Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
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Bowling Ball Delivery 2
An Introduction. December 17, 2004
Dear Brethren on WPA discussions,
In April of 1996 I was attending a prayer service in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. It was probably Tuesday night, as Tuesday was always prayer night. We used to meet together several times a week, and this is the norm in most Pentecostal churches here.
The church was once a mechanics garage. There was no wall in the rear of the garage. If you turned around in your folding chair you would see a small parking area that sloped up a hill. The pastor lived in a house next to the church along with several men who were rehabilitating from drug addiction.
Years before I came to live in Puerto Rico, the Lord called a woman to fast and pray for 40 days without eating or drinking anything. At the end of those 40 days, the simple and uneducated woman had a vision of a little girl. Then the Lord asked her, “Do you understand what you are seeing?” She did not. Then she saw a vision of a mechanics garage. “Do you see this place? I will use it to fix lives.”
That night in April, Hermano Manuel was praying in tongues like he always did. This night was different though. There were 3 people in the service that had the gift of interpretation of tongues, Pastora Angelica, Hermano Frankie, and Hermano Rigo, and at the end of the time of prayer they shared what the Lord had spoken through brother
Brother Manuel had been a transvestite homosexual prostitute drug addict before the Lord saved him and freed him. Frankie had murdered 2 people before he was found by Jesus. Rigo grew up in a family that practiced witchcraft. These were some of my first teachers in the Lord.
Brother Manuel was going through many hard tests at the time. He was preaching in the streets of the neighborhood where he used to prostitute himself years ago. Many people had counseled him that he was in disobedience to God for preaching there, and that his
disobedience was the reason behind all of his suffering. So, I bet he had been crying out to God for an answer.
At the end of the time of prayer the pastor shared the message from God. The majority of the message was directed at Manuel. Satan had asked for him. It was God’s will for him to continue preaching in the streets. God was with him, and he had to be strong during this time of testing. Then at the end the Lord said, “Wait until you see
what I’m going to do with Danny. Very soon, I have a gift for him.”
Abba called me Danny back then. The brothers in the church knew me as Daniel. My parents call me Danny to this day. At a certain point, God started calling me Dan. He told me to use the name Dan. My friends call me Dan.
About a month and a half after the prophecy, a girl called me on the phone on Memorial Day, and we spoke for an hour. I knew in the Spirit that she was a blessing to me. A few days later we met. She was saved in July and began attending church with me and my
biological father. We were engaged in August. We were married 2 years and 1 month after that.
It was in August of 1996 that the Holy Spirit led us to begin attending another church. My father had the car, so we pretty much had to tag along if he switched churches. Nevertheless, he did not make the decision on his own but was led by the Lord to do so. The Pastor of the new church that we attended was once a drug addict. He had a 9th grade formal education. He was once a member of the church that we had just left.
This church was part of one of the largest councils of Pentecostal churches in the world. The previous church I had attended was independent. There was a home next to the church that was used as a drug rehabilitation center. It was small and could house about 8 people in 2 rooms with 4 bunk beds. The pastor, who was once bound by the spirit of drugs, had been given a vision by God to use the home this way. The pastor, his wife, and son lived in a public housing project.
Some of the men who came to live in the home were once homeless. They had AIDS or hepatitis. They were called off the streets and given a place to stay. I remember how they looked when they first arrived, gaunt, and sickly, and wearing smelly rags. Months later, they would recount how much weight they had gained in such a short time at the home.
Hogar Prolamemos Cristo Viene Pronto. The Home We Proclaim Jesus is Coming Soon. Most of those that came to stay would fall away an return to their old lives, but they were welcomed. They were clothed and fed. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. Someone had brought them the message of the Cross not just in words, but in actions, and that is the important part.
My relationship to my fiancée was a matter of contention between me and my pastor though I did not understand it at the time. My pastor had his own problems. There was a group in the church that was opposed to the existence of the drug rehabilitation home. They did not think that it was proper for the lowest element of society to be able to intermingle with them and their children during church services. There was a lot of fear and suspicion that I was too naïve to see.
One day, about one third of the church sought to oust the pastor from his position. They went as a group to try the pastor before the church council for many crimes. They accused him of many things. One of the women who had sided with his accusers had a nervous breakdown that day and repented in tears. The ringleader of the rebellion later left to start his own church.
The pastor fought to save the drug rehab program, but in the end, the council voted to close it. It was to be used for giving Bible study classes to the children in the church. He was barred from accepting anyone else from staying at the home, and the conversion would be made to Bible study school when the last person left.
