lord, I can’t. They will be afraid. They are like sheep. They won’t understand. I won’t Lord. I can’t. They will fall away.” God would keep repeating his command which I heard as a voice in my spirit, and the preacher would respond the same way every time.
Suddenly there was a large rumbling sound and the church trembled. It reminded me of the movie Jurassic Park when the T-Rex was approaching. Some of the people in the church started to panic because they didn’t know what was happening. The Preacher realized that the judgments had begun. Another rumbling and shaking came and went. The rear half of the church was screaming in fear and the preacher was calling out to them not to be afraid. It was too late. The rear half of the church made a dash for exit. Every single one of the people who tried to escape the building in fear was trampled and crushed at the exit.
The front half of the congregation did not rush out in fear. Some of the people in the front also heard the call to warn the people just like I did. They reached out to those near them and held them back. In this way, half the church was saved. When the fire came, this half of the church was unharmed, but the bodies of the other half were vaporized.
The third church
This church did not have a building in most versions of the vision and this is the way that God wants me to present it to you. I saw people dressed in white wearing the uniforms of nurses and doctors. They were not standing together but were standing on every street corner reaching out to preach the word and to tend to the sick and needy. When the fire came, every single on of them survived unharmed, and not only that, many others that were standing around them in the street were also saved. I sensed strongly in the Spirit that this church was in position to reach the lost when the judgments came, and they were able to save many, even at the last hour.
What is the meaning of the vision? Blow the trumpet. Warn the people. Preach the good news. Heal the sick. Help the poor and needy. Shine the light of Christ’s love to the world. Prepare for the coming judgments. Hear who has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.