David Haase – 2003 and Earlier
i have felt so uneasy as one before a great battle, wanting to run
or hide yet knowing you must go forth regardless. All i keep hearing is “it is time” “it is time” All i see is the terrible things of those who are
coming, my heart is in aguish, my eyes are full of tears, so many lost…so
many lost… i have been told i must go soon, where, i do not know, only
that i feel a great burden of heart. It is late, so late; only my Lord knows
the true hour, yet He impresses me with the lateness of it… Oh Lord
remember Thy mercies and grace, look upon your children and correct them with Love, remove the enemy from our camp and destroy those who seek to destroy your work and your children… Oh Lord i beseech thee hide us from your anger, kept safe in the palm of your hand, let nothing touch your children that you have not willed. So many lost…So many lost… i love you Lord… hide my face from this i can not bear to watch any more, Holy Spirit i ask and pray for the prayer to speak, fill me with what must be said, hold us that we might rest in you.