It was around this time that the pastor called me and my wife into his office for a private meeting. He gave us an ultimatum. We had to break off our engagement in the next three days or he would kick us out of the church.
Our engagement, as the Lord has shown me, was another source of contention in the church. I was oblivious to it at the time. The same “brethren” who had opposed the drug home had also opposed our relationship. The pastor sided against them for the existence of the home but sided for them against our relationship.
A few things must be understood in order to get what the fuss was all about. The pastor grew up in a very poor and uneducated community. He believed strongly that the children of the poor had to educate themselves, and that marriage should be delayed longer than is traditional in poor communities. I’m not saying that his beliefs were completely wrong, and certainly all the parents in the church wanted a better life for their children. They didn’t want to see their daughters uneducated and pregnant at a young age. They did not want to see their uneducated sons working for minimum wage trying to support a family. They wanted to break the cycle of poverty.
We were a young couple with an age disparity. I was 22, and she was 15 when we met, and were 23 and 16 when we were kicked out. We were setting a bad example. Others would seek to follow us and get engaged young. Children would be born too soon. Fathers would work for less than a living wage and struggle just as their fathers did. I guess the pastor believed that our relationship was founded in lust and impatience. It seemed to him to be the will of the devil so that the youth of the church would be led astray.
So in December of 1997, we were given the ultimatum by the pastor: break up or leave. We never returned after that day. My wife told her mother about it, but we told no one else at the time. I have shared the story with few, and always at the Lord’s leading as I am doing today. The Lord has never asked me to share this testimony in Puerto Rico.
After I was kicked out of the church, the Lord spoke to me in the home of the same old lady who had once fasted for 40 days and said, “Forget about those that have judged you. I’ve already judged them.” I did not tell her what happened to me when the Lord spoke this prophecy through her. A few weeks after I was kicked out, I wondered if the Lord wanted me to try to return. The Lord spoke directly to me and said, “I remember all those that you loved that hated you. Don’t go back. Go forward.”
I left and never went back. I harbored no hate or bitterness in my heart. I forgot at the Lord’s command and neither prayed for or against anyone. For a year after that, the Holy Spirit led us to attend another church until he led us out at the beginning of 1999,
but that is another story.
Two years ago to this day, the Holy Spirit called me and my wife to pray for the pastor that kicked us out of his church. We were finally called to intercede for the man that we had forgotten about for 5 years. 9 days after that, God called me to begin sharing his
word with the world. This day is the 2-year anniversary of that prayer of intercession. This is the day that the Lord called me to write the introduction to the 2nd bowling ball delivery.
The story of my ex-pastor is not finished yet. I found out later that he was eventually kicked out of the church. He was excommunicated by the council, which is a member of a fraternity of churches that represent the vast majority of “spirit-filled” churches on the Island. As the Lord shared with me, “He was given a choice whether to turn and serve me, or to continue serving the church. He chose to serve me.”
Also, the man who led the rebellion against the drug rehab home, who fought to destroy that work founded by Jesus Christ, fell sick and died a year after his slanderous crusade while building his own church.
My wife and I were moved by the Holy Spirit to get married in 1998. I was 24 at the time and she was 17. Our ages are prophetically significant. 24 is not a very significant number in the signs in my life, but Stephen knows what it means. 17 is the number of the great feast of the Lamb, and the great supper of God. This I know because the Lord simply told me some of the significance of the number.
Prophecy 12-17-2004: “17 is the number of the Bride that made herself ready.”
For a brief digest of the prophetic signs in my life, and the message that ultimately points to the Day of the Lord, hit the link below and read Times Square Anointing: One Year Later.
Why, you may ask (as I do), do I have to first introduce the message before I deliver it? I don’t know. I’m just doing what I am told, which is what I have always done. If you’ve read the link above you will see that the Lord gave me an outline for the report on the Times Square anointing. This is how the bowling ball will be delivered. The Lord will give me an outline. I will stick to it and send the word out on the day and time of his choosing.
God bless everyone. May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Bowling Ball Delivery #2 February 5 and 6, 2005
Dear Brethren,
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord has sent me once again to write to a few. As I sit down to write this, I have this feeling in my flesh that I don’t know where to begin, so I will begin the way that I always begin, by following the outline given to me by God.
