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Times Square Anointing: One Year Later

(Sent 5/27/2004)

In the year 2003, the Lord sent me to go to Times Square and anoint it with oil.  I sent out a report to a small list of people regarding the events of that day.  God also permitted me to share what happened to anyone who contacted me to ask.  Recently, I received the command to write up a report on the Times Square anointing and sent it out to a list of 14 people on the 1-year anniversary of the event (which is today).  What you are about to read is based on an outline that was given to me by God in prophecy.  I write it in faith and obedience to Christ.

A Vision

I had a vision on April 1st, 2004.  I had just returned home from work.  It was about 11:00 PM.  I was walking towards the kitchen from the living room when I had a quick vision of a man standing next to the bookshelf in front of me.   He had brown hair and a beard.  It lasted for a split-second.  Not understanding what I saw, I prayed, “Lord, what is it that I saw?”  The Lord answered, “It is my presence!”

What an interesting choice of words, I thought.  Was he saying that the image that I saw was a visual manifestation of his presence?  I rejoiced.  It was a very encouraging experience.  I recall that I shared it with my wife and my brother.  It was only later that I realized that the day I had the vision is known as April Fool’s Day.  It’s a day when people deliberately tell lies and play practical jokes on each other.  I knew the difficulties that others would have believing me.  We laughed about it, but it was more than just a practical joke played on me by my best friend.

When God gave me the outline for this report, he told me to start it with the April Fool’s Day vision.  The Lord has taught me a lot through that experience.  I see it as a metaphor of the things that he has asked me to do and the words that I was asked to share.  Only those who really don’t judge by the flesh, the sheep who hear the Shepherd’s voice, who fellowship with the Holy Spirit and live by faith will be able to understand that I am telling the truth.

Jan Vermeer

Earlier this year a coworker of mine lent me a copy of a book on the 17th Century Dutch artist Jan Vermeer.  Jan Vermeer is topic 2 on the outline given to me by God for this report.  The book contained photos of all of his known paintings.  I read through it, and I wondered afterwards why I was led to do this.  I don’t know a lot about art history, but I learned a few things about 17th Dutch art.

Vermeer’s paintings are highly allegorical.  Simple images are given elaborate interpretations.  In 17th century Dutch art, certain symbols had defined meanings, and by using these symbols in paintings, the artist could convey it’s meaning to his contemporaries.  Everything was very well defined.  There was even a hierarchy of importance in the types of painting an artist could create.  Religious art, both Biblical, and mythological, was considered the highest form of painting, followed by portraits, and ending, I believe, in landscapes, which was considered the lowest of all.

As I read this book on Vermeer’s paintings, I learned the elaborate rules that art historians use to interpret his works.  A wine jug on the table with a man and a woman implied a seduction scene.   A woman reading a letter meant that the woman was having an affair, and so on and so forth.

Here is a link to a web page with Vermeer paintings.

In many of the Vermeer paintings, women are depicted wearing pearls.  Often this is interpreted as a symbol of vanity, but there is one particular painting, where the pearl is given another interpretation altogether.  Entitled “Girl with A Pearl Earring,” ( it is a portrait of a girl wearing a blue turban and a large pearl earring.   Unlike the other instances where pearl jewelry implied the wearer’s preoccupation with beauty and appearance, the interpreter confidently asserts that this pearl earring is meant to symbolize the woman’s purity, more specifically, that she has inclined her ear to the word of God, and the Gospel message.  The oriental head covering is seen as further proof of the woman’s chastity.

Why is this relevant to the report that I am writing?  Vermeer died years ago, so we can’t really know the meaning of his paintings.  The various interpretations of Vermeer’s paintings are never more than educated guesses.   Right or wrong, it’s all speculation.  And what we are seeing with Vermeer’s painting of a girl wearing a pearl earring as compared to his other works is a conflict of metaphors.  The same image has a different meaning depending on its context.  People have created elaborate rules in order to interpret the meaning of his works which are themselves based on elaborate rules of symbolism. 

