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Duality Part 1: The Two Malefactors
File found dated 9/10/2005
Over the past year I have accumulated 1,426 unread messages from the WPA in my inbox. I get far more emails from the WPA than I have time to read, or at least read carefully. Since the Lord has sent me to post here again, I have tried to read almost everything. It was no surprise to me to find a whole bunch of new emails in my inbox this morning. Some things have been churning in my spirit-man. Something Michael wrote, and Linda’s Rhema… Some other things warrant a quick comment. When Stephen wrote about the immature, I saw the dead and dying. Before Bob wrote about wolves biding their time, I saw some wolves cowering. I really wish we could all work together too. I often see that so much disagreement comes because we misinterpret each other’s words and intentions.
Pondering the mass of unread messages in my inbox, I am reminded of the fact that I get no responses to anything that I post here. The last time I got a response was probably 2004. So why bother? I guess because I have been commanded to post here for an hour. I knew it would happen weeks ago. I’m not doing it to make friends, or to be accepted. In fact, the Lord told me that my own brothers and sisters would count me as a stranger.
So maybe to the vast majority of WPA members, this post will just be another email accumulating in their inboxes. Or perhaps upon seeing my name, the delete button is promptly pressed. I guess I haven’t deleted anything because Yahoo is kind enough to give me 1 gigabyte of storage. Another thing I have noticed. The longer the post, the more likely I am to skim. So, if you’ve made it to the 3rd paragraph and you’re still reading this… Wow.
The fact that I am writing here is baffling to me. In fact, it contradicts everything that Lord normally tells me. How many other times have I desired to respond to something and the Lord would say tell me to read some prophecy or article that I wrote years ago. Then He would tell me that I already said what I had to say and that if they didn’t believe me then, they would wouldn’t believe me now. Ouch. Other times he would tell me that they all had the same chance to LISTEN and come out of BABYLON just like I did. He showed no favoritism. They made their choice.
So why post here? Why? Why am I here wasting my time if no one is listening? Why bother? Please put me out of my misery and kick me out of the group. If you sense danger and RED FLAGS, if you fear a wolf in sheep’s clothing, just cut me off. That way, I can go to my MASTER and say that I fulfilled my obligation. I am ready to shake the dust off of my feet.
Well, as long as I am a “member,” and even if none of the posts make it past the moderators, I must continue to OBEY.
Teresa, that was an interesting point you made about the elephant and the SIX blind men. Bob said he counts SIX watchmen on the walls. The Lord punned to me just now, “The blind leading the blind will both fall into the pit.” I’m sure he was just mixing metaphors to make me laugh.
So, should I take a hard line and speak about all the junk, gibberish, and filth that the Lord rebukes me for worrying about?
Junk because one day I had a dream about Jesus. He looked gaunt and he smiled and his teeth were rotten. He said, “my people eat junk.”
Gibberish because I was reading posts on another website 2 years ago. The Lord said, “Why are you reading such gibberish?” Still, I was commanded to post there 2 more times.
Filth, because He said to me once, “I see the lies and filth of the false prophets,” and “all false prophets will be judged.” When Lord? When? Why not crush them now! I’ll help you! Give me a shotgun! Let’s go! The answer was that HE SENDS the powerful delusion as part of his judgment. Read about it in the Bible.
So, forgive if me if I let loose for a bit. I wasn’t invited by anyone here to do so. I’m weary and I don’t want to continue.
So, I got an encouraging pat on the back. I told HIM that it was ALMOST not enough to get me to continue. He LAUGHED. Still almost not enough…
Where was I?
I had a dream about a little girl a few years back that had been raped. This is the “Watchmen’s Prophets” Assembly, right? This can be shared right? The little girl was my then 2-year-old daughter. In the dream my wife and I had been sent to look for a missing girl, but I was afraid and paradoxically, I didn’t feel to move just yet. When I finally did, it was too late. I found her weeping wearing a sweater that said USA on it. Well anyway, the Lord said to me upon awakening, “Can you love my church as much as you love your own daughter? For this reason, when I am sent, I fear to hesitate.
That same day I had a vision. I saw a little girl of about 10-13 years of age. She had budding breasts. She was wearing a black dress with long tapered sleeves. She was dancing. The Lord asked me, “Do you know who that is?”
“No, Lord,” I replied.
“That is my church. My bride.”
From the very beginning the Lord showed me that his concept of church is different from the worlds. Just because 99 percent of so-called Christians misuse the word doesn’t mean the we should discard it. I understand what the Holy Spirit was up to lately, don’t get me wrong. (Like Stephen says that sometimes it seems like we are disagreeing when we really aren’t)
But if because our consciences are seared we start moving away from the word “church” completely and substitute another metaphor for God’s people like “Flock,” it wouldn’t be long before the false shepherds and wolves caught on. Someone will inevitably set up “The Flock of the Five-Fold Apostolic Fellowship, Inc.” Before you know it, flock will no longer mean flock anymore.