The Lord told me to share this word with the online prophecy and article-sharing list called the Watchmen’s Prophets Assembly discussion group. He has also directed me by direct command to send this word to other witnesses. The witnesses that I will send this
word out to are Mark Fineman, LD Oxford, Ray Aguilera, Thomas Gibson, David Haase, and Roy Resh. They will receive this word today, February 5th, 2005. The 40 (give or take a few) from the WPA Discussions group will receive this word on February 6th, 2005 at 3:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time.
First some background. A few months ago, the Holy Spirit led me to visit the WPA website. Around that time, he revealed to me that I would send a word out to the leaders of the WPA. On October 22, 1995, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ to be his servant.
Sometime last year, the Lord revealed to me that the 9th anniversary of the day that I surrendered to his call would be prophetically significant. As it often happens, I forgot about the word and Oct. 22, 2004 passed without incident. Later on, I made the connection that the WPA gathering occurred at Monteagle, TN from the 21st to the
25th, 9 years after the day I was delivered from my rebellion. That was the sign given to me that I would deliver this word to the leaders of the WPA.
God also gave me a vision. I saw myself coughing up a large blue-black ball that looked like a giant pearl or a bowling ball. This word is the second bowling ball delivery. The first one was a reminder that the Bible says that all Israel will be saved, but that
there has been a hardening of the hearts in part until the full number of gentile elect come in.
I asked God why he wants me to share this with a few as opposed to many. He told me that the ones that I reach will reach others, and so on and so forth. He does not want me to have a name. He wants me to be low. Since I am called to send this word to you, I ask that you pray and seek God for wisdom and discernment. My hope and my prayer is that his word may be a blessing to you and that you may indeed be edified and prepared to bless others.
Matthew 13:34-35 [ESV]
All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable. [35] This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet:
“I will open my mouth in parables;
I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.”
Sometime in October or November of last year, I received a word of God from David Haase that spoke of an asteroid impact off the coast of Lima, Peru. My heart became troubled because of this word. A few days before I received this word the Lord said to me, “David Haase speaks my word. You would do well to listen.” I wondered why God
would say this to me. Could it be that my heart was hardened in some area of my life and He would use this prophet to help me to see something? When I received the word about the asteroid hitting the ocean off Lima, I knew that God was confirming the word ahead of time.
Because I believed this word, I became very troubled. I know that many things are going to happen in the coming years, but God had not been very specific to me about events that would take place where I live in Puerto Rico. Where will the bomb drop? Where will the warships land? How many will die? How high will the waters rise? Where will I go? Where will I be safe? I’ve always trusted God, but for some reason at that time I felt the weight of my ignorance of future events.
I prayed to God, and I felt the anointing to prophesy. I also felt that He wanted me to record the word. I searched through the nightstand drawer and found the digital voice recorder. I had to replace that battery because I hadn’t used it for a long time. I
Prophecy (undated but sometime in November of 2004)
Here the Word of the Lord your God. I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. My name is God. I am known as God. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am Jesus Christ. I am The Father, and The Holy Spirit.
The words that I speak have been written before you were born. The word that I speak to you now, my son, I knew that I would say it before the creation of the earth. Every syllable, everything is perfect. I make no mistakes. I do not make mistakes.
I am bringing about a great judgment against the United States of America, and this judgment is going to come to pass, it cannot be avoided. It is inevitable. It is the will of God that you read the Word of God, that you open up the Bible, and study the words of the Bible. It is my will that you work hard to learn from me, that you seek me in a personal way, and walk with me, and hear my voice, that you live with me as your best friend, as your companion, as your ever present friend, and Father, and King, and Lord, and helper, that you never depart from me at all times, that you rely upon me and trust
upon me, that you read the Bible and pray, and seek me first above all things.
Heed my word. No one who looks to me at all times will fail. When they sin, they will have to repent in order to draw closer to me. So, if they truly loved me they would obey me. And if their heart desired me, they would repent. I am fair and just. I love you and I want you to seek me and know me. That is the will of God. It is my will that you learn my way, and grow, and listen to the things that I teach to you.
You have to know me. You have to know me. I am Jesus. I want you to see and understand what is written in my Word. Listen to me and I will instruct you. Those of you who have little brothers and little sisters, those of you who have close relatives that you love unconditionally, understand my word. Do you love them because they pay you? Do you expect them to give something back? Well I have called you to love my people as you would love your little sister, as you would love your daughter, not expecting anything in return, not expecting anything back, but simply because they are who they are. I am the Lord. Can you understand me?