God speaks through images, and symbols.  God has given me a message that must be interpreted by understanding His numerical symbolism, but we must never think that by simply learning some rules we can interpret anything the Lord brings.  Rules are flesh, and they give birth only to flesh.  With everything that we receive from God, we must go before Him to receive His interpretation of its meaning, for anything else is false.

God gave me a message to share last year based on the revelation and interpretation of a pattern of prophetic dates in my life, but He never meant it to lead to some kind of religious science of prediction or special-date-finding.  Unlike scholars, who value their ability to speculate, we who have fellowship with Jesus, can go confidently to Him and await his revelation as to the meaning of everything.


When we have a vision of a lion, are we seeing the Lion of the tribe of Judah, or a roaring lion looking to devour?  When I receive a vision, God has never once allowed me to jump to conclusions, but must always wait for his interpretation, which only comes when He pleases.  Sometimes the interpretation is immediate, or sometimes it takes years.  Sometimes I am asked what I think it means.  I usually say, “don’t know” or listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit for the answer.  So, which is it?  Is the lion Jesus, or Satan?  It’s a trick question.  God once said to me “Sometimes a lion is just a lion.”  Yes, it’s supposed to remind us of a quote attributed to Sigmund Freud, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”  So, the next time you have a vision of a loin, perhaps you’re being reminded that you have no clue what it means unless He reveals it to you.  And maybe, perhaps, that’s just what it means…

Even just recognizing that a revelation is from God is not enough.  In the Bible we read an account of the High Priest prophesying that Jesus had to die to save the people saying that it was better that one man die than the nation perishes.  It was true prophecy, and the listeners believed it, but none of them interpreted it correctly.  They instead all plotted together to kill Jesus and used the prophecy as some sort of mandate from heaven to do so.   The word says that the letter kills, and in this instance the letter killed in the most literal way.

No prophecy, whether in Scripture or otherwise, is subject to man’s own private interpretation.   Interpretation belongs to the Lord.


Vision of wolves, but this time the wolves are the good guys?  What’s going on here?  I shared my visions in obedience to the Lord.  I would have preferred sheep dog or watch dog, or ex-wolf tamed by the Master (now just a dog), but I used the word wolf at the Lord’s command.  A year and a half ago I had a dream/vision.  It started as a dream, but I woke up before it finished.  There was wolf, his mouth bloody from attacking sheep.  There were sheep all around me.  The wolf turns to attack me, and I strike back viciously.  The wolf mistook me for a sheep, but I was a wolf there to protect the sheep.  I could see my snout and my nose in front of me.  I had blood on me as well, and I knew in the dream that this wasn’t the first predator that I had confronted that day.

There I was, in service to the Good Shepherd, my Master, fighting battle after battle out of love to protect the very sheep that look at me, and seeing my wolfish nature, feel mistrust and suspicion…

More Signs

Since I was sent forth last year to send out a few prophecies, and anoint Times Square, the Lord has shown me different wonderful sings that glorify his name!  Before I share the events of that day you, permit me to share these signs.

First off, I am providing links so that those of you who are unfamiliar with the work that I did last year can read up on it.

Link to the preview of the e-book I wrote last year with some of the signs of 9:

Link to the invitation to join me in Times Square page:

More signs and interpretation are in chapter 2 and 4 of the book I wrote which can be downloaded from this page:

Here is a list of new things that I was shown and new signs that were revealed to me.

1.  There are 9 months, or 40 weeks in a typical pregnancy.  9 therefore, is associated with pregnancy and birth, or in the case of my daughter’s birth, and all the signs in my life, the birth of the Man-Child.

2.  There are 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit in Galatians.  These are 9 characteristics with which the fruit or lack thereof on the branches will be examined.  9 therefore, is associated with judgment.

