Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings

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The Signs of 8

2 years ago, the Lord spoke to me once again through specific signs in my life. He later told me that I would have to share his good deeds and its meaning to his people. I fulfill my responsibility to the Lord today.

Today is special to me in other respects. It is the anniversary of what I consider the most important day of my life. 3 years ago, today I delivered God’s message of judgment upon the reprobate organized apostate church and reprobate America by anointing Times Square at the Lord’s command, ROD OF IRON in hand.

Today is special for my brother because he’s moving today to his new house at the Lord’s command. May the Lord equip him, a city slicker, to adjust to his new rural life. It is also his 6th wedding anniversary. I could go on as to the significance of this day to myself and my family, but I’d end up repeating myself, and as the Lord told me before I sat down to write, “Less is more.”

Today is a day of mourning in Indonesia as thousands have reportedly perished after an earthquake struck in the early morning hours. The timing of such a disaster should give us pause to ponder.

My testimony begins in 2004. I was in a period of quietness that lasted for about a year. I was called during that time to remain silent. I was called to study the Bible and walk with the Lord and make myself ready to go forth again. Sometime during that time, I read an article from someone about the number 8 and new beginnings. I tried to find it and read it again but I couldn’t.

The guy had a vision and received the word “as in the days of Noah.” He thought it would be a bleak message, but “God” goes on to speak of “new beginnings.” Seemed perfectly scriptural at the time, but immediately I felt the grief of the Holy Spirit. He shared with me his tears, and his FURY over the prophecy and others like it.

Now it was around that time that I was speaking to a fellow witness on the phone. He started graphically describing to me the events of the flood during the time of Noah. He talked about the bloated corpses that would have filled the sea. The imagery was pretty dark. I knew that he was being used by the Lord to point out something to me. He was being used by God to give me the FULL MEANING of the phrase, “as in the days of Noah.”

As in the days of Noah. Yes 8 climbed in the ark and were saved for the new beginning, but the rest of the world perished, clawing and struggling for survival, clinging to fallen logs, or struggling up mountainsides until their strength gave out. The door to the only place of safety was already shut to them. No mountain peak was high enough to spare them. It’s not something that you’d see depicted in an illustration in a children’s Bible, but we should not be ignorant of such imagery or let any SHUCK and JIVE preacher entice us away from the full truth.

As in the days of Noah. 8 were saved. 8 built and found a place of refuge and safety in the Ark. 8 listened to God and prepared. 8, the number of the prepared remnant that was spared the judgment of the world.

Now I have been speaking until now about one of the signs of 8 in the Bible, but the title of this article has meaning in my personal life. I used to be in a much tougher economic situation than I am today. I shared this with the world, but I know that few have ever read my testimony. Posts with “terrorists” or “missing nukes” or “war” or that mention some city got plenty more hits than everything else. I’ll recap, but I’ll try to keep it short.

The Lord brought me to the point of great financial need in my life in order increase in me the riches of faith. I wanted to leave Puerto Rico and its lack of economic opportunities when the Lord told me to obey him and stay. He eventually opened the door for me to begin working for the USPS as a contract, or temporary employee. I started making about 12 bucks an hour. Things improved financially. I had no benefits, but I could provide more comfortably than before.

The Lord showed me time and time again that he was going to bless me financially. He had a purpose for it. At the end of July of 2004, I received a letter from human resources that I had an interview in a few days for a permanent career position. 5 of us temps were going to be given this opportunity. I learned that my performance had been monitored for 4 months. I had to meet the minimum standard for speed and typing accuracy. I had to have a good attendance record. I was one of 16 or so selected to be interviewed. The 5 candidates who passed the interview and had scored highest on the 710 clerical abilities test would be awarded permanent positions. My score on the 710 was 88 which I heard was the 3rd highest on the list. Unless I screwed up royally on the interview, the job was mine.

My parents from New York were visiting me for the week. They watched me get dressed in the suit that the Lord told me to buy in May or June and leave for my interview scheduled on 7-30-2004. On 8-2-2004, the senior plant manager presented me and four others with our acceptance letters.

It wasn’t lost on me that the Lord was using a pattern of the number 8 to announce this huge improvement in my financial situation. The number of the exam that placed me in the top 5 was 710 (7+1+0=8). My score was 88. The digits in the date of my interview and the date I was hired both add up to 16 (8 times 2). To top it all off, my boss spoke to me and told me that I was beginning a new stage of my life. I knew as he was speaking that he was being used by God to herald my “new beginning.”

