David Haase – 2003 and Earlier

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Word Given to the Churches

You are called to be without blemish and yet I see that which I find detestable within you. Have not the lessons shown to my chosen people given you warning enough. I saw the priests within my temple when they thought they where safe from anyone knowing, thinking that all they had to do was offer up another sin offering and prayer, but I do not hear these or accept them and they where held accountable for their sins, as well as all those who do not turn to me with whole heart and soul and forever stop. You, who would lead my children can not even do as you say, turn to Corinthians and see yourselves…you are called to be without pride, to serve the lowest among you, to become the silver that my refection is seen in…but your dross covers you like a coat and you pull it tighter around you. Be known that you face greater punishment than those sinners who never knew me. So saith the Lord God Jehovah

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