3.  I was web surfing one day and I decided to look and see what God had to say through Bill Burns on 8-27-1999 (my daughter’s DOB).  This is what I found:,%201999.

4.  I did not realize until this year that Times Square was 99 years old on the day of the anointing. Here is a link to a web page confirming that Times Square turned 100 years old this year:  It also contains info on an appropriately titled book called “The Devils Playground” about the history of Times Square.

5.  There was a Broadway musical (near the anointing spot) called Nine which opened and closed in the year 2003.  Despite its short run, it was awarded a Tony award for best musical “revival.”

God only sent me forth for a short time in the year 2003.  He asked me to withdraw, and study and prepare.  I read something earlier this year that I wanted to respond to (a false prophecy) and The Lord said, “If you want to help, then read the book of Esther!”  Esther was my current reading assignment at the time.  That’s where I am now, in training and preparing for the work ahead.

God told me once that the day of my birth was a sign.  I was born in 1974.  This means I was conceived in 1973 and that I anointed Times Square in the 30th year since my conception.   I read the testimony of a prophet who was told by God that he was conceived in 1973 because this was the year of Roe Vs. Wade, the supreme court decision in favor of abortion.  God told me that this applies to me as well.  In fact, the large number that I was given in March of 2003 (link here: was later revealed to me to be the exact number of babies that would be murdered in the USA in 2003.  I tried to confirm that number, but I could only find an estimate for 1.3 million, and I don’t know if that includes infanticide, or how accurately such figures can be measured with the latest abortion pill technology for that matter.  But I trust that God is never wrong.  I also learned an amazing fact.  1 in 4 pregnancies in the USA ends in abortion.

Please take the time to read the Third Thunder by Bob Neumann.  It will help you to understand the emphasis on abortion and the reason for its connection to the signs in my life and the anointing of Times Square:

7.  The day I finished writing the book called 9 was one week before the Times Square anointing.  At the Lords command, I quickly perused it and then sent a copy of it to my brother for him to post on the website.  God didn’t want it to be perfect in spelling and things of that nature, so I didn’t get to edit it carefully.  He wanted to make a point with its informal nature.  It is not copyrighted either.  He said that I am never allowed to edit it.  I started re-reading it until 3 AM the next day, and then I went to bed.  The next day, my wife finds out that her brother and his live-in girlfriend had seen a bright light for a few seconds shining on them just outside the window.  My wife’s brother knew that God was calling him through this supernatural sign (“I stand at the door and knock”), but he didn’t want to leave his life of vices.  He instead ignored the call, became agitated, forced himself not to think about what he saw, and reportedly started looking for drugs to use. 

8.  On May 24th, 2003, we boarded a plane and headed towards New York.  We realized later that it was exactly 9 years prior that my wife boarded a plane from Syracuse, New York to live in Puerto Rico. 

The reason why I mention some things that don’t seem to directly relate to the message of the anointing of Times Square is because they are meant to confirm the message that I received at Times Square that will be mentioned later on.  Here are some more things that occurred in 2003 that are shared for you edification.

9.  On 8-27-2003, Mars made it closest approach to earth in all of human history.  It was also the day that the 10 commandments monument was removed from the Alabama courthouse.  Not that it matters how many monuments to the 10 commandments are erected, but its removal on that date combined with the sign in the sky is prophetically significant.  It was also my daughters 4th birthday.  I also had a vision of a “man in Mars” that day.  It was a man in armor with a shield in his right hand and a sword in his left.  No interpretation received.

10.  On 9-18-2003, Hurricane Isabel hit the United States.  It was my 5th wedding anniversary, and the 14th anniversary of the day that Hurricane Hugo hit Puerto Rico (where I live) in 1989, at 9AM causing 9 deaths.

