David Haase – 2003 to Present

Back to: Two Choices

So Few Understand the Season or the Times…


So few understand the season or the times and many of those who refuse to accept the simplicity of what is needed from them… Just stop (repent) turn around (teshuva) and run back into Abba’s arms all through Yeshua/Jesus… for over 50 years i have been watching dreams and visions from the Lord … all about these moments to come… for so many it will be as a surprising as getting hit by a bus… sudden, without warning and no time to react…. And that is just the beginning of it… and to each of these events it is a cry from the Lord to return to Him.. Now!… before you are lost forever… many say this is not for me as I am a Christian… yet the Lord sees your heart and what it reveals…

So here is your test…

First and last thought each day what is it about or who?… when given a choice between the two hands… God or self… in the little things each day which do you choose? … God desires a Bride who chooses Him above herself…

So if you failed that one are a bridesmaid?… a wise bridesmaid knows Yeshua and is filled with the Holy Spirit… but Jesus is not the first in her life… close but not quite… she loves Him… but too often chooses herself above Him…

If you failed this then perhaps you are a foolish bridesmaid… lacking Holy Spirit… you know of and even accept Jesus but you love everything it brings a sort of tag along for the ride, thinking its all good I am here am I not?… but you spend no time with Holy Spirit not even sure if He is real or don’t care as you have things to do instead… these will figure it out much too late…

But many many fall into these two groups at a rate of 10-1…. So out of 11 who say they accept Christ only 1 is Bride… the rest… well half get to watch the marriage of the Bride and the Groom… the other half are told the same as those who did things in Yeshua/Jesus name but on their own… Be gone I NEVER KNEW YOU…. They had No relationship with Him… so where do you find yourself in this?… That is between you and the Lord… but my prayer is to see you as the Bride… Seek Him with ALL of your heart, first in everything… fill it with His Love and let it pour forth like a river…

In Kings love… david

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