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The Sign of the Storms

Sent Aug 29, 2005

A few weeks ago, the Holy Spirit told me that I would have to send out a few words to the WPA.  It may seem strange to you that I’m posting here instead of putting new things up on the website.  I mean, right when the website was “gaining momentum,” the Lord told me to close shop.  I knew it would happen.  I was told (paraphrasing) to get the job done and withdraw.  I certainly wasn’t trying to “build a ministry.”  Just trying to trying my best to be faithful to my ministry to Jesus.

So, in 2004, the Lord had me send out 2 words to ETPV.  The first was Times Square Anointing: One Year Later.  The Lord sent me in 2003 to anoint Times Square (NY).  Exactly one year later, he told me send out a report which explained what happened and what it meant. 

A movie called the Day After Tomorrow was released on the one-year anniversary of the anointing of Times Square.  It is a disaster flick about 3 devastating mega-storms that sweep across the world.  There are a couple of scenes that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention.  The first is the scene in the Library when the people began leaving on foot.  A boy who just spoke to his scientist father on the phone shared a warning with the people to stay indoors.  The vast majority of the people followed the uniformed police officer outside (and later to their death) while only a remnant stayed behind and heeded the boy and the message he was given by his father.

The second scene had a man cut a climber’s rope and fall to his death in order to save the lives of 2 others tied to him.  My wife asked me if it was an act of suicide.  I responded, “it was sacrifice.”

When the Lord told me that I would have to send something out to the WPA, he said to send it on “the anniversary.”  I did not remember at the time that it was in 2004 that the Lord said those exact same words before I was commanded to send out a 2nd word to ETPV called Labor Day Weekend.   “The anniversary” was my daughter’s birthday on 8-27. 

I did not sense in the Spirit to send out the first word on 8/27.  Today, I was led to read the Labor Day Weekend article that I wrote last year.  I had to find it on ETPV since my copy was lost when my hard drive crashed.  Labor Day Weekend was posted on 8-29-2004, one year ago today.

So, on the anniversary of the day LDW was posted, I send out THE SIGN OF THE STORMS.  That’s the plan (not mine, but the Lords).

But moving back to Labor Day Weekend.  Hurricane Frances struck Florida over Labor Day Weekend.  So, if you hit the link it should become clear that the Lord was linking His RETURN to the STORM.  Even Russia observed Labor Day in 2004.  The date of the US and Canadian Labor Day, Sept. 6th, was designated a national day of mourning due to the hundreds of children that died during the terrorist school seizure.

You may have noticed that Hurricane Katrina made land fall in LA today.  In 2004 the first known hurricane ever in the Southern Atlantic made landfall in Brazil.  Hurricane Catarina was named after the town it destroyed.  There is no naming system for southern Atlantic storms since only 2 tropical cyclones had ever been recorded before Hurricane Catarina.  Katrina and Catarina are variants of each other.

(Note: the image of the hurricane on the link is not mirror reversed.)

The Lord revealed to me years ago that the events of my life have prophetic significance.  I’ve shared this stuff before, but I’m told to focus for now on the signs of the storm.  On 12-26-2002, I was told to share his word with the world.  On the 153rd day from that call, I anointed Times Square.  On the 1-year anniversary of that call, an earthquake hit Iran.  On the 2nd, a tsunami hit “Asia.”  But for the most part, the important dates of my life are linked to hurricanes (and a hurricane movie, I guess). 

My wedding in Puerto Rico took place on the 9th anniversary of the day that Hurricane Hugo struck Puerto Rico in 1989 at 9:00 AM causing 9 deaths.  It was 9-18-1998.  Hurricane Isabel hit the US on 9-18-2003.  Isabel means consecrated to God, but it also alludes to Jezebel.  The Lord speaks twice. 

 We had very limited means at the time of our marriage.  Our reception was delayed for 50 days because all of our focus was on the preparation for the arrival of Hurricane George.  The eyewall of George passed directly over us on 9-21-1998, 3 days after our court wedding.  We honeymooned in our small studio without running water and electricity.

All in all, I’ve experienced 3 Hurricanes and 1 near hurricane strength tropical storm.  Hortense passed over the Island in 1996, and Jeanne in 2004.  The last hurricane that I lived through was Emily in Cancun.

My mother planned a family vacation for 9 of us in July.  We went to Cancun Mexico and stayed at the Cancun Palace Hotel.  It was an all-inclusive hotel, and my parents paid for the whole thing.  Eating omelets every morning gets pretty repetitive and I was looking forward to taking a free tour to Chichen-Itza.  Unfortunately, I never got to go there since about midway through our 7-day 6-night stay, the eye of Hurricane Emily made landfall about 60 miles south of us destroying much of the Island of Cozumel. 

Our Hotel was one of several that was designated as a refuge.  We did not have to evacuate since the eye was expected to pass south.  We did get hurricane force winds, but not the full brunt of the storm.  Refugees from other hotels further south were brought to our hotel.  150 rooms left vacant due to cancelled inbound flights were given out to the lucky early arrivals.  The rest had pillows and blankets. 

Pelting rain driven by hurricane force winds battered the windows of our 10th floor room.  Water found its way through the cracks of the window and flooded the floor.  We were warned that the government might cut the power, but they never did.  I stayed up watching CNN international.  There was very little coverage of Emily.  All of their attention was focused on Typhoon Haitang which struck Taiwan at the same time.  So, the answer to the question, “What did you do during Hurricane Emily?” is, “Watched Typhoon Haitang coverage on TV.”

I can share a few things for now.  One is that God told me that I was “Storm Chasing.”  I can also share that Cancun is Mayan for serpent’s nest.  Some say it means serpents throne, or more specifically, throne of the Mayan feathered serpent god.  So, the Hotel I stayed at (all-expense paid) is the Palace of the throne of the serpent god.  It was the palace of the throne of the serpent god that also served as a refuge…

I never got to see the pyramids which, I believe, were in Emily’s trajectory.  I did get to spend time with my family.  My parents had been to Cancun years before and they said that they suspect that all of the poorly built homes they had seen on the 3-hour drive to Chichen-Itza were probably destroyed.  The Hotels are well built, but the poor people that live in the serpent’s nest aren’t as fortunate.

Scriptural references:  Isaiah 63.  End of Genesis, beginning of Exodus.



God bless everyone,


Up Next: Prophecy September 6, 2005