Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
Duality Part 2: The Ghost in the Machine
Sent May 27, 2006
When the Lord told me that he would send me to write on duality, he began teaching me at the Cross with the duality of the 2 thieves, or malefactors that were crucified next to Jesus. One repented and was saved, the other, though he bore on his body the marks of Jesus, was a mocker, a counterfeit. It was where he began to teach me about the duality between the AUTHENTIC and the COUNTERFEIT.
So, I was looking up duality and dualism on the internet. Learned a whole lot as a result. I big picture of deception throughout the ages. What caught my attention was the phrase, “the ghost in the machine.” The Lord spoke that phrase to me from time to time, but I didn’t understand his intentions or its meaning. I found it on the internet studying about duality. A modern philosopher, a critic of Cartesian mind-body duality coined the phrase in order to deride the idea of a separate soul independent of the physical body. It seemed silly to him that body and soul could be distinct. He found it absurd that human beings are like organic machines inhabited by a ghost-soul that controls it.
Now bear with me before you start thinking that I am leading you down a rabbit hole. The Lord has a purpose here. I started seeing that both the empiricists and their descendants that believed in no distinct soul, and the dualist and their new age descendants are both wrong. None of the schools of philosophy are right.
Cartesian dualism was challenged over the years by advancements in scientific knowledge. A doctor name Broca found a pattern in patients who couldn’t speak that had an injury to the same region of the brain. These types of challenges to existing ideas led to modifications and improvements. So-called great minds throughout the ages are celebrated for their ability to invent new twists on old deceptions. So perhaps the dualist believes that our souls are limited in their functioning to the working condition of the machine that house it, and the empiricist sees ever more reason to doubt the idea of an immaterial realm of the soul with each new discover of the function of the brain and the central nervous system.
Where is the wise man, where is the scholar, where is the philosopher of this age? The ideas that I respected in my youth seem so foolish when I return to them 10 years after walking with the Lord. Their intellectual debate rages on. Their truth evolves with the times. My truth, Jesus Christ, the word of God, never changes. My Truth is the same yesterday today and forever.
In the light of the AUTHENTIC truth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all other “truths” are just worthless counterfeits. Some are more recognizable as false than others. There is little danger from false teachings and philosophies that obviously contradict the TRUTH. If someone comes along and says “Jesus did not come in the flesh” we laugh at the absurdity of such an idea.
The problem with COUNTERFEITS and the danger in them is when they resemble the real thing. False Christs would come around saying “I am He.” We all read that by now. There will be great signs and wonders to deceive even the elect, if that were possible. Therein lies the danger. If I take a piece of paper, write “100 US Dollars” and “In God We Trust” on it, I’m not going to fool anyone. It’s the high-tech forgery that poses the problem.
Let’s recap. The Truth is counterfeited. The risk of deception doesn’t come from the obvious fakes, but from the realistic ones.
Duality once again. Obvious fakes, and realistic ones. In the Bible you have [false] prophets who openly worshipped other gods, and [false] prophets who professed to speak the word of the Lord and serve the MOST HIGH.
[Site Curator’s note 2/13/2023: This articles almost seems incomplete. I am not sure that there wasn’t more to it. It seems to cutoff before the final thought is concluded. That said, the point should be clear. There are two dualities. One is between the authentic and the counterfeit as evidenced by the Two Malefactors crucified next to Jesus. The other is between the obvious counterfeit and the realistic one. First be aware that this is how our enemy deceives. We spot the obvious fake and drop our guard and are deceived by the more authentic-looking counterfeit. Every believer should be aware of this and look to identify the realistic forgery whenever they spot the obvious fake because the realistic one is not far behind. To provide another image, think of the Church of Satan with their Baphomet Pentagram and the false churches that deny the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Both are false, one more obviously so with the latter created to trap those that would not fall for the former.]