If your close relative whom you love hates you, or argues with you, or does not appreciate what you do, do you stop loving them? You my son must know that I’ve never lied to you. So why is it that you need to hold this in your hand to receive my word? No. Turn off the recorder.
I turned off the recorder and replayed the prophecy at the Lord’s command. The Lord told me that everything that I needed to know for now was spoken to me in the prophecy. I was hoping to hear specific-life-saving details about future events, but God had other plans. At a certain point God starts addressing others. I knew that he would
have me share this somewhere at some future time.
God then asked me a hypothetical question: who would survive, the one who walks with him in righteousness, or the one who has detailed knowledge of future events? The answer was obvious. Knowing what is to come is not enough save anyone.
God does not want me to be anxious about the future. He gave me a couple of short prophecies. The first one is like a catch phrase that he speaks to my spirit from time to time.
Prophecy: “I’m not worried, so why should you be?”
If God’s at my side, it seems pretty foolish to worry no matter what happens.
He also said: “In time you will know what to do. I will tell you not a day early, not a day late.”
Until then, the Lord calls me to keep my eyes on Him and to resists the temptation to listen to the lying voices of fear.
Dumitru Duduman’s last prophecy examined.
There is a consistent message that is spoken through true prophets. It is the message that the righteous will be protected and delivered through the troubled times of World War III and coming natural disasters. False prophets that speak of the coming judgments do so in a way that appeals to our fears. They are seeking allegiance, or submission to some force, authority, or power that is not God. They speak of the need for intercession because Christians will die, but don’t make clear mention of the fact that God will deliver and protect his Blood bought faithful ones. They call for intercession, not repentance, and when they call for repentance, it is to another god, such as the apostate church.
It is as if Moses said to the people of Israel, “Let’s fast and pray for Egypt so that none of these plagues would touch the land. After all, many of us will surely perish, especially when the angel of death passes over.” Moses knew that only the repentance of pharaoh
could stop the judgments, but that God would harden pharaoh’s heart in order to judge Egypt and display his Glory. Moses also knew that God’s hand was strong enough to protect His people.
God told me take a look at Dumitru Duduman’s last prophecy here.
The Bear Awakes
The last of 3 final messages given to Dumitru in April of 1997. I knelt beside my bed to pray, as I do every night before I go to sleep. After finishing my prayer, I opened my eyes but I was no longer in my room. Instead, I found myself in a forest. I looked around and to my right I saw a man, dressed in white, who pointed his finger and said, “See and remember.” It took me a while to find out what he was pointing at. It was a small bear who seemed half dead lying on the ground. As I continued to watch this bear, it began to
breathe deeper. With every passing minute it seemed to revive itself, and as I watched, it also became angrier. It then began to grow. Soon it was larger than the forest floor and as it grew larger it continued to become angrier. It then began to paw the ground, so
that when its paw would hit the ground, the earth would shudder. The bear continued to devastate all that stood in its path until it came upon some men with sticks trying to fend it off. By this the bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and
continued to rampage. I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this mean?” “At first, they thought the great bear was dead,” the man said. “As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly it will grow strong once more with purpose and violence. God will blind the eyes of those that continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw.” The man then said, “Tell my people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. It
they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled underfoot. Only in righteousness will they find safety.”
Suddenly, I was once again by myself in my room, on my knees, with sweat covering my face.
Excerpted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996
It says:
God will blind the eyes of those that continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw.”
Just as God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, their eyes will be blinded so that the judgment comes to pass. We cry for repentance, but we know that few will heed it.
The man then said, “Tell my people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. It they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled underfoot. Only in righteousness will they find safety.”
This is what God was telling me in the prophecy above.
The “Protector of America.”
The “Protector of America” spoke to Duduman in 1996:
“I am the protector of America. America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people.”
As I looked, a great army, well-armed and dressed in white, appeared before me.
“Do you see that?” the man asked. “This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident.”
Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
I read another prophecy from someone who claimed to have had an encounter with an angel who identified himself as the protector of America, but his message was different from the one given to Duduman. The other prophet was deceived by a demon, but Duduman shared the words of Christ.
