Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings

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Dude, Where’s My Savior?

Dear readers,

When I was working on the book at the Lord’s command, he gave me some revelations to share as individual entries on the prophecy page.  God in his love permitted me to wait until I had more spare time to post them.  This following is an excerpt from Chapter 7.

God bless you.


Dude, where’s my Savior?

Jesus told me to end this book with these words.

I was prophesying on my knees after I took communion and the Lord said, “Dude.  I’m your best friend dude.  Later dude.”

I was thinking about why Jesus called me “dude.”  It reminded me of a scene in a movie that I saw recently called “Dude where’s my car.”Then it occurred to me.   I asked, “If my name is Dude, then what’s your name, Sweet?”

“Sweet Jesus.”

Amen, Lord.  Amen.

Up Next: About The Room: A Message to the 600