David Haase – 2003 and Earlier
Back to: Word Given to the Body in San Francisco
Word Given to America 2
So Saith The Lord Living God Jehovah
This time is at an end, you will be met with defeat on every battlefield, your heart though called has not heard My Will. No longer shall peace be upon this land, you shall suffer to watch as all around you is laid waste, you have listened to evil counsel, not looking for My Truth, My Will, My Path… death shall follow you with no place to hide, no hole deep is enough, no door is strong enough that shall keep you safe, your food will rot before your eyes, your water shall become as poison… for I will allow it. Those in positions of power shall tremble the most… yet still they will deny My Power, My Hand, My Name. They shall cry out in confusion and darkness, all their labors for nothing, for My Hand shall be behind the terror that awaits them. Many shall attempt to flee these shores with what riches they can carry, yet it shall do them no good, for their money shall be worth less than the toilet paper they seek to buy with it and can not buy their way out of My Judgments against them. Sleep shall escape them, peace will not be found, cries shall fill their ears Blood will cover their hands and not be washed away… Not even Death will bring them the peace they seek, for the Pit will await them and those who follow them. Only those who are called by My Name shall pass through these fires and be Blessed on account of it. Only those who truly seek My Face with My Heart shall be held in My Hand and walk in My Peace to offer testimony to those whose My Judgment is against. Only the Blood of My Son shall keep you safe, do not be fooled by those who will come and speak otherwise… these are the days I have long promised to come and MUST BE FULLFILLED to the letter. I AM a Loving God yet My Truth My Justice My Anger must be pored out against this stench of sin before Me. So be it… So be it… So be it…