[4-27-2006 note: the other ‘prophet’ is sandu something. This word where he speaks to a supposed angel called the protector of America makes its rounds from time to time. I went into detail before on the WPA on why I disagree with that word, but it all points back to a warning I was given by God in 2003 when he told me that he would not relent and send “intervening angels” no matter how much intercession was made for America. I myself have been called to live Isaiah 30:15 and mourn but not try to stop what the Lord is doing. Duduman is speaking to someone who says “MY CHOSEN ONES.” His angels will work to save the righteous. Nowhere does Duduman say he is speaking to an angel. There are other times where he says a man appeared to me, when the words the man speaks make it obvious that it is Christ.]
Earth Changes
Even before I surrendered to Jesus in 1995, I had read visions of destruction and the end of the world, and even seen depictions of such prophecies on TV. Many television shows, books, and magazines dealt with the topic. There was a new age phrase used to describe
the upcoming wars and natural disasters. That phrase was “earth changes.” Psychics were predicting great natural upheaval due to the dawning of the new age of Aquarius. Aliens (demons) were abducting people and showing then visions of future changes in the earth. I remember seeing a map of America divided in half by a body of water
along the New Madrid fault line. This was supposedly shared by aliens, or psychics, or people channeling the dead, or spirit races, or all of the above.
Point is, the devil knows what’s coming. He’s created many theories and ideas to explain away the events that are now taking place. So what’s the point of prophesying these future events if the demon possessed channeler next door is saying the same things? I will explain the point shortly.
God showed me more than once a demon nearby watching and listening to a prophesy that I was speaking. God told me that he is permitting the demon to bear witness to the prophecy (for whatever reason). The enemy knows when the word of God is spoken. The enemy knows all the prophecies that I have shared, and they can copy predictions any time they want (though they can only copy the “letter” and not the spirit).
So what’s important in the message that I have brought, or the message of true prophets? Is it simply repentance? If so, then why has God told me that the coming judgments will bring about a great false repentance? A coming repentance will look like repentance, but it will not be of God.
For instance, when things start to get worse, some preacher somewhere is going to get up and say, “God is permitting this because he is angry with his people. You are not submitting to the authority of the pastor. Most Christians don’t go to church all the time. You are only given 3 percent on average instead of 10. You are robbing God in tithes and offerings. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. Obey your leaders, etc. etc.” This message will appeal to people’s superstitious fears. They will not repent but turn to serve man more fervently.
Others will believe that the earth is purging itself of the human plague. Population is out of control. We are harming nature, cutting down trees, and pumping dangerous gases in the air. Mother Earth has had enough, and she means business. No amount of meditation, and recycling newspapers will save them from what is to come.
I could go on, but the following article will illustrate my point.
Homosexuality, fornication cause of tsunami?
Saudi professor says sinful acts at Christmastime caused disaster
Posted: January 5, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005
A Muslim Saudi professor says the earthquake and tsunami in south Asia were punishment from Allah for homosexuality and fornication committed by residents and visitors of affected countries at Christmastime.
This Muslim professor attributes the judgment of the Tsunami to sin. I guess he’s right. Sin is the cause of judgment. So, what’s missing? What’s wrong with his message? Well for one, plenty of Muslims will start upping their prayers and supplications to Allah,
I’m sure. Plenty of then will stop fornicating. Too bad none of that will save them.
As the Lord said to me (and pay attention here for everything else that I have written to this point has been a build up to this prophecy):
Prophecy: I am against all those who preach against sin, but will not prepare themselves to bring the Good News of deliverance from sin in Christ’s Blood.”
If you point out sin, preach against it, even call for repentance with tears in your eyes, GOD IS AGAINST YOU! Why? You must also make yourselves ready in fasting in prayer, in humility and love, in study of the Bible, in brokenness before Christ to bring the Good
News of deliverance from sin in Christ’s Blood.
Deliverance has levels of meaning. Deliverance means that the stain of sin is completely cleansed from the person. This means that there is no more record of the sin in the books. The child molester, the serial rapists, the vilest sinner who repents will be completely forgiven and welcomed by God in Christ. Will you welcome him or her? Is there a place at your table for fellowship with someone who once walked in such vile darkness? Will you counsel them, befriend them, open your door to them, and help them by the Spirit of God during the time of their spiritual infancy? If not, if fear strikes your heart, if you do not believe in the message of the Cross, then stop speaking against sin, and stop calling for repentance. First repent in tears and brokenness. Ask God to give you the love and faith to believe in the meaning of his sacrifice on the Cross and
then follow Him.
Many preachers are willing to be arrested for preaching against homosexuality. It is good to be ready to speak the word of God at all costs. It is better to be ready to add, “Demon of homosexuality. In the name of Jesus Christ come out of him!” On the day of judgment, God will separate those who have “spread hate” from those who have truly spread the Good News of Christ’s love.
