David Haase – 2003 to Present
What is the Definition of Witchcraft at Its Core?
The answer is “my” will be done not Gods….. it is about self…. not about kingdom first… it is about my needs and desires above all else… it is seeing what we think should be done… thinking we know better than God what should be done or not caring we will seek it anyways… sometimes we seek without asking God what is His Will or what should we pray… it is like being a sniper and just shooting whatever moves… no idea if it is good or bad or if it supposed to be there to help someone get closer to God or be a lesson they must learn… we just do what is right in our own eyes…
Gods ways and thoughts are above our own… it is for this reason the Holy Spirit is there to lead and teach and speak with us IF WE ASK… sadly not many do… too often we just blindly do our thing, justifying with it with all manors of thoughts and excuses…
Jesus taught us HOW to pray… THY WILL BE DONE… so how hard is it to ask first for direction on what to pray? Remember we are called servants yes but also he calls us HIS FRIEND… so why would we take advantage of the trust of our friend… even more to the point comes the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord…. And the one phrase which should strike fear in everyone… “But Lord Lord I did all these things in YOUR NAME… and the Lord replied BEGONE I NEVER KNEW YOU!!!!”
It is seeking His will and a relationship with Him that seeks HIS kingdom first not our own….
Start your prayers with Lord show me how to pray for this and what your will is in this matter you will be amazed at the depth and speed of the answered prayers when you give it to Gods Will… IN JESUS NAME… when He directs you… Be Blessed in Blessing others for He called us to pray for one another…