In the last 21 months since that day, I have moved up by stages from position to position of increased responsibility and authority. Not only that, I’m making more money. For a season and for a purpose I have found favor and honor.

The Lord told me that he would bless me financially so that I would reach a point that I could begin to make physical and material preparations for the difficult lean years to come. He could have kept me and my family below the poverty level and demanded my faith and trust, but He didn’t. As a civil servant on a government salary, I’m not rich by American standards, but I have enough income to set aside for the future. I can do my part to obey the Lord and pray that God takes care of the rest.

From time to time in the past the Lord would call me by the name Joseph. This led me to see that God was making parallels to the way he lifted Joseph up to a position of influence and importance so that he could lead Egypt to prepare for the coming famine by storing up during 7 years of plenty. The Lord tied the story of Joseph to the number 8 by pointing out that famine began in the 8th year.

The number 8 became a message to prepare as Joseph, and as Noah and the 8 prepared.

Now there is another side of my story that I haven’t mentioned. I have a lot of poor family here. I have young relatives that are so lazy that they’d rather be broke than lift a finger to make a living. I have others that despite their poverty, waste every penny they receive in an irresponsible way. What is my responsibility to them when they have refused to repent of their vices and sins and seek Christ? What am I to do when they have ignored me and my wife for years and refused to message of the Cross? Who falls on my list for handouts when the economy of the world comes to a crashing halt and food and water is scarce? I have limited means and I can’t help them all, and as the Lord told me, I am not expected to do so.

Yet there is another side to the issue. On 10-22-1995, I offered myself to Jesus as his servant if exchange for deliverance from madness. He rescued me that night, and I have kept my promise. 8 DAYS later I went to Puerto Rico for a 6 week visit but ended up moving there permanently at the Lord’s command. That day, 10-30-1995, I met my nephew Juni. He was born on 10-22, the day I surrendered my life to Jesus. He was 8 days old. His father is or was a crack addict and a satan worshipper. He’s not part of his life anymore. His stepfather recently fell deeper into his heroin addiction. He is not part of his life anymore either. My sister had 2 more children, and she raises them alone. Juni is the oldest. He is 10 years old now, and he doesn’t have the power or the means to prepare for the future. My poor sister has her hands full just providing for their needs. I guess you can say she has poor taste in men, but the children are not to blame.

My other sister had 2 sons in the last 5 years. Their father is a drug dealer. She is separated from him. She has a minimum wage job as a cashier at a gas station.

I do not exaggerate by telling you that I could go on. I know that many of my relatives made many irresponsible choices such as refusing to seek Jesus, or finish high school, but the children aren’t even old enough to screw up yet.

My younger sister’s son was born on the day I repented for a reason. I have been called to live here in Puerto Rico because of my family (and my wife’s family), and to do my best to make preparations with the helpless needy in mind.

I can’t do it alone. I’m not the only one who will bear the burden. I have a relative who from time to time seeks Christ faithfully. God told me that he will also use him as well. Nevertheless, as God showed David Haase in a vision, no amount of preparation will be enough. The Lord told me remember the “fish” and the “loaves.”

Recently I have mentioned the meaning of the number 8. To summarize:

1. The number of the remnant abiding in the ark.

2. The number of preparation

3. The number of the year of the beginning of the famine.

4. The number of new beginnings.

5. The number of OLD ENDINGS.

The message of “as in the days of Noah” is a message of repentance. The message I have been given is to tell his people to prepare, both in the spiritual, and in the natural, as the Lord leads. I’m not called to give specific advice. The Lord has raised up others more knowledgeable than myself. Listen to them, for they are sent by God.

My brother called me one day and asked me to pray to God about whether or not he should make some repairs on his house in order to sell it. I prayed with my family and the Lord told me to tell him to make a schedule and plan these repairs that he thought prudent to make. If the Lord should open the door for the house to be sold “AS IS” before he finishes all the repairs, it is a blessing from God to spare him the trouble. If not continue repairing as scheduled because he does not know the day and the hour the sale would be finalized. God then told me to share that word with his people.

Let he who has ears take heed.

In Christ,


Up Next: Duality Part 2: The Ghost in the Machine