David Haase – 2003 to Present

Back to: After Much Prompting

An American Carrier Battle Fleet Off the Coast of Iran

From 2002 June 11 Recent events have caused me to look this up and repost… also look for Bob Nuemann’s Aircraft Carrier post …

 In open vision i witnessed an American carrier Battle fleet off the coast of Iran… as it moved North, Iran was to its right side, i saw a flash then a mushroom cloud all three carriers and support fleet sank very quickly as the blast was very close to the fleet. i had the impression of Russian or Chinese techs running the launchers. Next i stood in a rear area building long office type, inside were men and women in tan dress uniforms all with their hands raised over their heads surrendering all very surprised. My sense was the enemy had come in behind or from a host country and all these Americans in uniform, which numbered around 3000 where to be killed and used as propaganda. Next i saw strange looking low riding trucks and missile launchers with desert camo but the colors where wrong for the camo i had seen the US use in the past, all these where driving into the desert at a high rate of speed.

Follow up to vision there were hundreds of missiles incoming and the fleet was shooting them down as fast as they could.. their focus was to the east toward the mass barrage.. what they did not notice was a sub had been laying quietly on the bottom till the right moment till the fleet had pasted then slowly came to depth and fired one missile this contained the nuke…

Up Next: And the Heart Grieves