It is even better to say to the former sinner who stands now washed by the Blood of Christ by faith and repentance, “Welcome brother. Come sit at the table with us. We rejoice that you are saved. You will never be alone again as long as you remain in Christ.”
I know a man who was once a transvestite homosexual prostitute. A group of Christians preached to him, and welcomed him, and gave him a place to live (in the Pastors house!). Years later the Lord would send him back to the streets where he used to prostitute himself in drag, not just to preach against sin, but also to testify of all the good works of Jesus in forgiving him and giving him eternal life, and delivering him from the bondage to his flesh and demons. I’m sure it must have had a powerful impact to see him with his wife and children standing on the same street corner.
Now you might wonder why we have to do anything to help. Why do we bother to preach? Why doesn’t Jesus just come down once a week and speak on CNN? Why are called to give to the poor widow and orphan instead of just telling them to trust in Jesus for their needs? We are the representatives of Jesus on Earth. We are called to shine
the light of God’s love not just in words and preaching, but also in our actions and deeds.
3 Miracle Testimonies
Jesus healed my index finger.
God wants me to include the testimony of 3 different miracles here. 2 or 3 years ago, I was typing at work when I suddenly felt a strong sharp pain in my right index finger. It was so bad that I couldn’t press a key with that finger. I had to type for a living. My speed and accuracy was monitored. An injury to my finger that affected my ability to type could affect my job. I was upset. Sometime later, as I felt a sensation of heat come over my finger. I also felt a tremendous sadness in the Spirit. God had healed my finger and he grieved and said, “If I can heal your finger, don’t you think that I can take care of all of your needs?”
When I am tempted to worry about my health and needs, the Holy Spirit may remind me of how He surprised me by healing my finger, and shared with me his sadness over my lack of faith.
Jesus made a half-eaten donut disappear
I called my wife on the phone almost 2 years ago. She fell out of her chair when she started to get up to reach for the phone. After we talked on the phone, she realized that the donut that she was holding in her hand when she fell had disappeared. She searched all over, but she couldn’t find it.
Jesus made my daughter’s school uniform appear.
My daughter has 2 school uniforms that she wore 4 days a week and 1 formal uniform that she had to wear once a week. At some point over a year ago, one of the 2 informal uniforms was missing. My wife searched all over for it. We couldn’t find it for months. I didn’t buy a new uniform because frankly, I was hesitant to spend the money. Unexpected expenses did not factor into my budget. My wife had to wash that 1 remaining uniform frequently so that it would be clean for use.
Months later my wife was doing the laundry and other housework. She saw the form of a man walking in front of my daughter’s bedroom out of the corner of her eye. She felt the presence of God very strongly. Right after that, she went to transfer the laundry from
the washer to the dryer. She began pulling out the wet clothes and stuffing them in the dryer. First one school uniform appears. Then another. At first, she wasn’t sure about what she saw. She felt chills. She searched through the dryer and laid out both uniforms
side by side. One was noticeably more faded than the other due to repeated washings.
God answered her prayer and helped her to find the missing uniform. Not only that, he put it in the laundry so that I would be clean!
Now you may have noticed a pattern here. The disappearing/reappearing miracles deal with food and clothing. As the Word says, “If we have food and clothing, we should be content with that.” (1 Timothy 6:8)
God is trying to tell me through these miraculous signs that I am not to worry about what I will eat, or what I will wear, or about my health in the times to come. I’m not saying that I won’t make preparations. I have already received commands to buy certain things
for the times ahead. What I am saying is that, God does not want me, or anyone to move anxiously in the flesh ahead of His Spirit to try to save ourselves with our own strength.
Caught by Surprise
Please don’t make the mistake of trying to silence those who share revelations of destruction. These revelations do not create fear. What creates fear is being caught by surprise with no foreknowledge. God wants me to give an example. God told me to share this prophecy with my brother:
Prophecy: Stay away from New York City on the 4th.
I asked God why I had to share this word. I did not want to scare my brother. God even told me that nothing was going to happen to my brother. I didn’t want him to avoid NYC in a superstitious way on every 4th.
God told me that the reason why he wanted me to tell my brother was so that he would not say, “Why didn’t you tell me that this would happen?” When the word is fulfilled (however it is fulfilled) he will remember that God spoke about it and have peace during those days.
God bless everyone. May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.