11.  At the end of October, 2003 my grandmother’s apartment was finally sold (40 E 9th St, 7th floor), and my parents did a wire transfer of a large sum of money to me so that I could pay off the mortgage on my apartment.  My apartment, which I moved into during my 7th year in Puerto Rico, and my daughter’s 3rd year of life, cost $153,000, and on 11-7-2003, it was finally paid off.   11-7-2003 is the 5-year anniversary of my wedding reception which occurred 50 days after my court wedding due to Hurricane George. 

My apartment, which is on the 3rd floor of the 3rd building in the walk up complex where I live, was finally redeemed on the 5th anniversary of my reception.  The full price of $153,000 now paid.  I sensed in the Spirit to look up redemption in the dictionary and found this:

Redemption: 1. an act of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.  2.  deliverance; rescue.  3.  deliverance from sin.  4. atonement for guilt.  5. repurchase, as of something sold.  6. paying off, as of a mortgage, bond, or note.  7.  recovery of payment, as of something pledged.

Now the box number for my apartment is 306, which is 153 times 2.  I have found the book The Third Day Church by Bill Burns to be very helpful in understanding the meaning of these signs (  Chapter 9, in particular, sheds some light on the number 153 and its meaning that can applied to these signs.

One last thing relating to numbers: Recently, God told me that the number 17 means “The Great Feast of the Lamb,” in the signs in my life.  153 is 9 times 17.  God told me to mention it here.

The Anointing of Times Square

Speaking of the number 153, it was on the 153rd day since the Lord first called me to share his word with the world on 12-26-2002 that I was standing on 45th St. on a little wedge of side walk between Broadway and 7th Ave in the middle of Times Square.  My wife, my brother, his wife, and our 2 daughters were in attendance.  It was May 27th, 2003, one year ago today, my brothers 3rd wedding anniversary, the day my daughter turned 45 months old, and the 7th anniversary of the day my wife first called me phone in 1996.

There were 6 of us in total, not including the tall man standing next to us in his underwear called the Naked Cowboy, and a small group of tourists paying attention to him.  When we first arrived in Times Square that day, I hoped that God would move the Naked Cowboy off the anointing spot before noon, but God positioned him there because of his prophetic significance.  At 11:57 AM or thereabouts, the Lord spoke to me and told me to read from Revelation chapter 18.

Rev. 18:1-6 (ESV) 

    After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory.  [2] And he called out with a mighty voice,

    “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!

        She has become a dwelling place for demons,

    a haunt for every unclean spirit,

        a haunt for every unclean bird,

        a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.

    [3] For all nations have drunk

        the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,

    and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,

        and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.” [4] Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,

    “Come out of her, my people,

        lest you take part in her sins,

    lest you share in her plagues;

    [5] for her sins are heaped high as heaven,

        and God has remembered her iniquities.

    [6] Pay her back as she herself has paid back others,

        and repay her double for her deeds;

        mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed.

After I finished reading verse 6, God told me to pour out the oil.  He then said that verse 6 had just been fulfilled.  I finished reading the rest of chapter 18, and we all prayed for the things that God had asked us to pray for, such as a spirit of repentance.  The decision has been made.  America has been sentenced.  After I finished, Jesus said, “Give me back my rod.”  I gave/he took it back.  

Can America take what it dishes out?  The day of the Columbine High School massacre coincided (so they say) with the largest day of Bombing in Kosovo.   Rev. 18:6 shows us that America will have to take a double portion in the cup she mixed.

I find it more than a coincidence that God describes both spiritual and natural Babylon to me as “sentenced” when I read the following prophecy that was sent to me earlier this week.  Just like the condemned man, America is sentenced.  This is direct confirmation, and God told me to include His word through David Haase here:

From the White Throne… 5-23-04

America is like a dead man… condemned not knowing the hour or the day of his destruction, awaiting his final Judgment, lost, not seeing, unable to defend himself against his fate. His last hours he lashes out at things he cannot comprehend, against foes he cannot see… all in vain, for his hour is appointed, his death assured, no morning will he see, his life squandered among the nations. Brought out from among the least, you thought to raise yourself above all nations, your heart set like stone without remorse.

