David Haase – 2003 to Present

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It Has Taken Years to Understand What the Lord Has Wanted Me to See…

David Haase October 9, 2014 at 1:29 PM

It has taken years to understand what the Lord has wanted me to see… feel… experience… When He asked me years ago… to ask Him anything of His nature… I never truly knew the depth of the places I would be taken or the ways in which He Loves us… or the Pain He feels in our self-indulgences… So this is written with a heavy heart with many tears and in so much pain…

So many seek with their lips our Lord yet in their hearts they cry out to be adorned with things not seeing the pain they cause Him as they seek their own pleasures first above His needs… When we are first children He seeks to shower us with gifts and show us the path to follow Him… As we grow in Him some choose to follow His Heart… His Love and tend to His needs… above our own… the rest see and taste the gifts and power given and choose to follow their own heart and needs…

So much of what the Lord offers us is HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which means He loves us no matter what… Yes He hates sin but He loves us… so much so He gave His only Son so we might live with Him… to know Him… to love Him… to serve and to betrothed to Him… What is given back what most of us do is to think first what’s in it for me… we pray Lord provide for me Yes He will… but we are told to seek the Kingdom first and ALL these things WILL be added on to us… do you see the caveat? We are told to seek HIM first and foremost… please understand… some understand and get it these are the Bride… the Lily… the one whom He delights in… the rest are in need of Understanding… of Wisdom… You ask what needs does our Heavenly Father have?… He is the creator of all… what could he possibly need or want… He has everything?… Let start at the beginning WHY did He CREATE Adam?… Selah on this for a moment… You need to see… you need to ask this most basic question to understand some of the nature of our Lord…

Gen3:8 They heard the voice of ADONAI, God, walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, so the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of ADONAI, God, among the trees in the garden.

Again you are asked why was Adonai in the garden? … He came to walk and communion with Adam!!! Why would we be created in HIS image? There is much to that one but let’s stay on this… He desired to fellowship with Adam… with us… has that changed? Does He not even now call out to you… reach out to you… Seeking time with you?

We are His free willed creation meaning we have to choose to come to Him… a child whom you call and say come here and give me a hug… the child can do so reluctantly and we know what that feels like… yet a child who runs into a room just to hug you and say I LOVE YOU!!! What an awesome feeling and the knowledge that you are so loved by that child… do you not see what our Lord needs from us… to be as these little children… Loving Him for the sake of loving Him… desiring to be near Him… to want Him… to be Loved by Him… seeking to please Him… and thus seeking the kingdom first…. He knows so many will perish… it is not His desire yet they choose the path they are on… we are His light… Christ Yeshua in us… sent out to bring His Light into the darkness…

We are told to Pray for one another… Yes we have burdens which we give to the Lord daily… But when it becomes ALL about Lord Bless me… we have stepped off the path and started down a very slippery path… Our Lord is a sovereign King meaning supreme, absolute, unlimited, unrestricted, boundless, ultimate, total, unconditional… He chooses what He chooses… who knows the mind of God? The things we have to go through each of them have a purpose, a reason… we do not see… we may not ever understand… but you have been empowered to help others who have to walk through what you have… you are stronger in Him… you have knowledge and insight which can be used by the Holy Spirit to do many things…

So few will ever get this simple understanding and knowledge… you have it now and it is in your charge to bring His light to others… yet we all choose minute by minute… choice by choice whether to follow our King and His will into His Kingdom

May His light burn bright within you for all to see until your race is finished… in Yeshuas name Amen

From His Heart and within the heart of His servant now, david

Up Next: The Answer to How To Be Humble