David Haase – 2003 to Present
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What is Fear of the Lord?
How we will gain fear of the LORD?
What is Fear of the Lord?
The Fear of the Lord is one of His Seven Spirits… it is part of His nature…
It is respect… in bowing down to the creator all things… it is the terror of standing or falling down unable to move as you stand before His glory…He is cloaked in Darkness….do you know why?
Because we would be blinded by His Glory and Holiness… who is worthy to look upon Him?
He is a Holy God…we are all sinners all of us… who can be only saved by the grace and Mercy of God through His only Son…
We feel unworthy yet it is His Son we honor by coming before God… the Fear of the Lord is what Jesus walked in when He came…it kept Him focused… on the job at hand… kept Him from temptation and sin… as he was human, this was where He kept safe…
The Fear of the Lord to me… is to be without Him… to have the Lord remove His presence, His Love, His Holy Spirit from me… to be counted among the goats… Christ saying depart from me I never knew you… to cast me into the outer darkness… it is the Awe… the Greatness… the Holiness of our God before us… that makes you tremble… it is respect for WHO He is… It is God and even here is His Love….
How do you gain the Fear the Lord? With humility and understanding of Who He really is…