AMERICA NOW HEAR THIS!!! You are cut off from your seed… your lives belong to others, you touted freedom, yet your actions spoke rebellion. Love of yourself is all that mattered… Lies spoken to others and yourself, this is all you hear and will hear. My servants who walk among you who cry and weep to save you, are but deaf whispers in your ears. How loud these cries will sound on the Day of Judgment. The tears and shame will be yours as you see and hear it again. You have mocked Me, your games, your courts, your hidden lies, your sins of the dark, your sins flaunted for all to see… to make them more like you. NO MORE!!! YOUR DAYS ARE ENDED!!! Watch as all you hold dear is shaken, removed and destroyed by My Wraith. My heart burns with anger against you, my hand will be stayed NO longer. My Word has sealed your fate.

From foolishness will come a destroyer of many…

After the anointing we walked on to 14th Street Union Square and took communion and prayed for unity in the Body of Christ.  Then we ate lunch and afterwards my wife, my daughter and I continued on to the sight on the fallen towers to look around at the Lord’s command.  We walked around the Battery Park area for a while and tried to take a subway train back to my parents forgetting that all northbound service that passed through the World Trade Center had ended because of the fall of the Towers.  I had to walk north to Canal Street to catch a train back to my parent’s house.  On the way back North, we passed by the Wall Street Bull pictured here:  It is anatomically intact unlike the Steer in the vision of the Killing of the Bull given to Bob Neumann (

There are those who want to believe that no actual physical destruction is on the way, and that warnings of judgment against Babylon only have to apply to the spiritual Babylon.  But this vision by Ray Aguilera and its interpretation help shed some light on what is coming to pass right now: (  The fire of destruction and purification will burn in both the physical and the spiritual.

Weeks after the trip to Times Square the Lord spoke to me and told me to read number 1516 on Ray Aguilera’s prophecy, visions, dreams list.

I was amazed to read that it was a prophecy about the anointing of Rio de Janeiro with oil.  God helped me to understand the purpose for the Times Square anointing by leading me to that prophecy.  God then said to read the next one, and I did.

I provided the link, but it’s short, so I’ll quote it:

1517. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on June 28, 2000 at 10:20 PM.

What I told the two of you (Carl and I) in Israel still applies.  “What comes up comes down, good and faithful servants.  Look at the mountain.  Look at the mountain”.

When I first read this, I thought first of the statue of Jesus, and the judgment against idolatry, but now I know God was speaking also [about] the Second Coming of Christ.

Concluding Words

To Abba, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit belong the Glory for all that He has done in my life.  It is with Holy Fear and trembling that I shared this with you, knowing that I would have to give an account to God for every word.  I have not tried to write something that would be believed.  I don’t want recognition from anyone, only God’s approval.  I have not lied but have told the truth about everything.

Last year, I complained to Jesus that I would be called a prophet of doom.  He said, “What do you care what other people think?”  I realized that he was quoting from the title of a book that I own by a scientist named Richard Feynman.  Richard Feynman was chosen to be a member of the committee that was commissioned to investigate the cause of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion in 1986.  The rest of the committee was led around on tours looking important while he separated himself to do some actual investigating.  What he found was a web of deception and hypocrisy, false statistics, and poor risk assessment.  The lies that NASA told made the shuttle appear safe, but telling lies, and believing them couldn’t change that fact that faulty design and wishful thinking caused the shuttle to explode.

In 2003, a year of symbolic judgments on America (such as the northeast area blackout, and California fires), the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded over Palestine, Texas.  Few want to believe the message, but that won’t stop it from coming to pass.  There will be conviction and repentance, but first comes the fire that brings it…

I now return the shelter of the Most High and await the command to go forth again.  If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

[email protected]

[email protected]

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Up Next: Labor Day Weekend