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To the Leaders of the Churches
To the leaders of the churches…
From the Lord of Hosts who sits above all creation
To the leaders of the churches…
you have sought power and fame, you have sought money and a life of ease, you do what you do and disguise it with My name in the vain hope I will not notice… you steal from all who come seeking milk, bread and meat… yet I see babies and all those starving in what you call as church… you seek pretty words and clever sermons to make those who come to you think they are being feed yet you cannot even feed yourself… you accost those I send to you to feed My sheep but you turn them away… make fun of them or turn those amongst you against them… I send warning again and again from the mouth of not one but two or more of My servants but you turn a deaf ear claiming it is not what we were taught… it is against our way or our teaching…
It is written before your very eyes… held in your very hands yet you do not read nor understand who I Am… this world and all those in it are about to see what was written so plainly that even the unschooled will understand that which you have FAILED to teach… FAILED to warn… FAILED to feed to those who came seeking a Holy Sovereign God to worship… to Love… to grow in intimacy with… You will stand before My Holy Throne… before the King of Kings and answer for your failings… you wanted the responsibility of a Shepherd… here you will find out the meaning of that responsibility… for in all your haste you forgot it is not about you but about My Kingdom to come… you sought to be as one called into service but know this you shall earn the payment due for a false shepherd … You have also forgotten that one of My Spirits is Judgement and that is now upon you and all those who follow your teachings…
In Mercy you are offered this warning that you might find the true meaning of Tesuvha…
Up Next: To Those Called From Before the Foundation Stones Were Created