David Haase – 2003 to Present

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In everything from the very beginning… God sought out a relationship with His creation… with Adam… it is why He desired to walk every afternoon with Adam… He wanted to know him and for Adam to Know God… We look at David and all throughout his life he sought the heart of God to do His will when we watch his son who was given Great Wisdom… he missed the what his father had come to know and that was everything starts with the relationship with our creator… you can know everything… but God is Love… that is one of His seven Spirits and we all know that without Love we have nothing…

Every relationship is a two way work in progress… when you are first saved and really… really give your heart to the Lord… did He not romance you? … Think back to those times… if not then ask why… did you truly give your heart or just say them as you were expected by others to do so… this is not to diminish the work being done in your life in no way but to give you what you need to seek with all your heart… if you are now married or have had friends so close you told everything to you… knowing they would listen to you when no one else would and comfort you or give you advise… give you a hug… and be there for you… so it is with the Lord but as in any relationship it is not just in the hard times we were with friends… what allowed you to have that level of intimacy with them was also sharing the good times… speaking at great length with them about what just happened… your joy or surprise… think of seeing the little children and how when they discover something new how excited they become…. they cannot contain themselves and have to share it!…. This is some of what makes up a relationship… you share they listen… they share you listen… Your Father in heaven desires to be close to you… to have you know Him and to know you…

A good relationship is learning everything you can about someone you want to trust and share your deepest secrets with… the closer you became the more you both shared with each other… the more the trust the deeper the secrets you would share… this is no different… in fact it is our part to dig into as the Lord has already given us the means to learn about Him and once we start THEN He starts opening up more to us in those still quite moments alone with Him…

Relationship is what separates the Bride from the wise and the wise from the foolish bridesmaids… each taking their relationship deeper to a place that one from those 11 has grown in such love with the Lord that Lord desires her for His bride… when you get married you want to spend the rest of your life and time with that person because of the person you have grown to know… it is deep seeking love and knowing the other that makes this… and the foolish bridesmaid who knew of but just never found time to sit and talk with their king… the one who wants so much to be their groom as well… will find out the price was so high to pay when He tells them later be gone I never knew you…

All He has asked to start this is relationship with Him… we do so first by accepting Yeshua/Jesus as our savior… to make a path.. a way to sit and speak with our Lord… you were paid for with a great price but like all relationships you still need to work on them. So go now and confess your sins before Him… become clean with the blood of the lamb as He can have no sin before Him as He is Holy… then go sit at the feet of the Lord and spend time with Him… it is His great delight for you to do so…

In Kings Love…david

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