David Haase – 2003 to Present

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It Has Begun

April 4th 2020

Hatred and evil now breathe… it is heavy and is felt in ways hard to imagine… The Riders have begun their journey with purpose… for it is time… it has begun…

All things have and will change… even more as you will not recognize the world around you… nor should you…  Like Peter in the storm… your eyes must be kept on Yeshua (Jesus) alone now… He must be your focus… Your everything… your all in all… be not afraid for He is with you now and always… in the darkness that comes, He is your light… you will see what others cannot… do not fear the days ahead but ask for the Spirit of Fear the Lord to keep you from falling… it is the one spirit that Yeshua came in the most… the one that kept Him on His path until the end… and if He needed this Spirit of the Lord then how much so more are we need?

Go into your prayer closets close the door and seek Him now… Seek Him with ALL your heart mind body and spirit… It is Time…

In Kings Love and with a heavy heart… His servant,

david haase

Up Next: The Warnings Were Given But Few Listened