It’s just like the vicious cycle of political correctness. At one time retard was an innocuous clinical description of someone who learns slowly. Eventually it became a school yard insult. Whatever word comes to substitute retard will eventually develop a negative connotation and have to be replaced and so on and so forth. Was it Mary who reminded us that a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet?
Are we speaking spiritual words or not? In the end it should not matter if we are called to use loaded terms with a lot of baggage that 99% percent of so-called Christians will not understand. Those who have their eyes on Jesus and are listening to his voice are expected to understand.
Back to the vision of the preadolescent Church. If I were making it up I would have said that I saw a mature Bride dressed in white made ready. Why was she wearing black? Why was she so young? What does it mean? I guess it’s not the time to go there.
The Lord spoke to me a few months after that vision of the Bride and asked me what I would do to protect my daughter. I can’t remember my response word for word, but I told him that I would die to protect her, and that I would chop off my arm to feed her. The Lord then said to me, “Feed my sheep.”
I am called and sent. I answer and obey. I would not bother otherwise.
So, what do sheep have to do with my daughter?
My daughter just turned 6 years old. She just started 1st grade. First grade is a lot tougher than Pre-k and Kindergarten. The workload is greater. Her grades on exams begin to matter. Her performance this year will determine whether or not she will begin to take honors classes next year. She comes home from school more mentally weary than physically tired. She asks us to carry her up 3 floors of stairs to our apartment. Knowing the stress she must be facing and desiring to provide the comfort that she craves in my arms, I hold her and carry her.
One day, around the time of her 6th birthday. The Lord prophesied loudly through my mouth and told my daughter that HE wanted her to walk up the stairs by herself. I am amazed that she has obeyed. I understand that unless she learns to walk up the stairs herself, her legs will not develop the strength to handle the weight of her own body. I can teach her and lead her, but she has to begin learning to prepare to be responsible for her own self, to be mature and complete and equipped to survive as an adult.
If I corral her, and overprotect her, and expect nothing of her, I will stifle her development. I will answer before the Throne for the way that I raised her. Did I exasperate her, or did I raise her in the training and instruction of the Lord? Was I careful to discipline her? Did I put her needs first? Am I speaking about my daughter here?
Even at 6 she is dependent of my wife and me for survival. She can hear and see the oncoming truck, but her legs lack the strength to jump out of the way. That’s where I have to come in, lifting and pushing her out of the way even if it means I get hit. The Good Shepherd laid down his life for the sheep and set an example for us to follow.
My daughter has a pretty well-developed sense of right and wrong. My wife and I like to tease her with little tests, which I am proud to say she passes every time. I’ve asked her to explain how she knows something is right or wrong, and she tries her best to explain, but often she can’t (I guess “Jesus says it’s bad” is good enough). She just knows. The LAW IS WRITTEN IN HER HEART. But how did she learn?
I read an article the other day about killer whales at some sea world-like water park learning how to hunt for seagulls. One killer whale had the bright idea to regurgitate a dead fish and let it float on the surface of the pool while he lay in wait under the water. When a seagull dived down to feed on it, he would jump out and eat the seagull and the fish. Soon, other killer whales began to catch on and learned his seagull hunting technique.
My daughter learned from imitating. She follows my and my wife’s example. We don’t steal so she doesn’t steal. We don’t lie, so she doesn’t lie. We don’t use profanity, so no matter how many times we try to coax her to tell us the foul word some kid in her class used, she refuses to obey us. (Dear experienced parents of adult children: please don’t tell me what the future might hold. Let me be just a surprised as you were.)
The Lord gave me a word where he used the expression tacit knowledge. He said he was calling the people to study and show themselves approved so that the that they can better articulate their tacit knowledge. He compared it to a child who knows how to tie a shoelace but can’t explain how to do it.
What could that possibly mean? When I received the word, I couldn’t describe how to tie a shoelace! I could now if I had to. Why? I did an internet search on tying shoelaces. Lots of information available on knot tying. After I while you begin to pick up on the specialized language. You learn about granny knots and slip knots. The information gets chunked in your brain. Before you know it, you’re describing the process of shoelace tying like a pro (and I know that I sound like a fool here). Who knows, before long I can build up on the foundation of knowledge and invent my own shoelace tying technique: the xxxx knot (take that Ian Hart!).
