David Haase – 2003 to Present
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Meaning of God’s Anger and Wrath
Meaning of God’s Anger and Wrath…
November 8, 2014 at 7:17 AM
Gods Anger and Wraith are two different things… but you need to understand what brings God to this…
Let’s start with what does God want from us… He asks for our Love and to commune with Him… to walk with Him in the afternoon in the garden ie garden of Eden with Adam… Why? Think on this He created us in His image… He desired fellowship and a Bride… He then says Obedience is better than sacrifices… He HATES witchcraft… what is the definition of witchcraft at its core? IT IS OUR WILL BE DONE…. NOT HIS WILL BE DONE… do you see how when we pray outside of His will what we are doing and why it is soo important to be in His will… to seek it in everything we do?
Anger comes from us choosing to turn our backs to Him and “cheat on Him with idols”…
An idol can be a favorite football team, a band, a car, anything you can’t live without is that which you worship if you think about it… Anger comes from us choosing our will over His… and more…
So what is the intention of God when He gets angry…it is to bring us to Teshuva…
What is Teshuva … think of repentance… to repent means to stop what you’re doing
and sin no more right… Teshuva is to repent stop what you are doing and sin no more, TURN around and RUN back into Daddy ABBA’S arms… it is the return of the prodigal son… it is the completeness of repentance… it is the Reason Christ died for our sins… Teshuva literally means “Return” …
Anger is used to say “STOP” what you are doing and return…. for His Mercy and Grace is that you will be saved and return to Him…
Wrath is when He sees you will NOT stop… so it when all has failed with a people…they mock Him by refusing to say You are God… it like disciplining a child… if you do not then even the good ones will say if he can do it then why be good…. there are no consequences….
We see even in wrath God’s desire that they may YET Teshuva… or else He would just destroy them all with but a Word…
He is God He is our King and no King likes to be ignored or else you are not King… His Honor His Truth and Justice demands that He takes action…yet Mercy and Grace are found in all
as we can still seek Christ and still the wrath of God… in Yeshua’s name Amen
Why GOD is so angry toward me?
I observed in my life GOD’s anger toward me was when i was committed sin… and the result?
It was to turn you from your sin and Teshuva… Have you returned to Him? it sounds like you have if you are seeking Him and have repented… so are you feeling the accusations of the enemy?…. plead the Blood of Christ right now over you… you must ask this yourself…and stand under the Kings banner…and ask the LORD to rebuke the enemy… even Michael the Arch Angel said the “Lord rebuke you” meaning even He respected the Lords creation and gave place to God to do so… remember the battle belongs to the Lord … we are told to STAND… do you remember this verse?
2 Chronicles 20:17 New King James Version (NKJV) 17 You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.”
1 Samuel 17:47New King James Version (NKJV) 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s…
Lets go to Revelation… no where do we see Gods Anger and Wraith more than here… watch and see the difference and also His hearts cry….
We see the TWO Witnesses come forth to warn BEFORE He does anything… WHY? Because He desires none should perish these are His Children… He Loves them all even the sinners… He Hates the sin but even now He Loves them enough to warn them for three and a half years… and as they warn what are they doing? Calling forth judgments as often as THEY see fit… WHY? Because it shows whose Authority come in yes many are lost but so many will Stop and listen and from those so many will Teshuva… accept Christ and Teshuva!!! The greatest harvest in History will be here…. As during this time we have the Judgments of God all in sets of Seven… a perfect number each stronger than the last… each more severe to show the time and the Lords Anger grows… for after each some Teshuva but most… MOST harden their hearts toward God and blame Him for this…
I need to share a Vision and time with the Lord… I was driving from Orlando to Atlanta… a long drive and on the radio a news story came on about a man who had kidnapped a 1 year old baby… raped her… and buried her alive in a field… a deputy searching for her saw a little hand come out of the dirt and rescued her… I was furious toward this man who done such a thing and began to pray “Lord find this man seek out Your Judgment on him!!!”… my anger was so hot… and the Lord gently spoke and said “DAVID…” and He took me before this man… “AS TERRIABLE AS THIS SIN WAS… WHEN A MAN IS TO BE PUT TO DEATH, and then He took me before the man’s Mother… YOU WATCH A MOTHER MORN HER SON… SHE KNOWS HE HAS DONE WRONG BUT HE IS STILL HER SON… I AM GOD… THEY ARE MY CREATION… MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS… DO YOU NOT THINK I LOVE AND GREIVE FOR THEM EVEN MORE?” I understood…. He loves us but His Truth and Righteousness demand Justice but as a Father He grieves the loss of His son or daughter just as we would but more so…
The Judgments come one after another… many Return to God but Most do not… so the Anger seen in the Judgments now become Wraith… this is when God’s Anger is at its peak… there is NO place to hide from an Angry and Vengeful God…. Yet even Here God is crying out in Mercy and Love as again the wraith is measured out… allowing if any would listen to… stop and Teshuva to Him…. All I can is Wow!!! God Loves us even though all we have done against Him… and yes it is against Him… and STILL He desires we Return to Him…I am in tears realizing just how Awesome our Lord is… how much He loves us in spite of ourselves…. He sees the creation as He desired us to become…. not what we turned into… what we chose to become…. So much lost …. So many lost… so little time yet… pray for all these who can yet be saved… who will listen before these days finish… and they are lost forever…. In Yeshua’s name Amen…