So maybe God was trying to illustrate that study is required. But should I start from scratch? When I first got a computer with internet access in 2000 I was already 1 year and half in the wilderness completely unaware that there were others called apart like me. So, if I was crazy enough to defy the whole world when I thought I was the ONLY ONE, then I am crazy enough to share Rhema about shoelace tying. Little by little the Holy Spirit led me to learn by reading the revelation word shared by others. I had a lot of catching up to do. So, when the Lord sends me from time to time to remind the people to read the revelation word that was shared by prophets during the time of their visitation I don’t hesitate. He wanted me to study LOGOS and RHEMA, why should that be different for everyone else? I didn’t reinvent the seagull hunting technique but learned it from watching other killer whales.
I had a vision almost 3 years ago of a demon with powdered blue robes holding the Bible in his hand. The religious spirits have the Bible right in their hands for reference! God told me to learn the Bible inside and out. I still haven’t done that yet. It’s a pretty big book and I’ve got a lot of studying to do that I am interrupting by writing here.
So, if the demons know the LOGOS, why should we care? Because Jesus said, “Man cannot live on bread alone, but needs every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” There is no life without RHEMA. Our enemies know it, so should we.
Bob just pointed to Peter who answered Jesus by calling him the Christ, the son of the Living God. REVELATION WORD. But the Lord wants me to start this thread somewhere else.
When our Lord and Savior Jesus hung on the Cross he looking nothing like the photogenic image from the movie the Passion of the Christ, The Bible tells us that his face was marred beyond human likeness, and that they plucked out his beard. Jesus was utterly forsaken by all of his followers. We have reports that they stuck around to watch him crucified, but they all thought that all was lost. Their hearts were scattered, even if they were present to witness. In the movie the passion, Mary is seen giving encouragement to Jesus. Another obvious lie. We know from the LOGOS that Jesus’ mother and brothers were strangers to him.
Psalms 69:8 – I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children
Job cried out this messianic prophetic utterance in the midst of his suffering:
Job 19:15 – They that dwell in mine house, and my maids, count me for a stranger: I am an alien in their sight.
He hung on the Cross and became a stranger to us all. Almost. The word of God also reports that there were two men that were crucified next to Jesus on the Cross.
Luke 23:39-42
39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
Why were there two? Why are their words and deeds to be remembered for all eternity? What does it mean?
Somehow, despite the odds, one man recognized his sinful condition and knew that THE LORD was hanging on the Cross next to him. He knew that he was a sinner receiving his due. He looked upon a man, beaten, flogged, pierced, disfigured beyond human likeness, appearing at the point of utter failure and defeat, and called out for salvation to the ONE who would somehow come into his kingdom! Unbelievable! Impossible! But the Bible says it happened so it must be true.
But why have 2 men on 2 crosses next to Jesus? Why not one? What was the point of the other guy? Could it be possible that the two malefactors represent something? Is it just a coincidence?
I remember reading a debate on whether or not it is really necessary to be baptized in order to be saved. The common-sense answer is that if you have no opportunity to be baptized then it’s OK. They often point to the man on the cross who died after Jesus and joined him in paradise. He wasn’t baptized, was he? Not in water. But Jesus described his death by saying, “I have a baptism to undergo.” So, in a more literal way than we are baptized, he did undergo baptism with Jesus. Like Paul, he was crucified in Christ, and Christ in him. He died with Christ so that he may live we Christ. He shared in the cup of the Lord’s suffering. He is a reminder that our journey must end at the Cross, and that all of HIS servants will suffer as he has suffered. He is a symbol of death to self or living sacrifice. To this day the man who was saved next to Jesus proclaims His death until he comes.
But there was another man who mocked Jesus and was not saved.
Beginning with Genesis I can say:
One was Abel, the other was Cain.
One was Isaac, the other was Ishmael.
One was Jacob, the other was Esau.
Jesus said that “not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but only those that do the will of my Father in Heaven.”
Let’s get the quote in context:
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Jesus starts by saying beware of the false prophets. Then he teaches that the false prophets call him Lord. They appear to be Christians who suffer along with Jesus just like the blasphemer on the Cross who never repented. They appear to share in Christ sufferings, but they are deceivers. They appear to offer a sacrifice, but it is unacceptable. All of their toil, and pain, and suffering is in vain. They have done their own will, and not the Father’s. They have forsaken their inheritance for a single meal. Jesus never knew them.
Yet the workers of iniquity even cast out devils and prophesied. I doubt that my concept of wonderful works is the same as theirs or whether I would agree with any of their prophecies, but the WORD teaches that even though some preach the Gospel out of selfish ambition, it is still the gospel. Imagine that.
So, this calls for wisdom. We recall our jovial avuncular “pastors,” and some may recall, “I was saved in that ‘church.'”
But ask yourself on the day of judgment if they will be rewarded, escape through flames, or depart into the lake with the workers of iniquity.
We were warned at the Cross. Take heed to the message of the 2 malefactors.
In Christ,